Susan from Must Love Junk, and myself (Kris) Junk Chic Cottage wanted to do a regular feature on our blogs, something unique that hasn't been done before. So we came up with an idea to 'spotlight the real life behind the blogger' in a more personal way.
There is so much talent and inspiration in blogland, and we thought it would be fun to bring you a closer look at the person behind the blog.
Every week on Saturday we will spotlight a blogger and have them tell us a little bit about themselves and their blogs. You will be able to see and read about each of the bloggers on both Susan's and my blog.
Hi everyone. I would like to introduce you to a very special blogger I have come to know over the past year. She is fun, witty and talented. Her name is Suzan from Simply Vintageous by Suzan. Suzan, I affectionately call the furniture whisper (you know like Caesar the dog whisper) Suzan can take a piece of furniture and with her vision and talent with paint make it into a beautiful piece every single time. She can see the gorgeous potential in a piece and then works her magic to transform it. Suzan also has a bit on her blog called John Says Suzan Says that will have you laughing everytime. Please take a few minutes and read about this very talented blogger and then hop over and check out her blog. If you have not already met Suzan you will be in for a treat.
Hi Everyone - my name is Suzan - and I blog over at Simply Vintageous by Suzan ( which sometimes I think should be renamed to Simply Ridiculous by Suzan ) GETTING TO KNOW ME - GETTING TO KNOW ALL ABOUT ME ??? I can't think of a more boring thing to do with your morning LOL My name is Suzan Sweatman and I'm a blogaholic - if you'd like to know the history of a " handle " like Sweatman - you can read about it HERE - This is me - It's ok to publish a photo of myself as a little girl because I haven't aged at all - I'm just a little taller - honestly - I can still fit in that 54 years old - ( don't hate me for it )
Ok so here goes - Here's the story of a Crazy Lady Who was bringing up three very lovely kids All of them had crazy genes ( just like they're mother ) .................................... I'm a 54 year old manic-menopausal-in-denial-slightly-neurotic blogger from Montreal And it's a pleasure to meet you all.................. Though my blog is supposed to be about furniture makeovers and how when I see this
I can imagine this ( post HERE )
and once I see that, it's only a hop skip and a jump for me to imagine this Craig's List photo
being transformed into this ( post HERE )
I also do a series called I WANNA live there Wednesday................featuring mostly heritage homes in my city neighborhood
We come from totally different backgrounds ( John Wood and I - not John Malkovitch and I )
He's British - I'm from Montreal -
There's also a 10 year gap
And the conversations that ensue from this - can sometimes get surreal
They go something like this
John and I in the car - ( and this is a brand new conversation for you Kris - just happened a few days ago and I actually saved it for you )
John says - I think there's something wrong with that guy
Suzan says - Who?
John says - it doesn't matter - we've passed him - but I see him a lot
John says - his treads are just ridiculous
Suzan says - How can you even see them?
John says - Are you blind as a bat? How can I not see them?
Suzan says - I'd need a magnifying glass to see them
John says- Really? You HAVE to get glasses then
Suzan says - well you must have eyes like a hawk to be able to see them
John says - they look filthy
Suzan says - what does?
John says - The guys TREADS
Suzan says - what the hell? I have never seen you go in with a toothbrush to clean yours !!!
John says - I DON'T HAVE TREADS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzan says -Of course you have treads - don't be ridiculous
John says - And his bicycle looks like it's falling apart
Suzan says - Ok you're blowing my mind away here - he's on a bike?
John says - YES
John says - are you nuts?
John yells - HIS TREADS - on his HEAD
( Did any of you figure it out before I did? )
Suzan says - DREADS JOHN - they're called DREADS !!!
John mumbles - Dreads, Treads, same thing
Suzan mumbles - not quite...............
I am the proud Mama to 3 children - who think I am crazy - but who love me anyway.
I don't think they realize they have inherited ( by default ) some of my crazy genes - but I love them anyway.
One of my daughter's recently married - she had a " themed " wedding - which had me a nervous wreck for the full 6 months prior..................but people are still calling us a month after the event to tell us they've never had more fun at a wedding in their lives - so I guess she did good - my little can read about some of her totally off the radar wedding plans HERE and HERE and if you don't go to the links and read them you'll have no idea why my Son changed from his suit into this outfit for the reception - DEAR GOD - but I did warn you we were all a little crazy.................don't judge ( it's not nice to judge - didn't your Mother teach you that??? ) and no I am not Billy Idol's Mom - no matter how much my Daughter wanted her Brother to " channel " him - although I'd say he " aced " it.....................this is the first time I'm posting this photo btw.
This is him normally - I HAVE to show you this before you see the next one!
Mom says - frantically as I'm getting out of the car - almost tripping on my dress to get to him.
OMG GORDIE - put your suit back on
Gordie says - Mom - Stop it - Lindsay wanted me to come as Billie Idol
Gordie says - Love ya Mom - but love Lindsay too - have a good time - RELAX
Mom whispers - But you looked so handsome in your suit
Mom says - OMG - do you have makeup on?
Mom says - What's with the earring?
Mom says - I can't bear to look at you like this
Mom hisses - At least do that zipper up - OMG Gordie..................
Gordie says - Mom - take a pill, k? You're completely overreacting
And btw - she begged her brother to do this..................which is not the part I found so shocking -
but rather that HE ACTUALLY DID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
His girlfriend helped him achieve this look
Here's my twin daughters - ( more wedding photos's HERE )
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AND that would be me - in a nutshell.................... Thank you so much Kris and Susan - for inviting me over today - I had a blast getting to know myself actually!!! Hope you don't lose any followers LOL Huge hugs from Montreal to both of you and all your readers too!
So happy you took the time to learn a little more about Suzan. Now hop over to Susan's blog and enjoy reading about Kelly at Essence of Home.
: )
: )
ReplyDeleteJohn say Susan says had me laughing!!! Too funny. You are sweet and so talented with a paint brush and I thank you for sharing the personal side of you with all of us.
No Kris - actually it's I who thank you and Susan - for coming up with this idea!!!!!!
DeleteIt's such a fun way to meet people!
Much love,
Suzan definitely has a way with words-her posts always crack me up! It's fun seeing pics of her beautiful family :)
Crazy nut! What a treat! I loved reading more about the famous Suzan. A great way to start my Saturday. Thank you Kris for a great feature, love you too!
ReplyDeleteHey hey hey Sherry - I may be a nut - but I'm certainly not CRAZY lmho.............
DeleteThanks for coming by!!!
Big hugs,
Followed Suzan over from her blog, I do so love reading her posts she is a hoot, glad I did because I found another blogger in my Niche! Following via Google friend Connect!
ReplyDeleteHey Brenda - what the heck you doing here??? LOL
DeleteThanks so much for coming by - and you are going to be soooooo impressed with this Kris lady - really
She's the next Martha Stewart - get in " good " with her -
I intend to work for her one day !!!!!!!!!!
International buyer I think -
we all love you just the way you are and for all the reasons above, you are talented and witty, clever and one of the most entertaining bloggers around
ReplyDeleteAwww Laurie - you're SO loyal - love ya - and thanks so much for coming over here
I love Suzan, her blog, her conversations with John and now this bigger insight into her craziness.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the feature each week to see who I am going to learn more about.
And I LOVE Carol - her blog - and actually her husband ( well I LOVE his artwork without a doubt !!! )
And these...all of them are the reasons I love you so Suzan! That...and your very posh accent! Fun post!
ReplyDeleteI DO not have an accent Danni Girl...................lmho
DeleteI love Suzan! She's hilarious AND talented!
ReplyDeleteWell I LOVE Jean - She's hilarious AND talented !!!
DeleteThanks girlfriend!!!
Oh Kris, I can see why you love this gal. So funny. I love the John/Suzan bit. I am like Suzan what eye sight John has. I will be checking Susan's blog from now on. xoxo,Susie
ReplyDeleteHi Susie - SO nice to meet you!!!
DeleteBe forewarned about my blog LMHO
For as long as I have been reading John/Suzan says John has never had a british accent. Now I have to change his voice in my head. Great post!! Love your humor.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't know John was from " across the pond " Katie???
DeleteYeah - now picture all those conversations with his accent LMHO - they sound completely different now, right???
Love ya!
Great post :-)
Thanks SO much!!!
That's why I love you, Suzan, at Simply Vintageous. :) Your daughters are gorgeous. And so is your son. ;) I bet that really was a fun wedding. The best kind. And your furniture is awesome too.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wedding Nancy - WOW - she really outdid herself - I'd say 80% came in character - from the very young to the very old - just amazing!!!
DeleteAnd I love you too btw
Oh my goodness! What a fun post. Suzan is full of personality! I bet she is fun to hang out with. The "dreads" conversation was funny. I figured out what he was saying wrong, which of course tells you that I'm younger than him too I guess. LOL! I'm releived to know that her son really looks like a nice guy and doesn't really dress like Billy Idol all the time. He certainly was a sweet brother (and brave) to do that for his sister though!
ReplyDeleteLMHO - I was so horrified Kelly by my Son's costume - I thought I'd throw up - but all the old men seemed to want to hang around with him all night - which was the funniest thing of all - they kept slapping him on the back and shaking his hand - too too funny
DeleteTreads - Dreads - same thing, right? LMHO
No matter where I find Suzan on the Internet I always leave with a song stuck in my head.
ReplyDeleteWell Bliss -
DeleteThey're only words
( but words are all I have to steal your heart away LOL )
Suzan is indeed hilarious! Love her ability to make light of life and to bring a smile to my face with every single post! Hugs to you S. Patti
ReplyDeleteOh Patty - thanks SO much lol -
DeleteWish we could sit in the same room and laugh our heads off together...........
Suzan's posts always have me laughing. They are guaranteed to brighten the dullest day. I have only recently discovered her blog, so am still catching up on past posts, but already my family have worked out if I am giggling at my ipad, I am reading some gem from Suzan!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so happy we found each other Tracey of England !!!
Suzan is such a hoot!! I love her blog because she always makes me smile...or rather laugh! She's also very, very talented with that paint brush.
ReplyDeleteMary Alice
Hey Mary Alice !!!
DeleteYou are too sweet - don't know how talented I am - but If I can make anyone smile that's good
enough for me!
Such huge support here today - you all are the best -
wow...beautiful children. Stunning images of a fabulous home!
ReplyDeleteWell you melted my heart - thanks SO much -
DeleteMuch love,
I adore you, Suze! Still wishing I could have attended L's wedding...what a great party it must have been.
ReplyDeleteKeep painting and making us snort our coffee each morning.
Great series!
Oh Tina - you guys should have been there - what a blast we would have had together!!!!!!!!
DeleteDon't drink coffee when you visit my blog LOL
Hahaha...I loved this, Suzan! You always put a smile on my face. I'm so glad I popped over to read this post.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for popping by Martha - the queen of photography!!!
such a fun post--great write up, suzan! fabulous furniture re-dos--off to check out the wedding posts:)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Lynn - let me know what you think of them - some of them are off the wall I know!
Wunnerful, wunnerful .....L.Welk
ReplyDeleteThanks Miss Flibbertigibbet ooops I mean Miss Welk!!!
DeleteYou make me feel like doing a polka or something LOL
Great post, Suzan. I enjoyed getting to know a little more about you :-) I had a feeling John was going for "dreads". BTW, when I read John's side of the John says/Suzan says posts, I always hear him (in my head) saying his part in a British accent. You two are an awesome match!
ReplyDeleteLOL - thanks so much Betsy - you've got him down pat if you hear him with his accent LOL
Ok Suzan you cracked me up again, maybe John did this time. I wasn't sure where you were going until I started really thinking and then I realized it. John is so clueless sometimes but you have to love this man. He is so funny and reminded me of my dad with this one, for sure. This is exactly like my father. You know how much I love your blog and your fun stories. I am glad to call you friend. You are a special lady and very talented. So happy that Kris picked you as one of the features. I adore these series that her and Susan do.
Thanks so much Cynthia!!! I think people knew before I did - I really thought he meant treads - I was totally confused -
Delete( had I seen the guy on the bike I would have figured it out though - I'm not quite that blonde LOL )
You know how much I love you right back !!!
love this feature!!!!
ReplyDeleteI linked up your blog on my post today.
Thank you so much for the shout out. It has been really fun learning more about the bloggers we all love. I am glad this is being well received.
I'm following you back Debbi!!!
DeleteThanks so much - looking forward to getting to know you ( getting to know all about you )
It was fun getting to know Suzan. Just started following her blog.
Thanks so much Cynthia - what a sweetheart!!!
DeleteComing by to meet you too!
Susan, what a fabulous post! Who knew you were such a "nut job"!!! I love your blog and learning more about you, I see why. You are fun and real, and you've got skills!
Hey Patty!!!
DeleteMost people know I'm nuts LMHO.................Thanks so much for your kind words!!!
Big hugs,
Sometimes you feel like a nut... Suzan and John are two peas in pod and their conversations will keep you in stitches, and btw she does neat stuff on her blog as well!!! Thanks Kris for sharing her between the lines!!
sometimes you don't!!!
DeleteYou made me laugh out loud Pendra - mwahhh
What a great post!! You are funny and extremely talented too :-)Thank you Kris for sharing!
Why thanks Anne!!!
DeleteI think we're all a little nuts - ( although I agree I probably more so than most ) you have to be to be a blogger - them's the rules lol !!!
Oh-I KNOW Suzan- She is officially on my CRAZY list...and I HATE visiting her because I always end up with some stupid song running through my head all day-lol Okay- Just kidding-I ADORE her. One of the best blogs out there for a smile and inspiration- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteI love crazy people!! They make me feel like I'm normal!! But really.....Suzan, you are a REAL SWEETIE girl!! LOVE your make me laugh! You are beautiful with a beautiful family~~~~Blessings~~~Roxie
ReplyDeleteOh Roxie - how sweet of you - you must feel normal every time you visit lmho - that's why I do it you know - just so all of you can walk away and say " well at least I'm not as nuts as that one " LOL
DeleteBig hugs,
Oh how I love the adventures of Suzan and John. A hop over to her blog is definitely worth the laugh. She is an amazingly talented gal and I love that she's a little bit nuts!
p.s. yes, I figured he meant dreads. I say stupid stuff like that all the time!
LOL Jane - I had no idea he meant dreads - I think I'm blonder than I thought!!!
DeleteThanks so much for your kind words and for dropping by - isn't this a wonderful place to meet?
He does a pretty good Billy Idol! A fellow looking just like that and wearing those kind of clothes stayed in a cottage beside us in Northern Ont. My daughter came and told us Billy Idol was there and we had to crush her telling her it was just a wannabe. It was the end of the week before we found out it really was him. Who goes fishing in that get up? Thankfully, he wasn't wearing treads!
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding me Maureen LMHO - that is too funny!!!
DeleteLindsay married an Italian boy - so obviously there were a lot of Italians at the wedding ( almost everyone dressed up by the way ) but the one that stuck to Gordie's side for most of the night was the 88 year old, very conservative grandfather!!!
What a great time it was.
Treads - Dreads - same thing LOL
I love Suzan's bio and zany 'tude! Three kids will do that, right? (Or two, or one, or one spouse/partner!). Loved esp. the sweet touches on the wedding, as I'm hyper attentive to that right now in planning my daughter's wedding this Fall. Mine's already brought tears to my eyes when she said she had a song picked out to dance with my husband (her step-dad; my how we've turned a corner since 1998!) Love that Suzan's kids picked Lolly Pop for her entry!
ReplyDeleteSuch a great series, Kris & Susan. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much Rita - for your kind words :)
DeleteThe best of luck with your daughter's wedding - it was really one of the highlights of my life!!!
I never thought of you as eccentric! I wonder why? :) Beautiful daughters. Some how when you posted that I missed that they were twins, and now of course I see it. I need glasses! ;)
ReplyDeleteThey have such different styles Susan that you almost can't see how identical they really are ( and boy are they ever!!! )
DeleteThe tricks they pulled on teachers and friends could fill a book lol
I just recently started to follow Suzan and I get so excited to see a post of hers come up on my blogroll...I just know I'm in for a good laugh. And this post was absolutely hysterical. I love her remark about your doors, Kris!! Thanks so much for the great feature!
Hey Jane - thanks so much for reading!!!
DeleteYou DO know that Kris has seasonal front doors, right?
I can only imagine the conversations that would be going on
in this house if I asked John to change our front door seasonally LMHO
First off, I would follow Suzan anywhere, esp over to a "new to me" blog. I adore the john says suzan says posts and thanks for the knew one! I expected it to be rims on a car not dreads on someones head, oh boy. Your kids are awfully lucky to have you for a mom!
ReplyDeleteKris, thanks for featuring Suzan and welcoming us to your blog!
THANK YOU LAUREN - for getting it lol - I completely thought he was talking about tire treads LMHO...........
DeleteI'm far luckier to have my kids than vice versa, trust me!
Welcome to Kris' Blog - she's amazing!
I love the name "Lolly" and the song 'lollypop' playing is priceless!!
ReplyDeleteSuzan's blog is awesome. I rarely leave it without laughing or crying (sometimes she puts up those really touching posts too).
Excellent feature!
Awww Rosey - you're the best - you know that right?
DeleteYou are absolutely the best,
I love you Suzan, and that dreads story is hilarious. I wanted my grandchildren to call me goddess, but my daughter nixed it. She is such a spoilsport. Congrats on featuring a wonderful blogger. xo Laura
ReplyDeleteLove ya right back Laura!!!
DeleteGoddess is so cute - wonder why she nixed it lol
What a great bio! I'm familiar with Suzan through Bloglovin and Pinterest but it was so much fun hearing her write about herself and her family! Great feature! Hugs, Leena
ReplyDeleteAnother hilarious post by Suzan! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteA friend sent me a link to this blog today, to show me that yes I can put beige fabric on white chairs. And I love the blog and the newest pics of the guest room makeover. And what an unexpected treat, but to find a post from and about one of my most favorite friends, Suzan from Simply Vintageous. love the story and the John thing and the treads had me laughing as usual. Your children are just as funny and as beautiful as you my dear. hugs Tobey