Door Hoarder Alert!!!! Ha ha!!!! I just was at Vintage one of my favorite shops this week end and tucked in the corner with a lot of stuff hanging off her, there she was a chippy old door whispering to me, well actually yelling for me to come look at her!!!!!

I needed another old chippy door like I needed another hole in my head but once I laid eyes on her I was smitten and the price was great too.  So I brought her home with every intention of putting her into my office area.  Well.........

That vision did not work out so well.  So while I was wondering what I was going to do with this chippy little beauty I saw the door in my laundry room to the storage room was needing a little update.  So I got the hubby to take some measurements and of course my new chippy door was not going to fit, too big but the hubby said no problem I have tools!!!!! Love a man with tools and who knows how to use them!!!!! So he shaved off some of the door and rebuilt it some and now it fits perfectly in where the old door was.

This is the door I had.  Just a stock door that leads from my mudd room into a storage room.  I had hung the old vintage ironing table I got awhile back on this door.

Here is the "new" old chippy door.  Her window was busted out and they had an old piece of plastic in the window so my hubby got some MDF board that was already painted with chalk board paint.  I did not know you could get these already painted with chalk board paint.  So that saved me having to paint the MDF board.

I love this new old door with the chalk board.  Gives a more vintage fun feel to the laundry room. 

I re hung the old vintage ironing board on the wall near the window.

I re hung my old vintage hangers and door knob hanger on this wall.  So it is all good I found new homes for the stuff that was on the original door.

I am loving my new door.  Thanks to my wonderful husband for his talents in making my visions work.  I love the history this piece has and love the character it gives to the laundry/mud room.
Hope you have a great week.  Thanks for visiting.

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  1. Love the door! I think the clothesline with the missing socks is so cute!

    Have a great week too!

  2. OMG! This is my favorite room of your house, Kris! And I love how Mr. JCC works with you to git'er done! Love that door, the mason jar chandelier, ALL of it! Lucky you! Now all you need is a $2000 golden cow! ;)

  3. I am loving your new door too. I love the chalkboard part.

  4. Kris....that's just too sweet! Love the socks :-)

  5. Adorable! I am trying to figure out what to do with and upcycled wood cottage screen door! I want it in the garden in some capacity! Let me know if you have any ideas!
    Erin at Piers and Chandeliers

  6. I am totally impressed with your door and the vision you had. Adds a sentimental touch to your laundry room. It is truly a gift when we have husbands that go with our flow and assist in the heat of need. My husband is very helpful too, even when he can't vision the end result and is perplexed by what I am doing.

  7. How beautiful. Love it all. You deserve another door. LOL

  8. Every time I visit you, my mouth drops! You are so incredibly talented! I love your laundry room!!!! Big hugs to your sweet hubs for helping you! It's perfect. I love the chalkboard and font. BRILLIANT!

  9. I love your "new" old door, Kris! It looks perfect in your laundry room. I had no idea you could get MDF already painted with chalkboard paint. What a time saver! I'll have to look for that next time I'm at Home Depot.

    Thanks for linking up to The Creative HomeAcre blog hop! : )

  10. I love your Laundry room and the whole entry way to it. A laundry room should be special, and a fun place to enter...cause laundry is not fun....normally...right? Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics and your creative ideas. Karen from acapecodnest

  11. WOW, how perfect is that!~ I will just call you door lady instead of bag lady LOL!

  12. That room keeps changing, it's the prettiest laundry room ever.

  13. I love it! It turned out so cute. The chalkboard insert was a perfect touch. I'm curious how much is a good deal on a door. I don't see them very often but there's a beauty in a local store that I keep eyeing and trying to figure out where I'd put it and how to justify the expense. ;-)

  14. FABULOUS door, Kris!! I love that it can be used as an actual door.
    Mary Alice

  15. This is the cutest laundry room ever. I love the new door and the ironing board is fabulous. Thanks so much for joining to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  16. Well that is just the c-u-t-e-s-t thing! I love how you hung socks across it and what you wrote above it. Too funny! Kudos to your handy husband too. Mine probably would've said......"oh well". LOl!

  17. Love what you did to the door and I really like the socks with saying. The laundry room is really fabulous.
    Have a great week.

  18. I want one, too! I LOVE your new/old door and the fact that your hubby went to work on it lickety split! Your chalkboard art and the socks are perfection. Lucky you!

  19. I do love your new door! Much nicer than your old one and so nice of handy hubby to fix it right up to fit for you! Nancy

  20. I love that looks great in your laundry room!! Isn't it great to have hubbies with power tools. Hoping mine will get my shelves up in the kitchen for my white pitcher collection soon. First...we have to have our garage sale, so all the stuff can get out of our garage. Now...if all this rain will just go away, so we can have the garage sale.

  21. I love that door and the missing socks---so cute!

  22. Love the door and love the saying on the chalkboard!!!!

  23. Kris, I've jumped to my feet and I'm applauding wildly! That is the cutest, most adorable thing I ever saw in a laundry room. What a fun chalk drawing. My goodness, I can't get over it. Have to pin this immediately. What a clever and fun idea. I am sure it will be copied in some form by many (including me) in some fashion, if I can find a place to do something like it. So glad you found yet another chippy door to wow us with. Amazing how many uses you can find for so many salvaged items!

  24. too darn cute with the socks, kris! that is a fabulous laundry room idea! have a great week:)

  25. That door is the cutest thing! My goodness you are just full of excellent ideas, can you come to my house and 'fix it' for me?? Pleaseeeeeee!

  26. Awesome! I love the new look and I love that your hubby was so quick to get his tools and make it work! My hubby is starting to get my vision and does that too!

  27. Kris, you're right, this door gives SO much character to your laundry room! The chalkboard is just an added bonus! Terry is a miracle-worker :)

  28. Can I borrow him just for a week or so?? I promise to send him back. :)

  29. I love this post!!!
    I love old doors (and shutters, and windows) too!
    I love old salvage! I use "old" instead of new whenever possible. I just changed out all the door knobs in the house to the old glass knobs. They look stunning.
    I recently found a box of gorgeous old hardware at a junk sale. A box full of cabinet and drawer pulls. I am going to change out all the knobs in my kitchen to the beautiful old ones. I drive my hubby crazy. LOL.... he says I invent things for him to do!
    Your door looks amazing! Great job!
    Thank you for sharing!

  30. LOVE this door Kris, it is so cool. I am also adoring that coat tree next to it with the Junk sign. I love all your treasures!!


  31. My, you are getting so good with your blackboard lettering. I have had a blackboard for some time now, no lettering yet. I need to get some confidence to give it a try.
    Loved your post, as always.

  32. I love that DOOR!
    I found your blog via Art and Sand. I'm your newest follower

    Thanks for sharing

  33. LOVE that door! I love how you are incorporating the "old-vintage" into your if it's always been there! Kris, I already SWOON over your laundry room and your hubby telling you about the already chalkboard have him trained well...hehe! The sock comment is too a woman with a sense of humor in the laundry room! Blessings~~~Roxie

    1. Hi Roxie,
      I am loving this new old door. It fits in that laundry room so well. Have a great week my friend. Loved the home tour of your friend. What a great home she has.

  34. I was about to say OK Kris - it's an addiction now lol- and then I saw it - it's absolutely amazing - gorgeous- over the top perfect -
    What a hubby you have - he says nothing but the right things ( I'd have nothing to blog about if John was so agreeable lol )
    And the chalkboard - LOVE
    And the 2 socks hanging from the little rope line LOVE -
    It's perfect Kris - just perfect..............
    ( that's 3 perfects in one comment - in case you're counting )

  35. This is adorable! Department of Missing Socks. LOVE it!

  36. Your laundry room is just awesome. I love everything about it and of course your new old door too. Your Department of Missing Socks was such a cute idea. May I come over and do my laundry in your laundry room ;)?

  37. This Is SO cute:) and thanks so much for sweet words on my blog

    If you like cool sports wear...check out my new post:)

    Have a wonderful day beautiful

    LOVE Maria at

  38. Sweet laundry door! Pinned:) Swim by

  39. I love it!!!!! I would do laundry all day long if my laundry room looked like yours! You are so talented! :)

  40. This is so cute, and my laundry room is so ghastly that I just want to throw myself down.

  41. Fabulous! Your laundry is so pretty :) The door is gorgeous - what a great find!
    Subtropical winter greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  42. I like your new old door. Why make it look like it’s faded when you can get an actual faded one? Also, the missing socks department is a great idea! I should implement that in my laundry room.


  43. Very vintage indeed. I love your idea on that little chalkboard effect right there. You must have a wonderfully designed home! I bet most of the interior designs of your home are quirky and witty too! This is definitely a nice addition to your home.

    John Gwaltney

  44. I am a vintage door freak. I've not had the oppty to take advantage of it, but I certainly APPRECIATE folks who do!! Lovely!

