NBC's Today Show On Line Magazine Feature

Hi Everyone.  I was approached by Jennifer Kantor that writes for NBC's Today Show on Line Magazine to feature my laundry room.  She was featuring fun and efficient ways to do have your laundry room and she asked if she could feature my laundry room.  I was honored to be asked and of course said yes.  Here is a clip of the feature.  

Hey Death, Taxes and Laundry all happen so why not have a space that is bright cheery and efficient to do it in RIGHT?!


Get inspired: 6 tips for a more efficient laundry room

April 21, 2014 at 1:29 PM ET
Cleaning clothes isn't anyone's idea of a good time. Besides the tedious sorting and folding, laundry rooms tend to be in cramped corners of the home that haven't seen an ounce of attention since move-in day. But it doesn't have to be that way. These bloggers transformed their laundry nooks into a thing of beauty by adding serious organization, lots of light, clever storage and chic accessories. Read on for tips on how you can do the same.
Use every inch of space
Elsie Larson's laundry room
A Beautiful Mess
"A Beautiful Mess" blogger Elsie Larson transformed the empty area next to her washer/dryer into an ingenious laundry basket shelf and ironing spot. Wire metal shelf bins, like these from West Elm, hold everything else. 
Stock up on closed storage
Kelly Marzka's laundry room
View Along the Way
Keep messy laundry supplies, random socks and other miscellaneous items stored behind a closed cabinet, as Kelly Marzka, "View Along the Way" blogger, does in her laundry room. If that's not an option in your home, a shelf-hiding curtain or lidded container, like this one from Crate & Barrel, should do the trick.
 Label everything
Kristi Dominguez's laundry room
I Should Be Mopping the Floor
Baskets are great—until they become junk bins. "I Should Be Mopping the Floor" blogger Kristi Dominguez avoids that mess by storing orphaned socks, hats, cleaning supplies, warranty manuals and sunscreen in labeled locker baskets. 
Designate a place to fold
Kate Riley's laundry room
Picasa / Centstational Gril
Take a cue from "Centsational Girl" blogger Kate Riley, whose light and lovely laundry room features a plain white laminate counter top for fresh-from-the-dryer folding. "Just that 2' x 4' amount of space makes all the difference in the world," she says. Short on square footage? Try Neatfreak's Triple Sorter Hamper, which allows you to fold and iron with the ironing board on top, then transport clothes to the dresser in three detachable bags.
Let there be light
Cristina Gray's laundry room
Remodelando la Casa
Whimsical chandeliers perk up dark, dreary laundry rooms, while mirrors reflect and amplify whatever natural light is available. Add both, like "Remodelando La Casa" blogger Cristina Garay did, and the laundry room will be a pillar of light. Here's one trick: Hang a mirror directly across from a window, as Garay did, to create the illusion of another mirror and a bigger, brighter space.
Make it your own
Rustic laundry room
Junk Chic Cottage
We decorate living rooms, bedrooms and other areas in the home to reflect our personal style, and treating the laundry room the same way will help create a positive, efficient atmosphere. "Junk Chic Cottage" blogger Kris Vavra blended distressed accents with functional elements to reflect her vintage aesthetic. Take some time to bring in your own taste to the laundry room and you might feel better about spending time there. 


  1. Kris, I love your cabinet "doors" Such a cute idea. Also, I love the light fixture. You have really made that a sweet room. Congrats on being in the magazine. xoxo,Susie

  2. Oh, Kris, congratulations! That's huge! And I love your laundry room - always have!

  3. Congrats, Kris! I've always loved your laundry room! :)

  4. What fun to have your laundry room featured!!
    Mary Alice

  5. How incredible! What an honor! I have to say yours is my very, very favorite and I'm not just flattering you. You have the style I love. Before I even read who's the others were I kept scrolling to find the one that looked like YOU!

  6. Congratulations! Of course, yours is my very favorite one! I think they should do an article on your whole house!


  7. how wonderful Kris...and you're beautiful laundry room is in great company! Now I hate mine more than ever. hahaha

    1. Ha Ha Debbie. Hey if you have to do laundry might as well be in a nice place! You can come over and use my laundry room anytime the catch is you have to do my piles too LOL! Have a good day.

  8. That's so awesome Kris! You do have a fabulous laundry room. Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations. That is wonderful. Your laundry room is so cute.

  10. Congratulations, Kris~ You so deserve some recognition for all your talented redos of rooms. LOVE your laundry room. That is one thing I need to do in this house-perk up my laundry room. xo Diana

  11. Congratulations Kris - that's wonderful news!!! Oh, I would actually enjoy doing laundry in your cute room. I would iron all my cares away...
    Welcome back from vacation - looks like you had a terrific time!

  12. Yay!!! I'm so happy for you! I've always loved your pretty laundry room Kris. You deserve this recognition! I'm sure there will be more magazine spreads in the future!

  13. OMGOSH, how exciting! Congrats!!
    I was just coming over to copy the link to your garden tour to share on my FB...can't get those images out of my head!
    So happy for you!!!

  14. Makes me want to have a laundry room. For now the garage will have to do it.

  15. The second I saw the photo I KNEW it was Kris! Your laundry room totally says Hi, My name is KRIS!! Love it! Congrats on the feature!! My washer and dryer are in my garage...not so sure it would Ever make a magazine except one featuring world's worst laundry room that needs a make over ~~ LOL :) Blessings, Cindy

  16. Congratulations! What a great honour, i'm very glad for you.I don' t have a laundry room, i use the kitchen

  17. congrats, kris! your laundry room is fabulous--so well deserved!

  18. Congratulations on being featured! That is incredible! Your laundry room is so cute that it deserved to be featured.

  19. Congrats on being featured and yes you do have a beautiful laundry room just like your house! Enjoy the week.

  20. Congratulations. I don't imagine there are many of us that have laundry rooms cute like that. But, I like all your rooms.

  21. Congratulations = your is the BEST. I really love your laundry room it goes so well with the rest of your lovely home. Mine looks like the basement of Home Alone - I hate it. But it's in the garage which is always a mess because I am always rooting around looking for a decoration that I need.
    They should have shown your entire home and gardens.
    Have a great week.

  22. Congrats on the feature!! I just love your laundry room.

  23. Yikes...how exciting!.....and of course I have loved your laundry room filled with so many wonderful and happy things that make laundry "somewhat" of a pleasure!....Congrats Kris!!!!

  24. Congratulations, Kris! I love your laundry room!

  25. Congratulations Kris! I'm so excited for you.You so deserve it! You have the most beautiful home I have ever seen! Congrats again. xxx

  26. OMG - and you didn't tell me Kris LMAO???
    I told you - you're on your way girl - how over the top exciting - and how deserved !!!
    I'm so happy for you - this is really exciting stuff ♥

  27. Congratulations Kris!! So happy for you. Amazing laundry spaces. Yours is really cool and different. I love it.

  28. Hi Kris,
    OK, perhaps I'm a tad bit strange ... I enjoy doing laundry. My bored >^..^< boys Max and Simon find amazement in their day to watch the front loaders wash and dry ;-)
    I loved each of the featured laundry rooms of very creative bloggers. Love that your white and natural style laundry room continues your decor style and whimsy of your charming cottage.

  29. I see that Vera enjoys doing laundry. Guess what? I am one of those weirdos that enjoys it also. lol! Congrats on the feature! Saw a few other blog friends were featured also. How fun! I adore your laundry room! I signed up for e'mails when you do a post but haven't been getting them lately. Wondering why?

  30. I would hang out in your laundry room. Mine is a spot in the garage, with surfboards hanging above it, but you make me want to make it fun.

  31. Congratulations!!!! I love your laundry room....I wish I had a room like that to do laundry in :o)

  32. Congratulations, Kris! I like how the article shows different laundry personalities.

  33. Congratulations! How exciting!

    Amy Jo

  34. Congratulations Kris...how cool is that!

  35. Kris!!! That is super awesome!!! And yours is the cutest of them all! Congrats girl!

  36. Kris what a great time to see this.We are about to redo our laundry and while it wont be as beautiful as yours I have got a few ideas so thanks heaps
    Hope all is well with you and your family love dee xxx

  37. Very nice and beautiful collection. You are a purely a natural artist.
    Dog Supplies New Zealand

