For The Love Of Summer Garden Hats

Did you ever find you are a collector of things?!  You don't mean to be but you just are attracted to certain things and buy them and then the next thing you know you have a collection.

Well I have been like that with garden and straw hats.  Vintage and not so vintage just love them all.

So I came across a few on my junkin trip the other day.

I like when I come across some men's style hats too.  I hung these on the gathering sign that leads out to the back garden deck.

So these are a few of the newest hats I have found.

These are a few of the vintage hats I have hanging in my front entry way.  Gotta love a good garden hat.

Have a wonderful week and thank you for your visits always.


  1. Now I feel the extreme urge to go buy hats!! Those look so cute there. We have a mudroom (which I've never shown) and the hooks would look so much cuter right now with hats. :)

  2. I think the hat display is adorable!! I love hats to display and would love to wear them, but I cannot stand anything on my head...LOL I love the arrangement in your entry and the one out to your beautiful!!

  3. Gorgeous vignettes, I adore straw hats!

  4. I love hats and your collection is adorable, Kris! I would have a whole wall of straw hats if I only would find some vintage ones.

  5. Aww I love the way they look with the hats, it just screams summer! Enjoy your day and the weekend!

  6. You have a great collection of hats!!!! I just adore your entryway, so charming and welcoming!

  7. Love the summer straw hats Kris--I just posted about my fav. straw hat on IS.

  8. Kris, you have the sweetest ideas for decorating your home. I've just been reading over your older blog posts. I love all your ideas. Would you please say what paint you use on your furniture pieces. I'm trying to get back to the shabby feel and want to try painting some pieces. Yours look so nice. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  9. Your hat displays are so lovely Kris. I love garden hats and have several because the hot sun and I don't always get along. lol. A good straw hat helps immensely, and looks pretty too. Love those straw totes too!

  10. I love all of your "gatherings"! I am always amazed at your beautiful, wonderful decorating touches. Just lovely!

  11. Those straw hats make me think of summer time. They look so cute hanging on that rack in your home!

  12. I LOVE the men's hats! I don't see those very often and I love the look! Happy almost weekend! xoxo

  13. What a great way to add whimsy to your summer decor...and if you ever need a hat... ;)

  14. So fun, and cute! I love traveling hats...and cowboy hats.
    Enjoy the sunshine!

  15. I love the look of straw hats and yours look especially cute on your chalkboard rack, Kris! Ah, summertime!

  16. Hi Kris, I use to have a small collection of hats, straw, and garden ones, and years ago I just got rid of them in my retails shop! Now looking back and forward to all the lady bloggers like you who have them hanging, stacked, and displayed so sweetly I so wished I had not sold most of them off.

    Your sweet wall calls to garden, wearing one or not :) love the Gatherings.


  17. So very sweet and charming! I LOVE that light and breezy. Love it all :)

  18. hello sweet Kris,
    All your hats are always very sweet and pretty, be it manly or feminine. I also collect hats, for my complexion is very fair. Lucky for you mon amie we live many miles away for I would be borrowing some of your delightful hats.
    I adore just throwing them around during the Summer hazy days of lazy bright sun filled days.
    A visit to your blog is always comforting like a warm hug! For in your postings I delight in your chippy style and your sweet words.

  19. Kris - I have so many collections that I have got to get them under control. I just keep finding things that I think I want to collect. Right now, it's ashtrays???????? Isn't that strange?

    Darling entry.


  20. You have a great collection of straw hats, Kris! Love them!!
    Mary Alice

  21. Your collection of vintage garden heats is wonderful and your entry looks awesome.

  22. I just love your hats. I have ONE and that's a new one, haha. Your entries are absolutely Beautiful. Wish I had the Place to put furnitures into but ours are just small ones.
    I do hope you have a nice day and a big hug from Sweden to all your Beautiful family and your husband.
    Love Elzie

  23. Your hat collection is so cute and summery, Kris! Your entryway looks great! :)

  24. Kris, I love all your summer hats. I think the bench is just so nice too. Hope you have a fun time with your granddaughter this weekend. Makes me long for Emma to be with me. I did not get into Horton's for photos I'll have to wait till Saturday. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  25. Cute hats! LOVE hats and I wish everyone wore them now. :)

  26. Yes, Kris. I have quite a few collections. I too love garden hats both men an women's but haven't found a way to display them yet. You sure are talented in the art of display. I love your gathering challkboard sign out of the bed post. Wow! You've got a talent for drawing and lettering too. I just love looking at all your vignettes. Pure eye candy!

  27. I have way too many collections that I never really intended to start, just for the very reason you mentioned...I just like things too much,l think.
    I love your hats and the perfect garden always, you have everything showcased so perfect.

  28. Love how you place those pretty hats on the rack and that wonderful bench below....such a beautiful way to greet guests....I will have to be on the lookout for straw hats as they look so beautiful in your home!

  29. Love straw hats, only have a couple, but I sure love them! May you and Terry enjoy a beautiful weekend coming up! Be blessed, Cindy xoxo

  30. Love your collection of hats and your pretty front entry way. I've been looking for some myself but have yet to find any that are affordable.

  31. Good morning Kris! I LOVE HATS, especially of this garden variety! And now you have me thinking about one particular straw hat with a black band. I can't wear it anymore, but I can certainly use it for a photo prop!

    Lovely photos as always! Enjoy another bright and beautiful day! Anita

  32. I had the same collection of straw hats a few years back. I ended up keeping 1 and give the rest away. The one I kept I actually wear and have plans to wear it on a fishing trip next weekend on Lake Michigan. Your display is just darling!

  33. Hi Kris
    Love them all *** They just fit so perfectly with Summer time dont' they !
    have a great weekend

  34. I love your hats and they are displayed beautifully. I used to collect angels but stopped a few years ago when my collection was out of hand. Every birthday, Mothers day, Christmas etc I would receive angels. I have since given many away now and sold a few and I kept about 20 of my absolute favorites. I have control on my newest collection, white pitchers! xo

  35. I'd love to have a hat collection. So cute and I love the hat rack.

  36. Much prettier than my little garden hat! :) And a wonderful summertime collection, Kris!!!
    Have a great weekend.

  37. I purchased an adorable straw hat at the last street fair I attended. I've only worn it once or twice so far. I absolutely love it!! Have a beautiful weekend!! xoxo

    ~ Wendy

  38. I love the straw hat display. I have a few that I purchased on vacation and use them for propping only. I wish I had the confidence to wear them more regularly but somehow in the city they just seem out of place.

  39. I love straw hats but always have a hard time finding one that fits my big head! I had this great one that I used while gardening, yard sales and going to the beach. Well, last time I went to the beach, last fall, it got left on the couch when we got home - and the puppies ate it! Those little stinkers tore the whole thing apart! So now, I guess I'll have to find another big head hat LOL! I really like how they look hanging in your home. The scream summer and gardens! Hugs, Leena

  40. I'm not a hat wearing person but I've always been attracted to nice vintage hats and admire those who wear or decorate with them. I love your straw hat collection vignettes Kris - so pretty. I especially love how you've hung them on a gorgeous headboard turned chalkboard hanger!

  41. Kris the hats are darling. It adds so much character. Have a lovely weekend. Jo

  42. I don't collect hats but I like mens hats for some reason. The basket hanging is a beauty. Have a super weekend


  43. lovely garden hats collection. They look so pretty grouped together

  44. Love your hat collection and your styling is beautiful!
    Jenn and Vicki
    2 Bees in a Pod

  45. Men's straw hats are so interesting hung by the door or under a sign like you have styled them.

  46. They are beautiful and I love how you have them hanging by the door to your gorgeous gardens!! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  47. You know, if I looked good in hats, I'd probably have a great collection too! :) You have a great variety and of course, displayed beautifully. Your home is always gorgeous!


  48. Love summer hats! It makes the room so country!

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