White Table It Is!

Happy Thursday.  I know I have been going on about this dining room table and I appreciate all your wonderful suggestions and comments.

After several stain attempts, glazing and sanding I have decided to paint the table white.  Yep! big shocker White!

I loved some of the ideas but I just did not want to sand again inside the house and start over.  So for now it will be white until I can get it outdoors to sand it properly.

I painted the table top white and now I am on the look out for some kind of salvage pieces to give the sides and end of the table some character.
I am thinking some salvage tin or maybe some old drawer fronts or old door knobs with old face plates to trim out the sides and ends of the table.  I am on the hunt.

So for now the table drama is over and it will stay white for awhile.  I do want to give it some character so I will be looking at the flea markets and shops I frequent for something to bling up the sides and ends of the table.

Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions.  I have never gotten so stuck on anything like this before.  Maybe it is the never ending cold weather that is getting to me.

Come back on Saturday for Spotlight.  Susan and I have two new fun bloggers for you to get to know better.
Have a great rest of the week.


  1. Hi Kris,
    It looks beautiful! I have a never-ending table project too. I bought a farm table in 2001, and have refinished it several times, and am going to sand & refinish it once again this summer. One of these days, I'll get it just right! :)

  2. Still think a light grey would bring out the weathered look that I notice in the piece above your hutch. But it is your dining room. Glad you painted it white, though. By the way, how did it dry so fast? Linda@Wetcreek Blog

    1. It was the weathered piece above your bar that I meant. ;)

  3. I love the white,Kris. I think that's what it was meant to be!

    1. Hi Debra,
      Yep white is the way it should be for now. I will try and find some pieces for the sides and ends of the table to give it some character. Maybe some white trim with stencils of french cafe and bakery etc. wording or if I can find some salvage pieces to do something with those. White it is for now.

  4. White is perfect :) Luv the way it looks all fresh and bright. The vignette is so romantic.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. I love all of the white in your dinning room. The table looks great! Your angle is similar to one my wife and I found at a flea market. It is made of concrete and the wings and the face are the same boy. Ours faces front. I would love to find one like yours for my wife. Anyway, I love how inviting your dinning room is and it looks like it would be fun to "explore" for treasures!

  6. I'm happy that you decided on white. Sometimes we just need to try things until we can decide what works best. It looks perfect.

  7. Ok, I get the idea of trim, but won't it get in the way of people sitting at the table? Just inquiring minds want to know!

  8. You can't go wrong with white, it looks so fresh. Looking forward to seeing what you come up. Love your chair covers!

  9. I love the white look in your house so it only fits that the table would be white.

    I have an old table with a drawer on the side. Could you put a piece of wood to look like a drawer and then a cute knob. You could have them on each long edge of the table and maybe have more than one faux drawer on each edge.

    Just a thought.

  10. Goes with the room! Can't wait to see how you dress it up.

  11. I think it looks wonderful all white. Like I said it reminds me of the ever so popular white farmhouse table at Ikea.
    The simplicity also reminds me of so many of the tables in the JDL magazines that are of the French Nordic Country Living style you have been wanting. I would leave it as is.

  12. I'm glad you're pleased with your table. I love my white one.

  13. It does suit your style better, Kris. I like how it looks in white. What matters is what you can live with and I think this is it!

  14. Kris,
    White looks pretty and right until your creative salvage hunting produces a unique enhancement. Oh course we will all patiently wait to see the final reveal.
    Stay warm,

  15. It looks great, Kris and there is always another day to work on projects! I was thinking that a ruffled burlap table runner similar to your chair slipcover would look really nice.....uh oh, I might have just started another project for you..hehehe!


  16. It looks lovely! What paint and color did you use, it is perfectly white!

  17. It looks great! And, I love the ruffly skirts on some of the chairs. Such a pretty room!

  18. Kris, Does it seem strange to you, that it actually looks great white. Especially after all that work. I sure do understand about the sanding , that is an outdoor job....or the garage. I really like everything about that room. xoxo,Susie

  19. It's beautiful Kris and with your soon to be finds to add to the sides it will be Perfect! This decorating stuff isn't for the faint of heart is it? Hahaha, now sit down, have a cup of tea and gaze at your beautiful white table!

  20. Wow!!!! White was my favourite solution! Great, shining, shabby and very romantic....Your room is more beautiful now. Very well done Kris!

  21. yep, i love it, kris! and your ideas for the apron will really make it more special. this room is gorgeous:)

  22. Your table is beautiful painted white!! Happy hunting for something for the sides of the table. Can't wait to see what you find for it.

  23. Congrat's on your article in Romantic Homes!!! "White" is your color and makes you happy. Good choice :)

  24. Love your article in Romantic Homes!! It is beautiful!!

  25. I think that was the way to go. For myself I prefer an all white table. Room looks lovely.

  26. The white looks great Kris! Sometimes we just have to live with some things for awhile then we have a light bulb moment lol!! How about adding a burlap runner?!?

  27. I love the white! Looks wonderful. Wanna do mine??


  28. It looks great in your room... I am sure you will find the perfect bling for the sides.... I do think this cold weather is affecting all of us.... come on Spring!!!! Blessings!

  29. I liked that you "tried" something different but when it doesn't come together it's NOT mean't to be! The white is beautiful and adding some extra touches will make it more the uniquely beautiful! I'm reading comments about a Romantic Home article you are in??? Don't have mine yet....so I can't wait to see that! I think this weather is very "trying" on all of us!! Blessings~~~Roxie

  30. Just found your blog..... I am going to enjoy seeing all your creations.

  31. You are cracking me up, the table went back to white. LOL Maybe it is meant to be white after all, it does look marvelous and fit right in. I agree all that sanding inside is a mess and that fine dust settles places you don't even notice :(

  32. Well, I love the White...for me it's perfect... Beautiful... Keep warm & safe... Hugs May x x x

  33. Kris, I knew that whatever you did, it would turn out great! Of course the white is perfect in your home :)
    And I love the idea of salvage pieces or stenciling to add a little 'something'.

  34. Love it Kris! It turned out great!

  35. Hi Kris, It looks great already and you can always add something when you find the right piece or stencil. Enjoy your wonderful "new" table and have a lovely weekend!

  36. Kris, the whole room looks stunning! I would just like to pick it up and bring it all over to my house!

    Have a Great week end!
    Huggs, Nancy

  37. Hi Kris! I love this table and think that it looks great in white! I was thinking, dangerous, I know :) What if you found some drawers while curb shopping - could Terry make the runners, etc so that a couple of them actually work? I love old farm tables with drawers in them and glass knobs (sorry Terry, but you're just so talented!) The drawers would be great for storing extra linens! Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be fabulous! Hugs, Leena

  38. Lovely! Hey, I have an angel like yours but in a different pose!

  39. Kris this turned out great and it is you. I cant wait to see what you come up with for the sides and the ends of the table. I know it will be awesome. Good hunting!!! By the way, by the time you get to sanding outside may be the time we can move into the house. This weather is KILLING all of us!!!


  40. Absolutely beautiful Kris! You really can't go wrong with white. I personally love it. I like the idea of tin etc. along the sides. Sounds like the perfect touch.

  41. Of course the white looks great and you'll have fun looking for things to embellish it. You can always change it later if you want to!

