Garden Tour Soon

Happy Friday.  Finally most of the rain has moved out and it is a bright and sun shiny day.  I have been working on my back gardens and deck and hope to finish up this week end and have a post for you soon.

We had such a harsh winter here in the midwest and no Spring to really speak of so having summer slowly start to come back has been great.  I have been excited to get out and create and see the flower garden coming to life.

This year I am adding a lot of old salvage pieces to the flowers like these old porch posts for hanging baskets and old chippy
beach chair.

Old Vintage night stand with plants.

Join me back here soon for the whole garden reveal.

Please come back tomorrow for Spotlight.  Susan and I have two wonderful bloggers for you to meet.

Have a great week end.


  1. Your hanging baskets are gorgeous! I don't know how they are so far along if you haven't had spring. We had a cool one for Texas so my pots aren't far along at all. But, we haven't had much rain.

  2. Your baskets are always so beautiful and lush! Mine are still struggling ...

  3. Kris, your flowers always looks stunning! I love the architectural elements, and the Garden Tours sign is SO cute!! :)

  4. So beautiful! Love the cute sign too!

  5. I'm looking forward to the Garden tour, Kris.
    Your flowers are already so lovely!

  6. Oh my gosh, Kris. You have some of the most beautiful back yard/deck areas I have ever seen anywhere. I remember how beautiful it was last year and it looks like it is going to be even MORE beautiful this year-----if that is possible. What? I am going to drive all the way to Chicago and you are going to charge me a QUARTER to see your gardens? lol Hmmmpppffffff....
    Love it- That first planter is a spectacular combination. Glad they survived that snow and your vacation. xo Diana

  7. Kris, it is already looking so gorgeous. I can't even imagine it being any prettier, but I will definitely be looking forward to the complete reveal. xo Laura

  8. Just gorgeous, Kris! I can't wait to see the rest. I know it is going to look great because I fell in love with the flowers in the first picture. : ) The posts really add some interest, too, as well as being able to hang your pots off them.

  9. I am so happy that you finally can enjoy the outdoors. I can't wait to see what you come up with this year.

  10. Wow, Kris, you didn't waste any time getting back into the swing of things after vacation, did you? It already looks great with the salvage furniture and architecture, not to mention the flowers. Those photos with the blue sky and trees as backdrop are outstanding! Don't work too'll make the rest of us look like loafers!

  11. Kris,
    Your photos speak of leisurely time spent in soft petals of beauty. You had me at adding architectural salvage ... Your plans for your well thought out garden, deck and flower beds are inviting and whisper kindness in all it's pastels. I last night purchased white inpatients for all my containers this year. Everything will be manicured English draft boxwood topiaries and white. I will delight in your gardens of soft pastels that invite emotions of a caring homeowner. I enjoy visits to your blog and always leave satisfied and happy. Thank you mon amie.

  12. Your porch is sooooo pretty! I can't wait to see your garden :o)

  13. You have more than a green thumb, your whole hand is green! Those hanging pots of flowers are absolutely gorgeous!

  14. I love the way you have used the old file cabinet as a planter for those wonderful flowers! Beautiful! Can I come sit on your back porch and enjoy?

  15. Looking forward to the full reveal, but I already love what I am seeing. Kris, that is one darling old beach chair and I love the old porch posts. Hope you have a sunny and fun weekend.


  16. I'd never be able to leave your yard. It's so full of color and I just love those posts you used to hang your baskets. Couldn't help notice the sweet fire engine car in the back:-)

  17. I am gasping...your flowers are stunning!!!!!....I am so looking forward to more of your garden reveal Kris...have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Hi Kris. Your garden is looking so pretty, I can't imagine it even being more beautiful. Your groupings of flowers and the combinations are really eye catching and the colors are so soft..Happy Weekend..Judy

  19. Beautiful flowers and love the post for hanging plants. We still need to buy flowers so that should be coming up really soon. It has been pretty cool here by the lakeshore.

  20. Wow, this is beautiful Kris!!! I love, love, love all of your cool containers and the plantings you have done. All the colors I adore!!!
    hugs from here...

  21. Beautiful! I'm amazed at how pretty your flowers are things are considering how severe your winter is.

  22. Oh Kris, I can hardly wait to see your back yard - I know that it will be spectacular. Your flowers are stunning and I love the salvage posts.
    Don;t work to hard and have a great weekend.

  23. Oh pretty!! I can't wait to see the whole backyard and the front yard too!!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  24. Looking gorgeous. I can't wait to see more.

  25. Everything is beautiful :) Can't wait to see the rest.

  26. I will DEFINITELY be back for the full tour! :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  27. Kris, your flowers are absolutely beautiful and the ideas you've had make them all that much more so! You know I just love everything you do!

  28. Oh....marvellous flowers! The hanging baskets are just gorgeous. I'm curious to see the next

  29. I just can't wait to see the full tour but I'm sure I'm going to be jealous :) My flowers have already begun dying off, the temps being over 100 everyday don't allow for much summer growth! The JOYS!!!

