Living Room Reveal

Finally the living room reveal.  Yeah!!! I say reveal but it is always a work in progress for me!

So here goes with the pictures.  Warning lots of pictures!

Here is the before of the Living Room.  This was when I was trying to marry a Pottery Barn Leather Sectional with my white chippy chic.  Just was not me!!!!



The after now of this living room is more me.  My chippy whites, creams and grays all married together with my pretty architectural salvage pieces.  This is now my happy place!



This is the chair that Lisa Harmon from LHarmonDesigns did for me awhile back. This chair was in the back of my dining room so I did a switch a roo and brought it up for the corner of the living room

I moved this ottoman out to bring in some soft taupe to match up with the pillows and throw on this chair.

My old chippy arched window with the old cast iron vintage mailbox with flowers.

Vintage garden round iron table with glass top.

Vintage square garden table for another side table.

I love the gray and white patina on this table.  Just so full of chippy goodness.

Loved using my vintage frames to give a good character outline to the chandelier.

I brought in this garden table for a coffee table.  It is not exactly what I am in love with just yet.  I am on the hunt for a little bit bigger oval or square garden table.  This one just has so much pretty character it will do for now.

This room is flooded with light all day long.  It is hard to get a good clear picture with all the light streaming in but trust me this room is so pretty and bright with the way the light comes in.

No pillows, throws or crafts are allowed on Terry's comfy chair!!!!  The poor guy needs a chair and space that is not white, chippy or pretty just a relaxing well worn 
"Man Chair"!

However my recliner will sport a pillow or two and a cute throw once in awhile.

Another beautiful creation from Lisa Harmon @ LHarmonDesigns.  Here is my new slipcovered sofa.  It just makes me smile :)


I wanted a double ruffle so Lisa tackled it with her wonderful design and sewing abilities and gave me a pretty double ruffle for the skirt for a sweet custom look.  If you need a pretty custom slipcover I highly recommend Lisa.  She is so talented and quick and has some of the best fabrics that wear and wash like a dream.
Lisa on Etsy

Hope you enjoyed seeing my new living room reveal.  I have to say the only money spent on this re do was with the slipcover that my daughter bought for me from Lisa in exchange for the leather sectional and the new pillows from Janet.  For the rest of the redo I shopped the house and had the paint.
I love the challenge of a redo and not spending money.

Have a great week.

Parties this Week:
Show and Share
Inspire Me Tuesday
Before and After Wednesday
What's It Wednesday
Share Your Style
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Favorite Things Blog Hop
Sweet and Simple Friday
Shabbilicious Friday


  1. How simply gorgeous!!! It all looks so beautiful!!! Great job, Kris!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Well Kris let me be the first to say that your living room is drop dead gorgeous!!!! Love those pretty slipcovers and wow what a difference! You have a great way in putting things together. Your decorating style is very pretty.


  3. Kris, it's beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen your recliner! I really like it too! Now you rest easier with the LR and enjoy the lazy days of summer. Good job, once again!

  4. :D You did it !!! Such a pretty and brought living room Kris. The slip cover is so soft and beautiful.
    Luv it!

  5. Kris, I'm proud of you! You tried something didn't love fixed it without wasting any time! We can all learn from you. I'm quite certain that Pottery Barn sofa was no small change mistake but you recovered. Now it's beautiful!!

  6. Nice job making the space into "your" space! Love that diamond patterned window and the double ruffle!

  7. It's all just lovely. The slipcover is perfect for you!

  8. What a wonderful difference! The slip covers are beautiful.

  9. Kris, you are so smart to go back to what you truly love ~ now you can be truly content and relaxed in your beautiful room. You did a great job!

  10. Oh my goodness!!! It is just so beautiful, light, bright and airy!! I know you just love it! I would be lying on that sofa just looking around the room all day at all the loveliness!! Lisa did a wonderful job! Does she live close by you or did you send her measurements of the sofa? Awesomeness!!! Have a wonderful day!

  11. Such a beautiful room!!!! So bright and it all :o) Your new slipcover is sooooooooo gorgeous all the ruffles!!!!!!

  12. Your living room looks beautiful as always Kris!! I used to change up my decor more often than I do now. I think that I am getting old and tired!! Lol!

  13. I'm so happy you've got your pretty white ruffly slipcovered sofa in the room, Kris. Now the room, once again, looks like it belongs to you and I can almost hear the happiness in your post. Love it all!

  14. It looks lovely, Kris and I bet you are so happy now. I totally get it, when something is not right, you feel it in your stomach and it nags to no end! Is the tv wall still brick? It's hard to tell in the photo. I have those same light filled are impossible! Enjoy your new room!

  15. Kris,
    It looks beautiful!! LOVE that new slipcover with the double ruffle.


  16. Glad you have your "happy space" back, Kris! It would have bugged you forever and we need to feel at home in our space! You did a lovely job...and the sofa cover is wonderful!

  17. Glad to see you have what you want in your room and it is your happy space. It looks Gorg and so you!

  18. Wow, Kris - such a fabulous transformation! Everything really looks terrific and who would ever guess your sofa sported floral fabric in another life? This room definitely looks like your happy place - enjoy! Jane

  19. It looks beautiful! I actually like that you have some leather chairs in there to offset the white just a bit. I think white looks best when you have a little contrast. I love all of your garden tables and the new slipcover really transformed that floral sofa! I can see why you call it your new happy place!

  20. omg...this gorgeous space is sooo you. I love all the chippy white goodness. That slipcover is amazing!!

  21. Your living room is just beautiful, Kris!! LOVE how you bring in the garden tables to use throughout your decor!
    Mary Alice

  22. Kris, I think it's fabulous. I love the tables. I especially like the old windows the way you have them now...more. I like your relaxing recliners too. You are right, a man needs his own chair space. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. here's hoping for some nice summertime days.

  23. Wow Kris, the all white just looks so pretty and clean. I bet your husband is happy too with everything. Thanks for sharing your beautiful house with us! Take care.

  24. What an amazing transformation! I really love everything especially the chippy goodness.

  25. You know I could feel the stress of you trying to marry the two styles. Wow wow wow I love it.

  26. I've said it before and I'll say it again... no one does white like you do Kris. Such beautiful tones and textures, and interesting pieces that give it such a wow factor. It's really fabulous!

  27. I cannot believe how perfect that slipcover is! That's a lot of talent right there! I love the vintage frames outlining the chandy too. What a wonderful way to add pretty details. I bet it makes you smile every time you walk in there. :)

  28. It's you. Sometimes you've just got to go with what works for you. Thanks for the tour of your cute, cute space. Did you give your old end tables away? I'll have to look back to see what you had in there before.

  29. I find myself using the same word when I see rooms in your house...dreamy! It is not a word I use often either! The bright white is all so soft and peaceful. You have created such a wonderful space!

  30. Kris you are a genius my friend! Everything in your sweet room just sparkles, and glows. Enjoy your beautiful room. XO Jo

  31. Your living room is so pretty, and I'm so happy you got it how you wanted it. I really like the tables and if ever you get rid of the round coffee table let me know LOL! I, like you, love old windows, but I especially like the arched one, and like the second more going horizontal. I might have to look up Lisa for slipcovers for my two loveseats. Everything look so very pretty..and so happy it is your space "once" again!

  32. Kris, this is definitely more you and I am so glad you are in your happy place now!

  33. Kris, I agree with others...this is definitely more 'you'! Everything looks gorgeous! I especially love the garden tables! xo

  34. So much more your style now Kris. But you never know unless you try new things. I've painted so many different colours, both walls and furniture. But white is still the most relaxing homely colour for me. :) Julie

  35. Extreme personality (the room). I imagine Terry feeling intimidated but the intense white. Your style is not for the faint of heart; it is romantic yet bold and it surely doesn't compromise. :)

  36. The room is so beautiful ... there is the Kris signature in each and every corner and all of the amazing details...the hard work that you two have put into this room has paid off in the result of a most heavenly room!!!...I can hear the angels sing.

  37. Glad to hear you smiling, Kris! Your Living Room is absolutely gorgeous! I feel honored to have been a part of your beautiful transformation. It feels much more at ease seeing the ruffled slipcover sofa in there. Better yet, I can tell you do too.

  38. The redo is amazing, Kris! It's so picture perfect and yet it looks like someone could be very cozy there and not be afraid to snuggle up with a good book or keep a husband company while he watches a game from the comfort of that very nice looking "man chair."

  39. Hi Kris, I love how you have incorporated the vintage wrought pieces (tables) into your room.....I have a passion-soft spot for vintage wrought iron....they are beautiful in the room! The architectural church piece is gorgeous in white...softens the room~~~and those slip covered pieces are so lovely~~~It's always fun to "venture" out to "unknown territory" in decorating...just to try something different but we know in our heart what we really love and go back to~~~Just Beautiful~~~Blessings, Roxie

  40. Oh, Kris. You did it! I love how it looks (although I never disliked it before) but most of all, I love that you love it. It is so important to feel right in your space. The double ruffle looks really pretty and your recliners looks so comfortable. Job well done..Happy Monday..Judy

  41. Very well done, Kris! I'm sure it makes you feel good having it 'finished' just the way you like it! And, I 'm glad you left Terry's chair alone :) Thinking of you! Blessings, Cindy

  42. Such a lovely room Kris and it really seems to suit your style. Enjoy your room.

  43. Of course I love your living room. I have to laugh because Terry's chair looks identical to Steve's which I rarely share.

    This will be my last day of time to look at blogs until after the wedding - 5 days! So, I just have to ask how things are going?

  44. Hi Kris, it's all you, and nothing less then you... And Terry and his comfy leather chair still works perfecting in the mix ver Jeanne d Arc wher a pop of dark is here or there.

    I have to say there is a couple of metal side tables I would love to have found, they add a lot to your home
    So glad to here that you are a peace with your family room and not battling with trying to like the big dark leather sectional.

    See you soon, perhaps you will surprise us with a new coffee table... My coffee table is a chest of drawers yet a finished piece all around so it can float in the center of a room and all sides are finished off, making it feel like a fancy trunk.

    See you soon dear,


    1. Thanks Dore. I am on the hunt for the perfect coffee table. I would love to find something really unique for this room. I will know it when I see it. I have thought about a trunk. Thanks for your visit. Happy New Week.

  45. Yes Kris, That's you again!!! I'm very happy for you. Your living room is very pretty and inviting. I love how you literally framed the chandelier. Cool idea!

  46. Hi Kris!
    Everything looks charming♡
    Did you use Lisa's templates for sofa measurements or just her measurements spreadsheet?
    On another note:
    Any news on the fire chief position for Terry in NC?
    Warmest regards,

    1. Hi Mary,
      I used the measurement spread sheet I think. It was a drawing of the couch with arrows to where she wanted me to measure.
      Terry did not get the job in NC It was between him and a women candidate. They gave it to the woman candidate. They just saw something a little different in her and felt she would be a better pick for the liberal views this town holds. So while Terry was disappointed we are happy we do not have to move away from our family and friends. Just hoping something else will happen for Terry soon. Thank you for asking and keeping positive thoughts for us.

  47. Good Morning Kris
    Your livingroom is just beautiful and the light that you have in there is amazing. Love all the outdoor tables you have added and the new slipcover is fabulous* The entire room is so dreamy!!!1 have a great day Kris

  48. It's beautiful Kris and I know you must be much happier back in your chippy white all you style, enjoy!

  49. Kris, this is much more you for sure. Every detail was touched and added. I cannot believe the light in this room

  50. WOW, a beautiful job. :-))
    Is the TV still in the room?

  51. WOW is all I can say here......Lisa did an excellent job of that slip cover, and YOU ALSO confirmed for me what I need to do. I have a gorgeous sage velvet sofa in my old living room but it does not give me that white feel! Instead of replacing the sofa, I want to get slipcovers made. I need to contact her! Great photos, Kris! Anita

  52. Just gorgeous and, "you!" Hope all is well dear k! ;)

  53. Always beauty and peace found here. I guess we can let the Misters have one luxury:)

  54. Yup, now your living room clearly shows your personality Kris! I love the frame work on the ceiling for the chandelier - far more interesting than stock ceiling medallions which I have all over my house. I'm definitely going to take a closer look at Lisa's Etsy Shop - her slip covers are absolutely stunning.

  55. Oh my gosh! We are thrilled that you shared lots of photos. Your refreshed space is lovely - we can see why you are a happy girl!

    Vicki and Jennifer
    2 Bees in a Pod

    1. Thanks Girls. It was so much fun to get this room back to what I love. Hubby still has his leather recliner man chair so it is all good! Have a great week.

  56. The couch is gorgeous and so you! (In the minority here, I thought the leather sectional added texture...don't hate me!)

  57. Hi Kris, Just fabulous my friend. I love the slip cover and all the great accents throughout the room. It really comes together and so warm and cozy, chippy and shabby. Love it. Great idea with the frames around the chandy. I'm going back to browse your pics again.
    Just beautiful! cm

  58. is just beautiful and I'm so glad you are loving it all.
    Yes, that ole leather is so comfy and lasts forever...Mr. Sweet has his recliner and we also have 2 leather sofas. I like them ok..I keep throws and pillows on them for softness and they still look great after 15 years. We have a sort of divided living I consider our "media area" where the leather is and the other is our softer "sitting" space. (do you know that we have moved into our son's pool house ? and it is very unconventional...but it sure works for us.)
    I love your living room...just beautiful

  59. Very nice! Thanks so much for sharing the post.

  60. STUNNING !!!
    It looks like you're living in a dream - just beautiful Kris - you've knocked it out of the ball park once again !
    WOW !

  61. It looks Wonderful just as you where wishing for.
    For my taste I loved the before it felt warm and cozy.

  62. Love all the white and I know you are happy...which is what is really important. For me I need a little more contrast. Not the jarring in your face form...but something subtle. The innate beauty of some of your pretty chippy whites is lost blending into it's background. Of course some of it is due to it being pictures and our screens never really give use true color or contrast. I will be browsing the pictures with a much keener eye tonight when I have a little more time...but for now I need to finish a project while I still have some light and cooler weather. So glad that you are happy with your end result. Sorry to hear that dear hubby did not get the position in NC. His meant to be position just hasn't presented it's self yet. Keeping you in my prayers. Tell him to keep his chin up. I know he isn't going stir crazy with all the honey do's he always has on his list. What an ideal couple you are!

  63. Lovely, Kris. I like it that you give Terry his man space. I feel that way, too. Not sure how it's all going to work out in the new cottage, but I want my hubby to feel he belongs in our home. Love the slipcover Lisa made for your sofa. And I really like the garden tables, and the shutters that I assume hide your TV. Wonderful! xo ~ Nancy

  64. I love the ottoman, the shutters hiding TV, the clock, the arch window adorned with roses,...ah, heck, love it all!!!

  65. I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful! It looks like you dipped the whole room in gorgeous white paint, and I love the results.

    1. Thank you Joanne. Your comment made my day. Have a great rest of the week.

  66. You have accomplished beautifully something I have always wanted to do! White. Such a beautiful peaceful place!

  67. It looks amazing Kris, and yes much more you and your style :-)

  68. beautiful. I wish I lived at your house. Everything looks so relaxing.

  69. Now that's a Kris room! The brown leather just wasn't cutting it for you girl. Love bringing garden pieces in doors and you've done that fabulously with your tables! It is all just gorgeous Kris!

  70. Your room is so light and bright and I love how you added your personal touch on every detail.

  71. This is definitely the Kris that I know. Beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your gorgeous room!

  72. I know that you are happy now. The slip cover looks wonderful on the couch. You have added your personal touch to this beautiful living room. Enjoy it my friend.

  73. It looks like a picture dipped in white! Did you use a white filter? I liked the before, also. but thank goodness we all have different tastes so we see new and different rooms!

  74. The before was great, but the after is absolutely gorgeous! Love the double ruffle slipcover on the sofa is so "ruffly luscious". Have a lovely week Mickie

  75. Yes, this is YOU! Looks so beautiful, Kris. You've done a wonderful job and it's so evident that it reflects your taste. I'm glad you were able to work a "deal" with the leather furniture. I'm going to check out Lisa's site ~ thanks for sharing! I love color but I'm getting tired of a few of my pieces.

    I know you're loving this new look!

  76. It looks beautiful and I love that there is a place for the man chair too. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop my friend. Please watch for your feature on Monday xo

  77. Kris, this looks fabulous! You and Terry have done a wonderful job redoing this room and the slip cover from Lisa is gorgeous! I will be checking out her site concerning my sofa that the pups ate the cushion of! I'm still upset over that - I Ioved that couch! I really like the use of the old garden tables! They are so pretty and fresh, yet chippy and perfectly aged! I'm sure you'll be spending many happy hours in your lovely "new" room! Hugs, Leena

  78. you have a round coffee table that was so nice. looks beautiful and luxurious

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