Garden Tour Anyone?

Here are some pictures of my back deck.  This is truly my sanctuary where I soak up the sun and read and relax. 

I love to surround myself with flowers.  I truly am a summer girl.   Believe it or not it is very relaxing to me to water and fuss with the flowers.

This Garden is a work in progress.  I will change things up as the plants grow and I find new things to add.

I love to add vintage pieces with the flowers, like an old gate, chippy french doors, old porch posts, vintage suit cases.  Well you will see in the pictures.


My flower garden deck.

I love my chaise lounge.  This is where I sit and read and soak up the sun.  It is pure heaven to me.

Vintage salvage, chippy and flowers just go together for me.

Old cabinet doors hung on the deck wall.  An old chippy bench and of course a working chandelier for romance.

Petunia's are very high maintenance with having to always be dead heading them but they bring such pretty color and they are sun loving so I have to have a few with my flowers.

Remember that birdcage I got last year from the flea market.  After I redid the living room I saved it knowing I could find a place for it in the garden for summer.

I added some flowers inside and also my garden angels.  The cottage retreat sign hangs on an old headboard.
Gotta love an old chippy beach chair and table.

This is one of my favorite garden angels.  It is hard to see in the picture but she is holding a small bird.  Love how sweet she is to have in the garden.

Where you see the basset hound statue that is a special place in my garden.  We had two basset hounds and we lost our Molly a couple of years ago at age 15.

This was her favorite place in the garden to lay so after she died we buried her ashes in this spot.  It is hard to see but there is also a memorial stone with her name on it next to the spot where she is buried.  A good friend gave me this special stone when Molly died.

  I still every summer think I will look over and see her laying there under that bush in her favorite spot.
We still have our Libby who is 10 years old and is in great health.  So we hope to have many more wonderful years with her.

Had these vintage suit cases in the shed so they found a place on the deck this summer.

This is an old drop leaf table I had that was falling apart so instead of throwing it out I had Terry hang an old salvage shelf on it and now have this sitting on the deck with flowers and my old gate.

I am so drawn to garden angels.  This is another of my faves.

There is the old garden gate that is attached to the back of the drop leaf table.  It makes for a great hanger for this bag of flowers.

Little vintage drawers with flowers in it and I put this old hand painted watering can on this old architectural post.

Well there you have it.  I worked yesterday on my deck.  Those old french doors did not fit anywhere in my house so I am using them out on the deck.  They make for a great plant hanger/headboard for the lounge chair.

My flowers are always a work in progress but I love the start to this season.  Being out on my deck with all the lovely blooms is a little bit of heaven for me.

Hope your summer gardens are starting.
 I Just Love Summer.
Have a great start to the new week.


  1. Petunias are gorgeous but you are right labor intensive! I have slowly went to almost all million bells. Your outdoor decor is so perfectly done! Love it, Kris!

    1. Thank you Carlene. As I told Stacey below not sure why some of you are not coming into my email when you comment. I want you to know I appreciate your visit and your commenting. Have a great Sunday.

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! If I were you I'd never come in from that deck. :)

    Have you tried Supertunias? They are new to me this year. Regular petunias always die here, I guess from the heat and humidity. The nursery promised me that Supertunias would make it and so far they are incredible! No dead heading is required!! They are hybrid plants bred for the best qualities.

    1. Thank you Stacey. I have not seen the Supertunia's and if you do not have to dead head how great is that. I hope they get those by me. That would be so great. Hope you come back to see this response to your comment. For some reason some of you that comment on my posts are not coming into my email. I am not sure why that is happening. Ughhhh! Thanks for your visit.

    2. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! What a slice of heaven you have there:) BTW, I'm having a problem with comments where mine aren't going through to certain bloggers emails. The comment shows up on the blog but email ends up in my spam saying it had a "delivery failure". Not sure why! It's not all blogs I visit but seems to be most of them I'm having this issue with:(

  3. It's heavenly, Kris! No wonder you enjoy it so much!!!

  4. Kris, I bet your neighbors sneak over and sit out there when you are gone...I would. LOL That is such a beautiful relaxing area. I love every bit of it. You just have a special decorating touch. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Oh My! How gorgeous! I can see We have at least one thing in common ,so there must be more.The love of blue/lavender flowers.Actually I just love almost anything in lavender.Such a lovely home You must have. Blessings Denise

  6. So gorgeous....I can see why you love to tinker around out there!!!! That chaise lounge is just,love,love!!!!!

  7. OMG what eye candy. Where in the world do you find such full hanging baskets? I purchased two that aren't nearly that full and paid $50 each for them. I can see why you love spending time on your porch :)

  8. It's very pretty! I love the plants in baskets.

  9. Your deck is just stunning and looks so inviting. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Kris,
    A pretty profusion of Pink, White and touches of Blue flowers mixed amongst White Architectural salvaged pieces ... Beautiful! I would love to leisurely spend time with you in your gardens of creative beauty. Happy Summer sweet friend.

  11. Just beautiful, Kris! You are the Petunia Ambassador. : ) I agree, they can be a pain to have to deadhead, especially when you have a lot of them, but they just continue to push out beautiful flowers. I love how they spill over, too. The bird cage looks great outside. We are planning on putting a small patio in here at the condo and I'm thinking more of decorating it already!

  12. KRIS!!!!!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! What more can I say? Wow- it is just beautiful. I can see all the work and love you put into those. I am so happy you can start with such nice big full plants so you can enjoy them for the whole season. I LOVE that lounge chair cover-I think I need one of those. If I were you I could sit back there all day and read and putz and drink something iced down!

    I am off to mow the yard as soon as I know my neighbors are away-before the rains hit today. Have a wonderful day- xo Diana

  13. So beautiful and romantic! Love everything about it!!!

  14. Kris, your deck and garden is beyond beautiful...truly inspiring! I don't blame you for wanting to stay out there all day! I loved reading about your Molly...we have had three wonderful bassets. Our first was named Molly, too. The other two were sisters, Maggie and Nellie...their ashes are buried beneath one of our apple trees, where they used to lay in the shade all day.
    We have had a lot of rain over the last two days...your gorgeous post makes me want to get back outside and work in the garden! xoxo

  15. muhteÅŸem..harika..cennet gibi...tebrikler...

  16. Beautiful deck and garden/back yard. Oh yes, enjoy the fruits of your labor. We buried our dogs in the back yard too...Always miss them every time I pass the spots where they are buried. Still working at making their place nice. Have tulips growing....maybe some petunias would be nice this year.

  17. Kris, I want to move onto your deck...or I'd even be happy moving onto your lawn-ha! You definitely have a magical touch with your flowers, and all the fantastic vintage pieces that you incorporate make everything that much more interesting and fun! It's all stunning!!

  18. Your deck looks like a garden oasis! Just beautiful, every little detail!

    1. Thanks so much Melanie. I am trying to figure out why your comment and a few others are not coming into my email. So I apologize for not responding back through email. Thanks for your sweet comment.

  19. Looks like paradise Kris. I can really see you enjoying it on a nice sunny day.
    Hugs, Gee

  20. Ooooh Weeeee!!!!! I love it, Kris! I'm still pining away for the birdcage, and the lounge and shabby touches are all just amazing!
    LOVE, love, love it all. Gorgeous!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Kris! I don't know where to live in an absolute Dreamland! I can't even pick a favorite, everything is my favorite!! from the birdcage to the chaise lounge to the suitcases, the garden gate, angels...oh my goodness such a beautiful garden paradise! I'm so happy that a dear person like you gets to enjoy it!

  23. Kris - This is absolutely not fair! You go off on vacation and still come home and have gorgeous flowers! LOL Your back deck is just unbelievably beautiful. And from last year, I know that it will just get prettier and prettier.


  24. Oh my goodness, your garden is fabulous. I love it. So pretty and I love, love, love all those flowers and your deck.

  25. Absolutely Breathtaking, Kris! That is about all I can say, just breathtaking! Have a fabulous week and Enjoy every moment you get to spend in your yard!!

  26. Your flowers are so gorgeous already!! What a lovely spot you have to relax, Kris.
    Mary Alice

  27. Gorgeous patio and garden retreat, Kris! Wow, you've put so much work into all the pieces for displaying your flowers! Tell me, how does it all fair during storms? A couple of those hanging pots look super heavy, but I'm sure Terry came up with something to keep them sturdy. I don't think my hydrangeas will be blooming this year, as they were necessarily pruned hard last year - they were so overgrown! I even took one out, and I can barely get through that part of my garden now.Crank up that hose, keep those babies watered, and Happy June!

  28. Breathtaking!!! So pretty Kris. You are so unique and talented with your decor style inside and outside the house. I LOVE your garden. I am never disappointed when I come over to visit :)

  29. Your outdoor spaces are lovely! I too relax while tending my patio garden. I just zone out into another world...

  30. I always love seeing the pictures of your garden, Kris. Gorgeous. xo Laura

  31. Your deck is absolutely breathtaking!! Love every little bit and the flowers are gorgeous!!

  32. Kris...your back deck and patio area is absolutely breathtaking!! I can see why this is where you sit and read and I agree with you that it is pure heaven.

    1. Thanks Cindy so much. I just figured it out the bloggers that have Yahoo mail are not coming into my email after you comment. I guess it is on Yahoo and not something on my blog. Crazy. Thanks for coming by and your sweet comment.

  33. Hi Kris! What gorgeous spaces you created ~ love all your little details!
    Thanks for giving me lots to pin!!

  34. Oh just stop it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your flowers and deck are just too gorgeous. I am embarrassed to ever show mine again LOL. Ahhh just beautiful my dear lady.

  35. Looks so beautiful. Your attention to detail is envied.

  36. You know, whenever I need gardening inspiration I always think to come over here to your place. I knew you'd have something spectacular!! :)

  37. Your gardens are magical, Kris! I would be in heaven sitting on that chaise and just taking it all in!

  38. Oh my, Kris your garden is simply stunning. You can see all the love you put into your garden. Love all the vintage items you have worked into your deck. Now I am waiting to see your spectacular front yard.
    Have a great week.

  39. Wow, Kris you have created such a magical place. Love all your vintage-y chippy pretty things tucked in everywhere. A little slice of heaven.

  40. Your flowers are just beautiful. All your repurposed junk makes me want to go through the shed with a different eye. I love the chaise, what a perfect place to relax and read. Have a wonderful week.

  41. I just love your porch but I would have to have some shade for my lounge chair! Will the vintage suitcases deteriorate from the rain or did you put a preservative on them. Everything is so pretty! Nancy

  42. Amazing. I would love to sit and read in your garden too. I love every detail of it. The colors are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing.

  43. Oh Kris, it's no surprise that your deck would be as beautiful as inside your home. I love the white and the flowers of colour.
    The garden gate with the horse wire is so cottage charming.
    You my dear have created a room out doors to love.


  44. Hi Kris, Your deck and garden are wonderful places to sit and relax. Your flowers are beautiful and I love the vintage elements you mixed in.
    Enjoy your garden and have a sunny week :)!

  45. I loved visiting your sanctuary, Kris. I can see why you spend a great deal of time out there.

  46. so very charming, kris! sitting out there, surrounded by the flowers must be so relaxing! love the chippy posts, and suitcases! oh, and the cute little drawers filled with flowers--love! have a great week!

  47. Your garden is a shabby chic paradise...GORGEOUS!!! I love everything: the marvellous flowers and all the vintage pieces

  48. I can see why you'd want to hang out here all Summer's gorgeous!!! Enjoy:-)


  49. Kris, this space is absolutely gorgeous! Love all of the pretty petunias! I would never want to come inside. This just feels like such a peaceful spot.

  50. Amazing spot to sit and enjoy summer ~ love the chaise and all your pretty flowers!!!


  51. There is only one word to describe your back yard and deck....ENCHANTING!!!...I was scrolling down waiting for pictures of garden fairies fluttering in the breeze...amazing, amazing Kris...just takes your breath away!!!...

  52. Oh my word, amazing. I could just live there. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  53. Oh my, couldn't miss this post. Love, love your garden! Your flowers are huge already. It is truly a little piece of heaven!

  54. Wow! What a lovely lovely spot! Everything is so pretty.
    Good job!

  55. Oh your garden is gorgeous! All of your hard work shows. I love that watering can on the post.

    Amy Jo

  56. Oh my goodness, Kris- you have outdone yourself, ma'am! Your back deck is amazing - the perfect "room" to live in in the warm months.

    Absolutely love it!

  57. Oh my goodness, this is beautiful! I love the petunias - although I agree, they are a lot of maintenance!

  58. Hi Kris,

    I love your little sanctuary! The birdhouse and suitcases are wonderful additions.
    All of the beautiful flowers are so special and truly make this a very peaceful

    Bear Hugs,

  59. thank you for linking up to Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this week! I call dibs on that lounge chair!!!! everything is so pretty and cozy!xoox, tracie

  60. This is so pretty! Thanks for sharing it at this week's Home Sweet Garden Party! You are on of this weeks featured posts! This weeks party will start at 4 pm today! {} Hope you can join us again this week too! Hugs...Brooke

  61. What a Great Garden Party, I can certainly see why this would be a favorite Sanctuary, it is Magnificent!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  62. Your deck is a little piece of heaven! I love all the flowers and old architectural pieces. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. I will be featuring it at tomorrow nights party! Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Deborah

  63. My first visit thanks to Brenda at Cozy Little House. Your deck is absoltuley stunning. We reecently downsized and I left all my little treasurers for the next family to enjoy. Didn't have anywhere to place them. Your deck reminded me of all those things. I am so happy you have been able to create a special place for you. Its so cozy and inviting. Thanks for sharing. You are one talented lady and one after my own heart.
    Connie, IN

  64. Hi Kris, wow you have such a beautiful deck with all those lovely flowers! I would love sitting out there reading a good book. I love that chandelier out there too. Enjoy your summer out there.

  65. Beautiful... you have inspired me to use more flower pots in my back porch...


  66. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your beautiful garden Kris! However, I have a question - don't you get ANY rain during the summer? I only ask, as surely if you do the lovely vintage suitcases and some of the other beautiful bits must suffer???

    Judi in the Uk

  67. You know I can't resist your garden! Featuring you at SYC today.

  68. Kris, I get tears in my eyes when I see your garden deck with all your angels and beautifully colored flowers. It is really that pretty!. I love that you have your little dog's image and stone in the garden. Ashley was our first that came to live at the Cottage and she loved to stand by the fence and watch the squirrels do acrobatics on the overhead wires, so we have a little brass sign that says "Squirrel Crossing " in that spot now. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. I can never get enough..Happy Wednesday.Judy

  69. I think this may well be one of the prettiest patios and summer gardens I have ever seen Kris. Your petunias are so lovely and well worth the extra effort they take. I'm delighted to be featuring them at Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow.

  70. What a beautiful deck... I could sit out there for many hours.

  71. This is chipping with charm! I love your garden and want to come sit for hours there. Beautiful space and design!!!

  72. Had to come by and take a closer look at that charming garden deck! Thank you for sharing it with us. I am your 800th follower
    Patty @ CreativeIdeas. :)

