I have a fun post for today. I received a really fun and sweet little gift in the mail yesterday from two of the most talented and fun bloggers.  I know some of you know them. Vicki from  http://daranger911.blogspot.com/ and Tracy from http://crowsfeetchic.blogspot.com/

Those two are so funny and they just crack me up with their Sock Monkeys.  If you are not familar with their sock monkeys you must take a look here. http://daranger911.blogspot.com/search/label/Studio%20911%20sock%20monkeys



They both collaborated and Vicki made me a sock monkey and Tracy made her bikini.  I wanted one for my lake guest room and she is just perfect.  I just have not found a name for her so I thought I would see if you have any good ideas for a cute name.
In the meanwhile she has been checking out her new digs.

She is checking out the big old farmhouse mailbox in her new digs!!!! I am thinking she thinks that could be a good place to hide when she does not want to be distrubed!

She is liking "monkeying" around with the mailbox.

Then she checked out the sail boat and I told her she would have to wait a few months to take the sail boat out on the Lake. Big snow storm on the horizon!!!

Then she borrowed my reading glasses to read the cottage rules that she must live by.

Then she decided to take a bike ride to check out the rest of the house.

Wow if her legs were just a wee bit longer!!!

Then she saw the new Easter Bunny and posed for a camera shot with him on my dining room table.

Then she helped me with this post so I would capture her in the best light and always get her good side in the pictures.

After all this moving in stuff she is tired and needed to take a rest.  I love her pretty blue eyes and her sweet disposition. Now we just need a cute name for her.  Got any good ideas please share them in your comments.
Thank you Vicki and Tracy I love my new Sock Monkey.  I see many adventures in her future!!!!!



  1. Okay... this is hilarious! You might just be starting a new trend. That sock monkey is adorable. Thanks for the laughs this morning! AND I could look at your home photos for hours and hours! Gets me in trouble...people need to eat and laundry is piling up over here- LOL!

    1. Ha Ha Sherry. Laundry and eating are not all they are cracked up to be!!!! Glad you are enjoying the blog. It is sweet bloggers like you that keep me learning this new world. I am loving my little sock monkey she just makes me smile.

  2. She is adorable, Kris! Love her bikini. I also love your rules for the lake house. I could very easily follow them! If you play off the M in monkey, you could call her Midge, Mona or Mimi.

  3. How cute!!! I love all the poses your sock monkey did. LOL! And I must say.....that bikini is just smashing.

  4. Oh, I forgot to leave a name suggestion for her! How about Ruby? Afterall, she does have a huge set of ruby red lips!

    1. Oh Kelly I was leaning towards Midge but now that you mentioned Ruby for her ruby red lips hmmmmmmmm this is going to be hard. Tracy did a great job on her bikini!!!! Love her matching hat!!!

  5. She looks like an Amanda to me! Too cute! I've always liked sock monkeys!

    1. How can you not love a sock monkey. Thanks for coming by I am going to check out your blog too. Have a great day.

  6. What a funny post-I'm glad she is getting a rest after her big day ;-)

    1. Ellie,
      She did have a big day yesterday upon arrival from Minnesota so she is resting today. She has many more adventures in the future I feel!!!!

  7. A sock monkey wearing a bikini, now I have seen it all, LOL.
    She is adorable, and perfect for a lake cottage :)
    Have a lovely day . . . fun post. . .
    Connie :)

    1. Ha Ha Connie,
      You need to check out Tracy and Vicki's sock monkey adventures especially McWill and his job at McDonald then you will say you have seen it all!!!!!! McWill is a hoot. Check it out.

  8. She is darling! How sweet of the girls to make this for you. Love the bikini!


    1. Hi Jane,
      Glad you love this little sock monkey. She is a riot. Don't you love her belly button. How can you not love a sock monkey.

  9. Very cute little monkey....I have a thing for monkeys, don't know why....Love the bikini!!

    1. Linda,
      How can you not love a sock monkey. They are so adorable. Glad she made you smile.

  10. I LOVE Midge too... it is the name I always use when 'playing' with my daughter!! hee hee So glad she arrived and I am LOVING all of her pics. Macy saw her too this morning before she left for school and you gave us a BIG smile. I think my fav' is her last pose on the pillow. Her belly button cracks me right up -- Macy loved her blue eyes. Her Red Cross button is just the right size... not much room on a bikini. If I remember correctly.... it's been quite a few years since I've sported one of those!

    Thank YOU so much for the sweet gifts you sent my way. Wilhelmina sends her best regards to 'Midge' and reminds her to apply her sunscreen. In a few months that is, when the snow melts. Thanks so much for the fun post Kris! xo

    1. Tracy,
      I can't thank you enough. I just love her little bikini and matching hat. I think she is liking her new digs. I checked on her this morning and she was snuggled up in the bed all tuckered out from her big arrival day yesterday. She makes me smile. Thanks so much.

  11. Oh Kris, this is too funny! What a great way to start my morning. Your blog is becoming habit forming. An addiction that I love to have.
    Your sock monkey is going to have fun living at your cottage.

    1. Pamela,
      You are the sweetest. I love this little sock monkey she is addicting. You really must check out Tracy's McWill story and see his first day at McDonalds. It is a hoot.

  12. Your sock monkey, in her bikini and matching hat, is just adorable. I love love it! Such fun seeing where she was playing around in your house.

    1. Amy,
      So glad you liked the sock monkey and her adventures in her new home. She is a sweetie. How can you not love a sock monkey especially one with a cute belly button.

  13. I will never think of a sock monkey the same again!!!!! *laughing out loud*

    1. Ha Ha!!!! You need to get a sock monkey. They bring a whole new dimention to blogging.
      Have a great evening.

  14. love it!!! and love that mailbox.
    of course there is hardly ever anything here I do not love. =)

    blessings and have a great week.


  15. Well if those are not the cutest photos ever!!! LOL
    Your newest follower !

    1. Suzan,
      I am glad you found me now I am a new follower of your blog. Love it. Thanks for coming by. Have a great evening. Glad little sock monkey made you smile.

  16. SOOOO cute!!! Yes, I love Vicki's blog. She keeps me smiling and laughing. I'll have to check out Tracy's.
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice,
      Both Tracy and Vicki are a riot. They have not only beautiful inspirational blogs they are so funny too. Check out their sock monkey adventures you will love them.

  17. Oh Kris...she is just too cute!! I think she does look like a Midge. Went to Tracy and Vicki's blog and these sock monkeys are the cutest things!! I've been feeling under the weather today and all you made me smile with your sock monkeys.

    1. HI Cindy,
      Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Glad this little sock monkey cheered you. Something about sock monkeys that just make you smile. I love Tracy and Vicki's they are a riot with the monkeys. Love McWill and going to McDonalds. So cute and funny. Tracy has a great sense of humor.

  18. 'Midge' sounds just right! She lookes like someones peculiar old aunt who moved to a snazzy retirement center in Florida. She always wears outdated huge sunglasses and is ready to throw on a flowerprint mumu when the air conditioning gets too much for her.

    1. So far the vote for Midge is winning!!!! I think she does kinda resemble a Midge and I love your decription of her. That might have to be her story in retirement years!!!!
      Have a great night.

  19. Oh this was good for a smile and a chuckle--a sock monkey in a bikini--who couldn't smile when you see that? Enjoyed your post :)

    1. Who doesn't love a sock monkey especially one in a bikini!!!! You must check out Vicki and Tracy's Sock Monkey adventures. They will have you laughing. Thanks for coming by my dear friend.

  20. How precious is that monkey and the bikini is hilarious. Love it!!

    1. Ha Ha!!! How can you not love a sock monkey especially one in a bikini!!!!! Glad it made you smile.

  21. Well I hope I look that good in a bikini in my retirement years... in truth I wish I looked that good now!! She is adorable and so appropriate she has a little red cross!! Looking forward to many more adventures with Midge...

    1. Ha Ha!!! Glad she made you smile and do stay tuned because I think Midge has alot more adventures in the future!!!! Have a great week.

  22. Well, we sure got to see your silly side today, Kris!! You are quite a natural when it comes to styling the set for your new monkey. The picture of her riding your famous white bike takes the cake! I can see she's already brought out your inner child, and I must warn you, once that child is set free, there's no going back! You better give the fire chief fair warning. :)

    Thanks for laugh! It's a good way to end a long day.

    Now for a name. I really am liking Midge. Mmmm, hmmmm. Mumu Midge.

    xo, Vickie

    1. Ohhhhh Vickie,
      I am so lovin my sock monkey. I think the overwhelming vote for her name is looking to be Midge. I think Midge will have a lot of future adventures ahead. I think too everyone will be surprised to see when she graduates College and becomes a special professional in the future!!! I know you have a busy schedule this month so good thought to you and hopes that the month goes quickly for you. Midge is a sleep very tired today from all her moving in yesterday.

  23. Oh my goodness, you're crackin' me up! I've got a comical visual of you posing 'Midge' (there, does that confirm it for you?!) The one with your reading glasses on, the one next to the rabbit, on the pillow....they're all hilarious....one of my earliest pins on Pinterest was from Vickie's Ranger 911 where the monkeys were jumping on the bed....I have a niece who's crazy for sock monkeys, and I'm always snapping photos of them whenever I see them, sending them to her (like a couple under cellophane at the grocery, to which I added the caption 'HELP! Get us out of here!'). Doesn't take much for us all, does it? :)

    Best to you from Panoply in WV,

    1. Panoply,
      I am so glad this little sock monkey brought some humor and a smile to your day. She is a special little monkey and how doesn't love a sock monkey in a bikini!!!!! Have a great week.

  24. She looks like she's enjoying her new digs. That bikini cracks me up. Midge sounds like a good name. Or Gidget? Except I don't remember if Gidget wore a bikin or not. Have fun with her!

    1. Hi Pam,
      I think the overwhelming vote is to name sock monkey Midge!!!! I think it is a good name for her. Watch for future adventures from Midge. I suspect she has some future adventures in the works!!! Have a great week.

  25. I am going to have to live vicariously through these sock monkeys. They have more fun than I do.

    1. Ha Ha!!!! Don't you know it. My sock monkey has already had a wonderful adventure here in the first day!!!!

  26. Replies
    1. Hi Susan,
      I do love this little sock monkey. How can you not love a sock monkey in a bikni!!! I think she will be the only one around here in a bikni looking out today at the 6 inches of snow we got here. Ughhhhh!!!! Where is summer.

  27. Oh my gosh! I LOVE sock monkeys! My grandma made them for each of us - she started out making one for my parents, which was considered their first born LOL! I still have her! I lolve how theyh included the pompoms on her wrists and ankels - just like my grandma made them! Her bikini is so cute and her sun hat! I love all the poses - too adorable! A name? Hmmm.....Miss Chevious LOL Nah! Poot! I can't think of anything right now. Maybe Miss Chevious isn't so bad afterall :) Hugs, Leena

    1. Hi Leena,
      You have to love a sock monkey. She does make you smile. I am glad she brought back great memories for you. Hope you are having a great week.

  28. How adorable! I remember when I was a girl how sock monkeys were the rage. My cousin had one that he carried everywhere he went...of course if I questioned him about it now, I am sure he would deny it. But his was a boy, lol! Your's is the cutest, how blessed is she to be ready for bikini weather.

  29. Oh, I think she would have to be called Pammy after Pamela Anderson with those big lips!! And the bikini (even though it's not red!!). Looking forward to hear what name you chose for her.

  30. Well, the girls did you proud! Your monkey has a great combo of both of their personalities! I have to tell you I'm a tad jealous of that mailbox. Been on the hunt for one of those forever! I'll just have to enjoy yours for now, especially now that it comes with a bikini monkey!
    Liz @ Quirky Vistas

  31. such a cute post, kris:) the bikini is just darling on her and your staging must have been so fun! vickie sent me "lena" a couple years ago, and i love her! the details in her outfit are amazing--(you can see her on my 2012 new years day post:)

