Repurpose Dresser to Table Apron

New start to the week.  Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Week end.

Terry and I went junkin yesterday just to get out of the house and have a fun day together looking in some cute shops I have not been too in awhile.

Anne from White Lace Cottage told me about this cute little place just a short distance North of where I live.  Wooo Hooo lots of cute treasures in this shop.  You can see how much snow we have been getting here in the suburbs of Chicago!

Not too far from the Country Church shop is another cute shop.  The Market House.  Sara and her mom own this shop and I see them from time to time at the flea market too.  They are the sweetest and have some beautiful treasures in this shop.

Another great stop on our junkin trip was d Christine's.  This is where I scored that a couple of great pieces.  The dresser below in the post is from this great shop.  I also scored a beautiful door that I will show in a later post.

Ok let's get on to the post.......

Remember the whole what do I do with the table top of my farm dining table!! Well after many stain samples that were not working I ended up painting it white.  You can check out my post on the table drama here and here.

It still needed a little something to give her some character.
While Junkin yesterday we came upon this great piece at d Christine's.  The drawers did not work anymore and were falling apart on the inside and missing pieces but I still loved it.  So it came home with me and I had a vision for repurposing this piece.  I know this looks like a great piece but trust me it was rotting inside the drawers and the piece was falling apart.  It would have had to be completely rebuilt so I got the piece for my vision of repurposing the drawer fronts.
So Terry took the drawer fronts off  and cut them in half and I repurposed them as a new table apron around this farmhouse table.

Love the chippy sweet feel they give to this farmhouse table.

Used the bottom half of the drawers to make the end pieces for the table apron.

Love the patina and the details of each of the drawers.

I think it gave this plan white farm table some character.

Other side of table.

My assistant Libby!
So there you have it.  Drawer fronts repurposed to bling up this table.
Hope your week is fabulous.
Sharing with Feathered Nest Friday
Sharing with Fabulously Creative Friday
Sharing with Be Inspired
Sharing with Show and Tell Friday
Sharing with Shabbilicious Friday
Sharing with Grey Dey Thursday
Sharing with Blissful Whites Wednesday
Sharing with WOW Us Wednesday
Sharing with Share your Cup Thursday
Sharing with What's it Wednesday
Sharing at the Makers Link Party
Sharing with Make It Pretty Monday
Sharing with Inspire Me Tuesday
Sharing with A Return to Loveliness
Sharing with Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Sharing with Amaze Me Monday


  1. Oh Kris, what a great idea. It's just adorable!!

  2. Just on my way out the door but saw this pop up. OMGOSH, Kris- THAT is fantastic. YOUR vision and Terry's TALENTS are amazing together. I just LOVE how it turned out. Hmmmm...I suppose he will be building birdhouses with what is left over?.:) Have a great Sunday-off to a visit and old friend that is in a nursing home healing- xo Diana

  3. Now this is over the top creative Kris!...Just amazing! really made the table so very special!! Gorgeous!

  4. Great find...and now you have a one of a kind farm table! Did you make actual drawers? On the ends would be perfect for pull out drawers for silverware, placements etc! I made a farm table with drawers and loved the extra storage.
    A beautiful Sunday to you!

  5. Oh my gosh, Kris! It's perfect, and perfectly you! I love it! You & Terry - da bomb!

  6. What a great idea!!! There were enough pieces to go all around??? Looks great!! I wonder if the top of the dresser wound stain up nice to use somewhere saving old pieces of wood like that.......

  7. What an amazing transformation. You have a great eye. Somehow I'm betting the apron from the bottom of the dresser is going to show up as another beautiful vision.

  8. Kris, That is so cute !! You made the table special. Some parts of a well used old piece of furniture lives on now. I love it. xoxo,Susie

  9. What an inspired idea! I love the chippy finish and interesting pulls.

  10. You guys amaze me so with your creativity. Its beautiful. So it Libby!

  11. Oh my goodness Kris! I love this! It it just the perfect touch that your table needed... Great eye!!! Isn't it great to have a hand dandy hubby? I have one too! We get the vision and they make it happen.. Your table is just perfect!!!! Love! Blessings!

  12. Kris,
    This is such a charming idea you had here. My hubs loves it too and he is thinking that he will try this sometime soon. I sure hope that you come by on Monday and share it at my party.


  13. That is wonderful bling! Wow! Your table is just gorgeous!

  14. Kris...genius!! I knew between your vision and Terry's handiwork you would come up with something fabulous for your table and you did! Love it :)

  15. wow, what great vision you have! Love the idea and it turned out looking fantastic. So much more charm to this country table! BTW you have a great hubby as well. take care, Maryann

  16. Great redo it fits your style just perfectly now.

  17. Wow this looks fabulous!! The table was beautiful before but this added so much character to it. Love!!:)

  18. Oh Kris, it's stunning and I really like how it looks. You and Terry compliment each other - such talent you both have. You should open up your own shop of refurbished furniture.
    Libby goes with your color scheme. Such a cutie.
    Have a great week.

  19. Wow Kris It just turned out beautiful. I love it. Love the idea behind it and the finished product. It goes with your home perfect. Love it. Love that your wonderful hubby helped too. that is awesome. Love your home, it stirs my soul!

  20. Absolutely, LOVE the patina on these drawer fronts!!! And the handles are gorgeous as well.....I have always been drawn to those type of wood handles. You did good, Girl!! Beautiful and -a- kind! Blessings~~~Roxie

  21. Kris,
    LOVE, the apron on the table's edge. It enhanced a typical farmhouse table into having major personality. You and your husband create unique and wonderful designs.

  22. Oh Kris, That is an excellent re-purpose project! Fabulous!!!

  23. What a fantastic idea! I never would've thought to do that. It looks so unique and so cute. You have a special one of a kind table now.

  24. That is the perfect apron for your beautiful white farmhouse table!! Love, love, love it!!

  25. I knew you would find the perfect thing for your table, I love it!

  26. What a cool idea, Kris. I love, love, love it!!!

  27. I love what you did--I like extra drawers anywhere I can get them :)!

  28. Read it again--and realize the drawers aren't functioning--darn. Still love it--and Libby is so adorable too :)

  29. such chippy perfection! and i love those handles, kris:) your one of kind table is so charming!

  30. Kris, this looks fantastic! What a clever idea! The perfect finishing touch to a great table! Hugs, Leena

  31. You are absolutely brilliant.


    I wish I would have thought of this!

    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  32. ALL hail the Queen! I thought the kitchen table was perfect before and couldn't imagine anything better. Then you come up with this and Oh Yes..... that made it. I knew you were good hence following you and then you constantly amaze me. You are so good at what you do. Aren't we blessed to have a way of sharing and connecting. Thank you April

  33. Wow! Those drawer fronts just added the wow factor to your table!! How clever and creative of you and having a hubby that can create your ideas is so great! LOVE your table!

  34. Unbelievable!!!

    You and Terry are so clever. What you did is absolutely perfect for your house and the chippy paint matches Libby's splatter painted body.

    love . . . love . . . love the look.

    Now you just need spring to drop by so you can get have your white just be in the house.

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  36. I love how you transformed the table apron, Kris...great re-use project! Those shops look like fun! We are buried under snow here, too...

  37. Kris
    I never in a million years would have thought of doing this, but I love it!
    It's amazing how it has turned your table into a fabulous piece-very unique.
    It does look like you have some nice shops to choose from too.

  38. You are always so clever! Great and beautiful usual!

  39. Your visions are great! I never would have come up with that idea!

  40. Hi Chris, I'm so behind in my blog reading, but I just read your previous table post and had to jump to your blog to find out what happened with your table. The suspense was killing me! I love it. What a super idea. I'm jealous lots! x Julie

  41. That is such a neat how the table looks!

  42. Love it, how clever is that. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  43. What a fun idea! I actually took apart an old pallet over the weekend to do the same thing with my new office desk! I would love it if you linked up to The Makers link party going on right now,

    Hope to see you there!
    ~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures

  44. Kim this is amazing, I love how this turned out and what character to bring to an already gorgeous table. I swoon every time I see something you do and you have access too the best shops. Libby is so cute posing for the camera.


  45. Fantastic transformation! Love the chippy look.

  46. OMG!!!! Your table looks so amazing.....I love the drawer fronts you added to the apron of the table. Such a clever idea and it really adds so much character to the table.

  47. This is exactly what your table needed to add so much charm!! Great vision on your part, Kris!
    Mary Alice

  48. So there you have it - evidence that you are a complete genius -
    You take anything and everything up a notch Kris - this is just spectacular !!!
    Sheer perfection - ( yet again )

  49. That looks wonderful around your farm house table, I would never have guessed what you were going to do with that darling little chest. I love the drawer pulls on it
    It is so fun to get out and find treasures even in knee deep snow

  50. Hello Kris,
    This is a great idea. Terry is a great handyman too.

    Love the outcome and the table really fit to your beautiful home.

    Have a nice mid-week.

    /CC girl

  51. This is amazing. I never find drawers that are this suitable. I am really impressed!

  52. Oh my gosh Kris this is amazing! What a clever gal you are. I love the character that it gave! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  53. WOW that looks awesome Kris. You are so clever. I love it!!

  54. Oh wow! How did I miss this post? Reading and sipping coffee when I realized I haven't read anything from you this week .Aren't you just the clever girl?! OH Kris, it is beautiful... just the perfect addition to the already pretty table.

  55. Beautiful! This was the perfect FIX for your table Kris! It looks amazing!

  56. Wow!!! Love it! And those cute shops look right up my alley!!

  57. It looks amazing. I actually loved that chest of drawers just as it was! But what you did is beautiful. Oh how I love those handles and the chippy chippiness.

  58. okay, that is so clever and looks amazing! really love how it turned out...who woulda thought!?! i have been to country church antiques, but not the other two you showed, will have to check those out soon! i also like Carriage House Antiques in Crystal Lake (not far from Country Church). it's small, but i always find things and the prices are great!

  59. What a fabulous idea Kris. I LOVE your table with her new skirt. I hope you kept the sides of the dresser too... there must be another project left in the old girl!
    Kerryanne xx

  60. OMGosh Kris...this is brilliant and beautiful!!

  61. well i never....SO clever! i adore this project. i have a small kitchen table with a VERY plain skirt that needs some "dressing up." i'll be on the hunt now for my own shabby dresser to use. well done! ;)

  62. I love these ideas:) I have a question - if I have white bookcases and light gray walls - in a "thinking room" - for homework, reading and writing - with light blues in the wall treatments - what color would you have the chairs finished in? - antique chairs with brown woodwork in the skirt area - not too big but oh so comfy for settling in? - And window treatments? I want an airy look - but room is at the front of the house - one big window

    1. Thanks for your comment and questions. You are a no reply comment blogger so I had no way to email you back to answer your questions so I will try and do it here and hope you come back to read this comment. Your room sounds beautiful. I guess for window treatments it all depends on what look you want in that room. If it is not a privacey issue you could do a light treatment curtain to let the natural light stream in that window. The chairs sound pretty awesome and you could do pretty much any of those colors on the chair. I guess it would really be your preference. I believe if you go with what you love then that is the right choice. So which ever of the colors you have in this room that you think would work best on the chairs will be the right choice. It is hard to answer your questions without seeing the room or the chairs or window so I hope this helps a little bit. My feeling on any decorating is go with what you love and it will be something you will love. I have never gone with the trends and surround my decor with things I love that is what makes me feel the happiest in my decor decisions. Good luck with our room. It sounds amazing.

  63. Wow! great idea! I have a table to refinish. I was thinking that I might do the top white and the bottom a dark brown. But the overall light look is beautiful. I may just rub dark stain all over the white to give it some character!
    Beautiful Work!

  64. I'm slow getting over here to see this, Kris! What a super idea. I LOVE the character these pieces add to the table. You always come up with such great design ideas!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)


  65. Genius idea, Kris! The drawer pulls are just amazing!

  66. Whoa......gorgeous Kris! Love the look of cool!

  67. Kris, it's gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  68. What a perfect solution... it's absolute perfection!!!

  69. Kris, I have no choice sweetie other than to feature you again at SYC. lol! You amaze me girl!

  70. Wow, Kris!!! I'm still catching up on blogs and I saw this featured on SYC tonight. What a great idea to add character to your table! Just when I think there's nothing left for you to do in your house, you come up with a stellar idea!

  71. Love your table transformation. I grew up on a dairy farm on Australia's east coast and we had lots of 'chippy' furniture in its original form. It makes me feel at home. So it is no surprise that your table with its endearing apron brings warmth and nostalgia to my heart. It will now be the maker of many happy memories that will one day be your past. Thanks for sharing.

