I have been down for the count with a back issue.  I have never had back issues until this past week.  I had an MRI today and am hoping for some news soon so I can fix my problem and get back to life!!!!! I can't sit at my computer for long so here is a short little post today.  I was going crazy laying around so needed to do a short post.
This is the chippy little tea cart I got in Morris awhile back at one of my favorite shops called Vintage. I loved her the moment I set eyes on her.  I was not sure what I was going to do with her just knew she needed to come home with me.

I placed her under my old chippy barn door in my dining room. I thought the two chippies needed to be together.

I decorated her up with an old wooden tray and some of my white tea set and some pretty flowers.

This old picnic basket was my grandmothers so found a place for it on the old tea cart.  Not too big of a post but it felt good to get on the blog for a little while today.  Thanks for coming by.
Sharing with Pamela at Treasure Hunt Thursday http://www.frommyfrontporchtoyours.com

Also sharing with Open House Thursday


  1. Oooh, so sorry to hear you are having back issues, Kris. I just get sore in recent years, and especially now when I've picked up my granddaughter. Your cart looks cart. Your tray and the picnic basket fit in it perfectly. Love your white tea set, too.

    1. Kathy,
      Thanks for well wishes. My MRI showed some bulging in my discs. Hoping with some therapy I will get some relief.

  2. I hope you feel better soon and it is nothing serious. I'm sure the cold weather is not helping either. Your tea cart is perfect for your dining room and how sweet that you have your grandmothers picnic basket. Love the chippy barn door.

    1. Thanks so much for the healing wishes. I have a few bulging disc issues so am hoping for some relief with some therapy.

  3. The tea cart is just adorable and I love love love that chippy barn door!

  4. Oh! I am sorry about your back.I hope the find a solution soon and that it is nothing serious.
    Luving the tea cart AND the chippy window. Your grandmother's picnic basket... so sweet.
    Feel better.
    hugs, Gee

  5. Oh, I hope you get your back issues resolved and it's a simple fix!

    The cart will be perfect for serving tea, winter or summer, and fits perfectly under your chippy door.

    Take care,

    1. Hi Vickie,
      I have never had any back issues so this has been a drain on me this week. The MRI showed some bulging discs. So I will start some physical therapy. Hope that will help. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

  6. Oh Kris, I hate hearing you are down in your back and serious enough for an mri. Your tea cart is lovely and I lobe the fact that you have your grandmother's picnic basket to go on it!! But you know I love everything about your home!!
    Take care and get better soon!

    1. eck..LOVE not LOBE...I never proof until AFTER I hit send...LOL

    2. Ha Ha I know what you mean. I have done that too where I have posted a comment and then saw a typo! It happens and I knew whet you were saying! Thanks for the sweet comments.

  7. It's always a treat to see your lovely home. The picnic basket looks charming under your little cart, very cute.

  8. I hope you feel better soon, sweetie. Do you remember straining it at all? I hurt my back carrying my luggage years ago and it's never been the same. I hope the MRI gives you some answers.

    I love that tea cart. We went to Morris years ago and I fell in love with all the shops...I'd love to go again.

    Take care now and rest!


  9. Beautiful photos Kris! LOVE that sweet tea cart.I can see why you were smitten with it.Hope you are feeling better soon,take care.

  10. I had a similar cart when I was a girl...sure wish Mom would have kept it now! Everything looks beautiful as always. I sure hope you get to feeling better with your back, back pain is the worst!

  11. So sorry to hear about your back problems. I have been struggling with back troubles for 2 years now and it is the no fun when your back acts up. I've had shots in my back and other treatments. Sometimes I can go for months with no problems and then can have problems for weeks on end. I hope that the physical therapy helps you to feel better real soon.
    Love the tea cart...and how you decorated it!!

  12. Kris, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Back pain can be just horrible to deal with. I hope you get some answers and a solution very soon.
    I love your sweet little cart. Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Debi

  13. I love that you have your grand-mother's picnic basket. I hope you get to use it often. Feel better soon!

  14. Please! Take care of yourself. I understand that back problems can be really painful. We all need you back posting as soon as you are healthy.
    *Smiles* (a hug might hurt) :)

  15. I sure hope you are feeling better today!! Love your little cart and that you have your granny's picnic basket!! I think you need to fill it full of new shabby chic mags and a few pain killers. Get well!!

  16. I aim so sorry that your back mishap has not resolved itself! I have back problems (herniated discs) and I know that it is no fun! I hope that you're feeling better soon!! Hugs,Leena

    1. Hi Leena,
      Yep it is official I am old... I got tell you I am 54 going on 84 some days. The MRI showed bulging discs in my lower back so I will start some physical therapy next week and we will go from there. Hopefully that will be enough and I will not have to have any further invasive stuff done. Thanks for the good wishes.

  17. Short but so sweet. Hope your results come in soon and it's nothing too serious. Hope your back feels better soon.

  18. the cart looks lovely all dressed up, krs:) hope your back gets some comfort soon--not fun, i know.

  19. Hi Again.....
    Saw this yesterday but didn't get a chance to comment. Love your lil tea cart, it is so
    adorable, and really liked how you accessorized it as well, Looks great sitting in that spot too.
    Blessings for a Lovely Valentine's day,

  20. Morning Kris, I would have taken that sweet cart home too! Very unique style, and of course, it looks lovely the way you have it decorated! I am a little behind on reading my favorite blogs...I'm praying your back will be "back" to normal very soon! Roxie

