Chippy Header

Happy Sunday everyone.  Hope you had a great week end.  Loving summer so much.

Here it the great chippy header I scored from Jeanine's Chippy Shabby Home sale last Saturday.

My heart started beating faster the minute I saw this chippy love at the sale.

Just a wonderful old piece of history with the perfect patina.

I think it compliments my other chippy pieces in this room.

Terry had to cut it down some it was too long and so he took about an inch off the bottom so it would fit perfectly between the crown molding and the top of the cabinet doors.

I played with it and added some paint to have less wood showing.  You know me and white!!!

I did like it chippy the way it was but I did not want so much of the wood showing so I was glad I gave it some more white.  

Hey you know me I will stare at it for awhile and if I want more wood showing I will have Terry sand it for me.  That is the beauty of paint it goes on and comes off easily.

So for now it will be chippy white.  Thank you Jeanine this was a killer piece.  The pictures do not do it justice.  It is so awesome over that TV cabinet in this room.

The cottage sign that was over the TV is now re located over the front entry door.

So now you have seen some of my great treasures found from Jeanine's home sale last Saturday.

Have a great new week.

What's It Wednesday
Shabbilicious Friday


  1. You got some great pieces, Kris. Enjoy them!

  2. What an amazing find. And it's found the perfect home indeed! :)

  3. Stunning! Love the sign over the door, too.

    Have a great day!!

  4. Oh goodness - what a fabulous find - looks perfect in your home - the cottage sign is adorable. Have a great week. Erin

  5. Kris, I like it better with the added white too. Also your old sign looks great over the door. Hope you are enjoying this weekend. It's cloudy today here...but not raining. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. You find the best stuff! I am so envious of the great shopping venues you have for a style i love. Your collections are so cheery!

  7. You find the best stuff! I am so envious of the great shopping venues you have for a style i love. Your collections are so cheery!

  8. How gorgeous your shabby header is, love it!

  9. Greetings Kris!*!*! Just PeRfeCt Spot for the Architectural Header!!! One of the BeSt Architectural SaLvaGe Finds in a long time...
    Hugs - Jeanine Burkhardt

  10. Beautiful piece! Absolutely had your name written ALL over it!

  11. I love it and it looks so great there. Also love where you put you cottage sign.

  12. I love your new chippy piece and looks great. But I have to tell you I so love your cottage sign. You might find one day several pieces missing..just saying!

  13. I love that architectural piece you found! I like that you added a bit more paint to it too. It still looks very chippy.

  14. All of the pieces together now make it one fabulous piece, Kris! Complete!

  15. was meant to be in that space and for you!....Love it and love how you "made it your own" by adding more paint and more chippiness!

  16. I saw that load you bought and saw great treasures. This piece is drool-worthy for sure!

  17. Your new header is pretty awesome!!! We're all alike...we can't leave anything alone. Love it! :-))
    Mary Alice

  18. What a great piece, Kris! It is perfectly chippy shabby for your space:) Any word on where you will be moving to? I have been out of the blogging loop for so long that I don't know anyone's latest news! Hope all is well with you:)

  19. Love the details on that header, and you gave it just the right amount of paint love. It's a wonderful piece!

  20. Hi Kris!
    Oh my gosh, so beautiful. Your room looks amazing, with each piece you have added is has all come together, so lovely!

  21. I absolutely love this new piece! It is beautiful with or without the paint. And you are right about being able to paint something or take the paint off. This fits perfectly in the room. I know you are so proud of it. I love the cottage sign...all of it looks gorgeous!!

  22. Hi Kris, I would have snagged that header up in a flash second, you scored girl. You have just added that much more salvage to a wall of layering of pieces from floor up.

    I am off to find a few salvage pieces myself, I so need some wood pieces to anchor the walls where art just won't add as much interest as a great salvage wood piece would do like your wall here.

    A wonderful share, and lots of inspiration.


  23. Good Morning Kris
    You new chippy header is just gorgeous and looks great where you added it. Love the extra white on it. Looks great either way though. I also really like your cottage sign over the front door, looks fabulous. So nice you are enjoying your summer, the weather has been so beautiful. Have a great day Kris

  24. I LOVE EVERY PART OF THIS POST! What a score, a true score!!!! My summer is waning; soon I have to go back to school and all this time I wanted to paint my kitchen, but I can't do it yet until I sell a large pine linen press that is standing right in the front of a window...I just want clean white in there and then I can HAVE FUN!

    Love it all, Kris! Anita

  25. That chippy header is adorable and looks perfect in your room!! Have a wonderful week ahead!! xo

    ~ Wendy

  26. Kris, it's like a queen for the day. It really finished off your entertainment area. Have a great day my friend. Jo

  27. Wonderful header! I love how it mimics the shape of your tv stand and your addition of a little white paint makes it ever better! Great find! That was some sale! Enjoy a lovely week! Hugs, Leena

  28. Kris, I would've snapped up that header, too! It looks perfect above your tv...and I also adore the sign above your door! Great finds from Jeanine :)

  29. ;ove headers. working on adding new and found pieces to my doors. nothing will match...but I don't care. If a house is newer without build in character, I believe it is my job to add it. I love how when you find a new piece, the one it replaces finds a new home.

  30. Love the header! Adding the white is definitely YOU! I bet you are loving it! Have a great week, sending prayers! Cindy xoxo

  31. Fantastic piece and super score. Honestly, on waiting for summer to end. It's been a humid, hazy summer. Tough for me to deal. Our plants on our deck are horrible from a lack of sun and so much humidity, especially my herbs. Have a great week


  32. I love the piece Kris! Really gorgeous both ways.

  33. Hi Kris,
    Wow! I love the header! You have such fabulous taste and such energy to always be working on a new project. So nice your hubby is willing to help you. Have a wonderful week! Karen

  34. Hi Kris,
    Wow! I love the header! You have such fabulous taste and such energy to always be working on a new project. So nice your hubby is willing to help you. Have a wonderful week! Karen

  35. I love it, and I love that you made it your own with more paint!!!

  36. You have great vision for things you find!

  37. Great find and where you placed it is perfect.

  38. That's the beauty of "chippiness" -- you can always add to or take away depending on your mood! A great piece.

  39. This is the perfect piece to add to your shabby room.

  40. It looks great over the tv cabinet and I still love that Cottage sign too! Lots of white, chippy goodness!

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