Junking Trip

Happy Wednesday Everyone.  

 I am heading out tomorrow for a few days with my junkin buddy to Iowa.  We are headed to Junk Jubilee.  It is about a 4 to 5 hour drive from Chicago for us.  Easy Peasy two girls, a snack basket, diet cokes and a whole lot of catching up the drive will be over in no time!!!! Plus my friend Sandy has mapped out a lot of cute shops in little towns along the route for us to visit. 

 Wooooo Hoooo I need a new adventure and a girls trip.  We have never been to this show so we are hoping it is as good as everyone says.  Hope to find some fun treasures.

Hunt, Rescue and Repurpose Treasures

So I will be on the road and will check back with everyone over the week end when I return.  

Please come by on Saturday for our Spotlight Feature.  We have two amazing bloggers for you to meet.  I will be featuring Kerryanne from Shabby Art Boutique and Susan will be featuring Becky from Timewashed.  They are two great bloggers you will want to get to know on a more personal level.

Have a great rest of the week.  Woooooo Hoooooo off to Junk Jubilee!!! 


  1. Hi Kris! I'm heading there too! It's about a 3 hour drive for my friend Claudia and I. We'll be there on Friday. If I see you I'll introduce myself! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  2. Hi Kris have a great time and I look forward to seeing all your goodies when you get back-love dee x

  3. Wow, sounds like a trip I would love to be on.....Have a blast...and get lots of pics.. Blessings!~

  4. Have fun Kris hope you find loads of fun stuff! I'm jealous!

  5. Looks like so much fun. Have a great trip!!

  6. Kris, you girls are gonna have a blast! Can't wait to see what treasures you bring home! :)

  7. Sounds like sooooo much fun!!! Have a great trip......can't wait to see what you find!!!!

  8. Sounds like a really fun trip and I can hardly contain myself to see your great treasures. Have a safe trip and have tons of fun.

  9. Oh- Have fun with your friend. How come YOU get to go away and have fun?!?!!!! lol I can't wait to see what you find along the way. Relax and enjoy it all- xo Diana

  10. Sounds like such a fun trip...have a great time. Can't wait to see what goodies you find.

  11. Have fun Kris.
    Des Moines is my old stomping grounds.
    Our daughter lived there for many years.

  12. Sounds like a real fun weekend Kris!! Have a great time and find lots of goodies:)

  13. Ooooh! You lucky, lucky ladies! I'd love to come with you, but as I'm so far away it looks like I'll have to wait and hear all about it when you get back. Have a great time, and drive safely.


    Judi in the UK

  14. Have a most wonderful trip. Keep safe AND BE GOOD! Ha Ha.
    Can't wait to see what you find along the way.

  15. Oh Kris, I can't wait to see what you come home with, I am just excited waiting!!! Have a great time.


  16. Can't wait to see your new found treasures. The time does go fast when catching up. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  17. Hmmmm! With all the little shops on the way I bet your 4-5 hour trip turns into 7 or 8!!! Nancy

  18. Have fun! I cannot wait to see the wonderful treasures you bring back.Check your email when you can :-)

  19. I can't wait to see what you find! Have a fun girl's trip!

  20. I wanna a girls trip
    they are the best
    another blogger and I are planning a day trip antiquing and can't wait
    be sure to show us what your purchase

  21. Oh I love adventures like this! It's been a long time since I've had a girl's road trip outing - they're so much fun! Getting there is half the enjoyment too, laughing, talking, singing - yay! Hope you have a blast and find some fabulous junk! Drive safely sweetie! Can't wait to read all about it! Hugs, Leena

