Ok here we go a sneak peek at the flip flop progress!!!!

Here is my wonderful hubby getting the walls ready for paint. He trims I roll it makes for a great team!!!! He said I got his good side!!! Ha Ha!!!

Here are some of the first pictures of the new family room that use to be the dining room.

A little reading nook for me. Opposite this is where I am on the hunt for a nice leather recliner for the hubby. I am hoping to find something worn and cottage looking. Maybe in a light chestnut tan color.

I realized something when I started the flip I have more wall space now in my new family area so I guess I will be on the hunt for more chippy treasures.

Some old chippy pieces

My old chippy window needed a new place to hang.

I love all my old chippy birdhouses I have collected.

Entry way is a work in progress still.

Sneak peek at the soon to be new dining room.  My husband hung the shelves for me last night and I started to put some of my dining pieces back up.

My bench and old vintage bed frame made into a chalk board hanger.  Need to write something cute on that chalk board!!!

My office still in tack.  I just will do a little tweaking in there. Do you love the ladder in the picture!!!!! Not staying!!!!

Well my friends this is the start of the rooms.  I thought I would just show you some of the progress.  I think we got alot done over this week end.  It went alot easier than I thought.  I still need to finish the dining room and do a little more tweaking of the design in each room.  My husband need to put up the chandelier but we needs to move the electrical so that will be a project.  Always something. I am happy with the progress so far.


  1. Kris this switcheroo looks great!!! So sweet of your husband to help out too!
    Happy New Year!!

    1. Hi Anne,
      I am liking it so far. I just have to figure out all the decor on the walls etc. That is the hard part is where I want to put everything. Happy New Year.

  2. Wow! When you say you are going to change something, you mean NOW! That's it, I'm shutting down this computer and getting myself to work in this old house.

    Everything is coming together beautifully!

  3. Does it feel like you moved into a new home?? Changing rooms like that is sooo like us ladies....I think everything looks FABULOUS!! Can't wait to see more!! Happy New Year, Girl...you work so FAST! Roxie

  4. Your home is amazing!
    Here's to wonderful husbands . . . long may they live and may they be blessed with thoughtful and appreciative wives. I think it is fabulous that you thanked him for all of his help, in this way. Happy blogging, happy decorating, and happy New Year.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  5. It looks really good- I can't wait to see both rooms all done!!! It is going to be good- xo Diana

  6. It looks great so far, Kris! You've got such great furniture and decor to work with though. Happy New Year!

  7. Wow are you fast, and it all looks fab. Love it:)

  8. Beautiful! The rooms are coming along so nicely and FAST! Great job you and your husband are doing! I love your decor! Happy New Year! Hugs, Leena

  9. Looking so awesome, fresh and clean! How are you liking your decision to swap rooms? I think you made the right decision! keep us posted on your progress and let us know when you have your first party!!


  10. Oh Kris...it is looking so good and I can't wait to see more!! I think I need you to come help me decorate...I love your style and decor!!!
    Happy New Year!

  11. So glad that someone else FLIPFLOPS rooms!!! All of your 'befores' were wonderful!!! I cant wait to see the 'afters'!!! You are my inspiration!!!! Happy New Year!! Donna K.

  12. I love it. Every single little thing about it!! Beautiful.

  13. It is looking fab! I love when change happens and it turns out just like you want it!

    Amy Jo

  14. Morning,
    wow, yall got a lot done very quickly...........I must say!! It all looks beautiful, course,
    I thought it was beautiful before, course, I like to change things up every so often too,
    makes life fun!! My fav pic is of your lil bench with the chippy headboard chalkboard/hanger. I have been looking for fabric like that for my chairs and have not been able to find it so far.....frustrating!! Maybe in the New Year, course, I haven't done an
    exhaustive search either!! lol
    Really loved the pic of your dining room, in the post before of your table with that lil punch of robins egg blue in the placemats. Robins egg blue.........my fav color......so
    that was gorgeous too. You have such creative talent hon, it is really breathtakingly beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product as I know it will all be wonderful.
    Blessings to you and yours for a Joyous and Healthy New Year,

  15. I am your newest follower. Cant wait to sift through your blog soon.. Happy New Year!

  16. Gorgeous! I love how you hang wreaths and things on the windows. I have an old window that I did not know what to do with...hmmm, you got me thinking! I found your blog thru "shabby story".

  17. What paint color and brand is on your walls? It is perfect!

    1. Hello,
      The paint is by Behr and the color is called toasted almond. It is a great color if you want a hint of cream and more on the white side not yellow at all. Another color I love by Behr that I have in my master bedroom is called cotton whisper and that is a great color too. Check them out at Home Depot.

  18. Gorgeous!!!! Kris...I have a question about your old gate behind the twin bed. Did you get lucky enough to find it so perfectly chippy or did you faux paint it? I have an old gate that looks a lot like that one, but it is not painted...just a little rusty. Thanks! Tammy

  19. WOW....I COULD MOVE RIGHT IN!!!! It is all wonderful! I know you just cant wait to have the next holiday/dinner , so you may serve in your new dining room!!! Your hubby is one heck of a guy too!!! Heres to his new chair!!! Enjoy it all....Donna Kelly

  20. Kris,
    Everything looks so gorgeous...I love white themes, but cannot go ALL white since I have too many favorite furnishings and collections with reds, browns and blacks. I think you will love my Winter Mantel theme, if you'd like to take a peek...I always enjoy following your posts!

  21. Hi Kris...so nice to meet you and your GORGEOUS blog!! I've spent lots of the day blog hopping and found your blog...I am honestly telling you that yours is now one of my favorite blogs I've ever browsed through...I'm now following...I joined just from seeing your banner...LOVE that bike...ok...I could blab on and on about your great stuff but I'm going back to look around some more...please come and visit...take a look at some of my older posts too...I think you will like them. Have a great day, Mariaelena

