Re Love of Table and Chairs and Deck

Happy Sunday.  Hope the week end is going great for all of you.

I decided to go out and re do my outdoor deck the other day.  I wanted Terry to paint my table and chair set and I took everything off the deck to power wash and re arrange things.

My poor plants have taken a real beating this summer.  I had a lot of hanging geraniums and they love sun and heat and like it on the dry side.  Well our whole month of June was cooler temps and it rained almost every day.   I thought I would move them around and try to nurse them back.

Well that just started a whole thing!  I decided to take everything off the deck and power wash it and start to rearrange things as I put them back including the hanging baskets.

Normally these hanging geraniums would be to the ground and so lush and full.  With all the rain they are very thinned out and not growing much.
I moved my lounger back onto the deck first.

I moved it from the corner of the deck to under the potting shed sign.  I also hung back up a chandelier for night time. 

Most of you that know me know I love to take the unusual and put them into my garden.  I had this white vintage birdcage holder so I hung one of the ivy geraniums in it for a little whimsy.

I love my lounger for reading on a nice summer day.  

Ok you got a sneak peak at the newly painted table and chairs.

This was the set I got at Walmart for $89 which included the umbrella.  I love that this is a small table that seats four.  Terry got out his handy paint sprayer...

Here is the set painted white.  I love the lighter fresh look it gives to the deck.  Now I need some cute cushions.

Great for dining El Fresco.

This really shows the hanging  ivy geraniums so thin and scraggly.  They normally are very full and lush.  They just had too many days of rain last month.  So now that we are getting heat and sun I am hoping with some TLC I can get them back on track.

I planted one of my baskets down into this vintage fire place log holder.

Just another unusual use of something for my plants in the garden.  Love the chippy legs on this cast iron log holder.

All my baskets with petunia's are holding up pretty good to all the rain we had.  They love it hot and sunshine too but they can take the rain.

So just moving the plants around and rearranging and painting the furniture makes the deck feel brighter.

Have a wonderful start to the new week ahead.


  1. I like the set painted white, it fits in perfectly and looks fantastic on the deck. I love my paint sprayer too, there's no other way to paint.

  2. Oh Kris, I love your space....first of all, my petunias, that are sunlovers as we all know, are not doing well. I think they too got hit too much from the rain we've that answers the conundrum over here. Secondly, YOUR WHITE your chaise. I have one but have nowhere to put it. I did use it once for a photo shoot in my yard, and if just for that purpose, I'm keeping it! Secondly, I got those sterling silver knives with the mother of pearl handles AND a vintage French enamel white pitcher! FUN!

    OK, have a super duper Sunday out on your white deck of light! Anita

  3. What a great deal. I painted two outdoor chairs last summer and it was not easy. Your set looks great and so do the geraniums. They would never look so lush and full in Texas. Too hot and too dry. I hope they come back for you. Have a great Sunday.

  4. That set looks amazing painted white. Everything is gorgeous, would love to hang out here!!!

  5. Beautiful Kris! It has rained a lot here also so I know what you mean. Xo

  6. Some of my planters are doing that great either ( we also had a ton of rain )
    Kris your deck is just gorgeous - truly !
    I love the table set painted white and the chandelier is so pretty out there - magazine worthy ( again ) well everything you do is magazine worthy really :)

  7. Kris, Between the rains, the super heat and the rabbits...I am thinking faux flowers next year. LOL. I think your deck is beautiful. I too like the dining set painted in white. Just works better. I see you have laced the umbrella...I love it. You clever girl. I totally agree with Suzan S. ..all your lovely things should be in all the magazines. :):) Blessings to you and Terry. xoxo,Susie

  8. Lookin' good! Your plants are gorgeous even with all the rain you've been getting. I can't believe how naked your deck looked without all your gorgeous plants and furniture.

  9. I love your deck and that lounger is so inviting.

  10. Kris, I don't know if it's just the way you cleaned, painted, and added your vintage touches or what, but I think your plants still look really good. That space looks like it gives a total zen feeling, even if all you do is walk out there, let alone relax to read and/or dine. Really nice. I'm surprised the table/chairs even lasted one summer as black - it looks greats in white. Love the log holder and bird cage too. I hope you & Terry enjoy the rest of your summer days out there - relaxing, not working!

  11. So pretty. I really love your lounge chair cover. Well, I love it all!!!


  12. I love this space, Kris. your flower baskets look wonderful, I just can't grow them like you do. that dining set from Walmart is adorable. what a deal!

  13. Gorgeous!!!! Your table and chairs are so pretty and I love the umbrella!!!!
    Actually, I LOVE it all.....

  14. Your deck looks very inviting and the table looks great too!

  15. Hi,
    It is beautiful. I love the umbrella. Where did you find the umbrella?
    It all looks just lovely!

  16. You've created the perfect dining/relaxing spot on your deck, Kris. I think your plants look fine with all the rain and cool weather they endured. Now that the sun is shining down on them, I'm sure they'll grow to the ground in no time at all! What a sweet deal on the dining set!

  17. Your deck is such a beautiful oasis, Kris!! Even though your hanging baskets have taken a beating, they look so pretty. Love the addition of the table and chairs.
    Mary Alice

  18. It looks wonderful, as always. It's funny how doing one thing can start an avalanche of other projects. I've been doing that a bit myself today!

  19. What a lovely place to sit and read or eat breakfast. Love the white table and chairs.

  20. The table and chairs look perfect now, Kris...and it really does have a bright and fresh look on the deck!

  21. what a beautiful relaxing spot. I love what all you have done. Great job.

  22. Nummy! Deliciously fresh and crisp like raspberry syrup on ice-cream. Beautiful place to lounge and eat.

  23. Hi Kris, Your deck is over the top beautiful! Your flowers are still gorgeous (mine took a beating too..too much rain then high temps!) I love the lace tablecloth over your umbrella....I actually put a "fringed" tablecloth over my umbrella this year too! Same brain-waves we must be! Spending time in your backyard would put a gal in "awe"! I hope you have had a girls tea or flower party back worthy of it! Blessings~~~Roxie

  24. You deck and baskets are luvly Kris. Shh... somewhere in Geranium Land is a wanted poster with my picture on it for the murder of many of their kin. I pled accidental death... but to no avail. Just too hot and wet here in NC Florida.
    Happy new week!

  25. Your deck is absolutely charming! So much character! The table and chairs look great in their new white paint. Although you say your plants took a beating, they look fabulous to me! Mine are not doing that well this summer :(

  26. Such a darling, special space you have Kris! You put such love into very inch of your sweet home! xox

  27. So very you my dear... And who would have thought Walmart your patio set looks a million times better after its paint finish.

    I can just see you relaxing under the summer nights stars... If it were mine I would move my extra spare Iron bed out there fully dressed for some summer nights sleeping under the stars watching a favorite movie.

    Love your crisp white style.


  28. You flowers are lovely...envy your rain here in California. The new saying going around here is "brown is the new green". This is in reverence to our lawns. It could be worse than brown lawns. The orchards and other agricultural residents have starting tapping into the ground water so deeply that many residents that are on well water no longer have anything to tap. It is such a shame. Enjoy your summer days while you have them. I am too making the best with what I have and enjoying the sun shine. Your surroundings both inside and out always look so lush. Love the table and chairs in white!

  29. It's such a cozy spot to sit and relax, Kris. Your flowers still look great and your lawn is beautifully green. Enjoy your pretty deck and the view into your lovely garden!

  30. Good Morning Kris
    Well I think your deck is just gorgeous! I would not know your plants are not doing well, they look so pretty. Love your table and chairs painted white, what a great deal you got on them. They almost look vintage, I see alot of vintage sets in that pretty metal design. Enjoy your fabulous space!!!

  31. Kris I remember this day, wasn't it the day you were trying to get a heat stroke? Well, it all turned out so beautiful. I love how you used the fireplace log holder. It's go the perfect about of chippy and rust on it! You have an amazing green thumb, I think all of your planters are gorgeous. Have a lovely new week. Jo

  32. What a gorgeous outdoor room, Kris!! The table and chairs look great painted white. I love the way you incorporate your pieces into planters for outdoor gardening. Looks like a wonderful place to just sit and relax, and enjoy the summer.

  33. This is so beautiful, Kris! I love the cast iron wood holder. It must have been a lot of work to take everything off and clean well, right in the middle of summer, but what a fresh clean look you have now!

  34. Hi Kris! Looking fabulous - I love white outdoor furniture and your set turned out great. Whoever created spray paint was a genius. Your geraniums look fabulous, they really do. My hanging baskets have really been an epic fail this summer and I don't know why exactly. We have not had much rain, so they may be angry that their moisture is coming from a hose. Boo! Looking forward to Elkhorn this weekend, how about you? It will be a quick zip through for me, as I've got some other stuff going on, but I don't want to miss. There is a guy who has Hungarian dough bowls, and that's on my radar this time. Happy Monday! Jane

  35. you say that your flowers look thin and scraggly, but to me they look beautiful and lush! Mine never look like yours on their best day! LOL! I love your table and chair set painted white. It's the perfect size out there. Mine needs repainting too. Maybe we can do that this Fall. Your summer has been very different from ours. Ours has been hotter than usual with very little rain. Most days are in the 90's with thick humid air making it too uncomfortable to sit outside very long. I think that's why I'm ready tor Fall to get here so bad. August is our hottest month too, so I'll be glad when it's over.

  36. Hi Kris,
    Oh how I love your deck! Everything is exquisite - and the chandelier makes it! I do prefer your table and chairs in white too! Terry is an amazing man to assist you with your constant projects! Your gernaniums look better than any of my hanging baskets. I hope that you can relax on your pretty white lounger today! Karen

  37. Beautiful Kris. I could just relax there all day, surrounded by the flowers and your very creative touches!

  38. Your plants have to much water and ours don't have enough- wish we could reach a happy medium?

    I just decided that I am going to go sit in the garden on my "junk chic cottage" inspired chaise to finish my blog browsing.

  39. I love the lounger and chandelier. It looks comfy!!

  40. Happy Monday, Kris! Your deck looks so nice - all clean and bright! What a difference painting the furniture white made! I know your plants aren't up to their normal lushness, but they still look gorgeous! I like your cute little shed peeking out too! What a nice, relaxing place to spend the day dreaming! Hugs, Leena

  41. I ADORE the fact that you have a chandy outside!!! I love that! Your deck looks wonderful with all your flowers and accessories. I wish we had cool enough weather to enjoy the outdoors right now. August is our hottest month, so it's indoors all day long for me. :)

  42. One thing always leads to another...LOL. I think it all looks so beautiful and from the photos, the flowers look gorgeous and not scraggly at all! Happy Monday!

  43. I agree with Benita... your flowers look really pretty and I love how you rearranged everything. That log holder is amazing!


  44. Kris, what you call straggly still look gorgeous! But I do know how your plants are usually touching the ground by now. Love the set painted white, and what a bargain! With the umbrella even? It looks quite unique also. I got a small round table like your chairs at a thrift last week for $15. I'm going to give it a new coat of white paint. It will be great for extra seating. Love all of your unusual containers!

  45. Ooo....I just barely noticed that FABULOUS laced umbrella! SUPER!

    Dearest Kris, thank you for coming to visit my post. You are a dear. OH! And I still need to photograph those sterling knives I got. Go see my Instagram if you wish to see the junkin' vintage "crawl" I attended this past weekend! MUCH LOVE, Anita

  46. Kris, you know I ADORE your deck! To me your flowers are stunning, as always! I would just live out there :)

  47. Love, love your deck, Kris! It looks so fresh and pretty. The accessories and flowers are just perfect. Beautiful place to relax and enjoy Summer. xxx Maria

  48. This deck is magazine worthy. Love the trio of white pillows.

  49. I remember how lush and beautiful all of your plants were last year and that these may not be As Lush, but truly girlfriend, compared to what we have around here, your plants are Gorgeous!!!! Love you deck and the dining set painted! Your umbrella 'cover' is awesome! Have a super rest of your week! Blessings, Cindy

  50. Hi Kris: Your plants still look good to me. You've see some of mine I'm sure!! Your deck is looking so pretty already. It is a great size for all your plants and for sitting and lounging too. Did you put a white table cloth over your umbrella. If so does it hold up well? I did that once but we are under so many trees that it was covered with bird poopy before too longl. You really do keep your home and garden up so beautifully all the time. I always love to see it..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  51. Your hanging plants look great! They must be a wow when full and lush. I just bought a pink ivy geranium to hang off my side porch. They are say "summertime!" White paint always makes a huge statement.....your whole deck looks so pretty and inviting.

  52. Oh my Kris your deck looks so inviting! Happy to see the chandelier back again - I just love that feature. Swooning over your vintage firelog holder turned flower box - so pretty!

  53. We had drought and Hot here in Northern Michigan until last Sundays Storms, my Geraniums just did not do well this year either.
    Just wondering did your husband get the job offer?

  54. Kris, It looks absolutely fantastic out there. Your plants look a whole lot better than mine do. I left MyHero in charge of watering them while I was at my daughter's. I guess he likes the color DEAD because there is not hope for my THREE BIGGEST BEST BASKETS! Geez! Anyway, with your green thumb you will get them all back and, the truth is, they don't look bad at all just like they are.
    LOVE your back porch/deck. It always makes me smile to look at it. I love that you do and then re-do and redo again to give everything old a new twist. xo Diana
    ps. I have two old fireplace grates/log holders as plant holders, too-on my porch. I ended up putting those rubber "feet" thing under mine because they were leaving rusty stains on my concrete.

  55. Well, I think your plants are gorgeous and not scraggly! I can show you scraggly!!! :) What a most beautiful porch to spend time relaxing and having a great meal surrounded by beauty everywhere!...Love all of your most creative ways that you hang and plant your flowers. As I have stated before, no moss grows under your feet!

  56. It's looks so lovely Kris! Love all the planters, and your geraniums look really good considering the weather you've had. It's amazing how that set was totally transformed with the white. Just gorgeous! Love that log holder thingy.

  57. It all looks beautiful, Kris...I really love the white table and chairs...looks much more like you. :)_
    It's so dang hot here that we can't eat outside...100 and today it's supposed to reach 101....No desire to eat out there....
    It's so dry here, our plants are struggling....I'm watering twice a day and they still have droopy heads.

  58. What a beautiful setting! I could curl up on that lounger and take a nap. Your geraniums look terrific. I'm in TX and the recent heat has my geraniums looking pretty sad. Your photos remind me that I want to try the scented hanging geraniums next season.

  59. Your deck looks so pretty especially with the newly painted patio set. The lounger has got to be the prettiest one I have ever seen!

  60. This deck space is delightful.. I could spend my days enjoying this space for sure.. great job with colors too!

  61. Wow wow WOW! You have one of the prettiest decks I've ever seen. I swear my taste is just like yours….love the vintage log holder planter best of all. How great is that! I'd spend all my time outside if I were you. I love the painted dining set, too. LOVE the white!

  62. Oh my goodness I had to laugh at your complaints about your plants, Kris.
    They are gorgeous compared to mine, and I really thought my flowers were
    looking pretty good this year until I saw yours. The whole deck is lovely.
    I bet you really enjoy lounging there.

  63. Hi Kris! :)
    It's all so beautiful, oh my gosh...I love it all!
    I hear you on the Illinois summer we've been rain lately = plants that are not doing so good anymore! I just redid my pots out front with tropical plants, since the past few weeks have been so tropical here! I must say though, your plants look amazing!
    That Wal Mart set looks nothing like it did before, it's amazing white!
    I just love the chandelier and I bet it is all beautiful at night!

  64. Your deck looks great and it's the perfect place to spend a summer afternoon... Maybe it's beacuse Brittany is very rainy, but my geranium never look very lush, so yours looks amazing to me!

  65. Kris, Your deck looks amazing. What a beautiful spot to relax and enjoy your garden. Love the table and chairs painted white! Thanks so much for sharing at Simple & Sweet Fridays.

  66. Your deck always looks so lovely and inviting Kris and I think the table painted white is a perfect addition to this mini make-over. I look forward to featuring this at Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

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