New Nest Beginnings

Yeah!!!! We are taking possession of our new Home this coming Sunday.  The Sellers will be moving out on Saturday and we will have our new nest to start the decor changes.

Hope you will enjoying coming along as we begin to transform our new nest.
I am excited and have been pinning ideas and running different decor ideas through my mind on each room.

We will not officially move in until May 24th to give Terry and I time to paint and do some of the reno before moving in our furniture etc.  It will be easier to do a lot of the changes before we move our things in.

It has been a long and stressful year.  I finally feel like our journey is on a better path with the purchase of our new home.

I will begin to post some of the changes as we start working on the new nest after next week.
Ahhhhh Home Sweet Home!!! I like the sound of that!!!!
Have a great week everyone.


  1. I'm so happy for you, Kris. Best wishes, my friend.

  2. How totally exciting, Kris!! Can't wait to see all the loveliness you create in your new home! I know it will be warm, welcoming, and have your delightful fingerprint all over it!!
    Hugs and Joy to You!

  3. How exciting! I can't wait to follow along on the journey to creating your new home.

  4. I am really looking forward to this, Kris! HAPPY DAY!

  5. Congratulations Kris!! ♥

  6. It's almost's going to be a great summer for you and Terry! For you might work Terry to the bone! LOL I can't wait for you to get back into your groove, Kris. Beautiful things and new visions will be flowing and I can't wait! X, T.

  7. Oh I am so excited for you. It really has been a difficult and stressful year, so now on the good and happy times.

  8. What an exciting time for you!! Congratulations, and remember ~ you DON'T have to get it all unpacked right away!!

  9. I'm so excited for you, Kris! Just a few more days and you can unleash your creativity!

  10. So happy for you and Terry! I know you are so anxious to get in there and make it yours. When you have time, email me your new address.


  11. That's such good news, Kris! You will love every minute of the process, I'm sure. Looking forward to seeing the results.

  12. I am so happy for you and I feel that everything will come up roses for you and Terry. I can hardly wait to see all that you do. Please take a before and after pictures of each room so we can see everything.

    Have a wonderful week. Hope Cooper is doing great. Waldo and Lili send hugs to Cooper.


  13. You and Terry will surely create a beautiful home that blesses those you love. I look forward to seeing everything you do!

  14. WooHoo!!! Congratulations to you and Terry. Looking forward to the updates.
    Hugs, Gee

  15. I am so happy for you!!! I can't wait to see what you do with the new exciting!!!

  16. SO happy for you, Kris! I know it will feel wonderful to be in your own home again! Looking forward to your new adventures! xo

  17. I'm very happy for you, Kris. :) Wishing you lots of fun renovating and decorating!

  18. Good Morning Kris
    I am so happy for you and Terry. A new home!!! how exciting for you both. I can't wait to see all the new decorating you will be doing. Enjoy this beautiful day Kris

  19. Congratulations, So happy for you both!
    Blessings Candy

  20. I am so excited for you and your new journey steps. Your strength and hopefulness throughout the challenges are so refreshing and I love watching for your updates. I will be coming along to watch your nest progress and can't wait to see what you design. Best wishes to you, your family, and all of your precious little critters.

  21. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

  22. YEAHHHHHHHHHH I'll be waiting for updates. It will be wonderful for you all including Cooper to get into your new home sweet home

  23. Wow Kris, I am so happy for you and that is so exciting. I can't wait to see what you do with your new home. Congrats on your new home.
    Hugs, Julie

  24. Exciting! I'm looking forward to coming along to the transformation. Congratulations and welcome home!

  25. Oh Kris! I'm so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see the magic you bring to this house. All the Best, Milena

  26. So Happy for you !
    Cannot wait to see your magic touch.

  27. How exciting! Can't wait to see your new cottage :)

  28. My heart is so happy for you! I have been down the same road that you have been traveling so I know how stressful it is. All we can do is make sure we appreciate the highs and work thru the lows and believe the sun will shine again

  29. Best of luck over the next couple of weeks as you paint and move! I am looking forward to following along on your journey!

  30. Oh I cannot wait to see the love you and Terry will be giving the house!...Have a great move!!! xoxoxo's

  31. Congrats! Can't wait to follow along as you decorate your new home. You're smart to do all the painting, etc. first, before you move in all the furniture. I bet you've had decor ideas for the new house swirling around in your head for months now. :)

  32. Have fun in your new home!!! New beginnings! You have certainly had your share of sadness and hard times! Everyday is a challenge !

  33. That's wonderful news, Kris! Nothing like a new beginning! I'll be thinking of you, wising you a smooth move-in!

  34. Can't wait to see how you will decorate your new home:-) Have fun repainting and redecorating it!

  35. Kris you really do deserve some long awaited peace in your life. I am so happy for you! I know that you are going to come up with some amazing ideas, I can't wait to see them. When you finally walk into your new cottage I know that you will feel a sense of calm. I am so happy that you can move in at your own pace. Have a wonderful time! xx Jo

  36. Hi Kris, I am excited for you and Terry. Glad you are painting before moving in...that is really going to make things easier. Good luck dear friend, Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  37. I am sure the transformation of the new home will be wonderful.

  38. I am super excited for you, Kris, and can't wait to see the magic you create in your new home!! Hugs!!

  39. Kris, so happy for you and Terry and Cooper. Keep calm, and breathe deeply and it will a thing of pure joy, I know..Can't wait....xxo Judy

  40. Sending you lots of energy for the painting and the moving!

  41. Congratulations! I 'm so happy for you and i'm looking forward to seeing the new home

  42. How exciting, Kris! I can't wait to see you get back in action! Congratulations my friend!! :)

  43. Congratulations! How exciting to get to decorate again! Can't wait to see your new home!

  44. Congratulations! Can't wait to follow along as you personalize your new home!

  45. Sounds exciting. We recently got our house back - Our 3 adult children moved we are making repairs and doing some renovations. Fun fun fun.

  46. Yay! This is the news I've been waiting for, Kris. I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to see your new nest all cozied up just the way you like it (and I like what you like!). Congratulations, my friend! Hugs, Nancy

  47. I am so happy for you! I am excited to see all the creativity that you will be busy doing. :-) The fun ideas, new ideas and so much more! So excited!

  48. So happy for you Kris! It will be work, but a fun journey. Whatever you do will be gorgeous. That's just a given my friend!

  49. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to see what you do in your new homw. xxx Maria

  50. You deserve this Kris, and I can't wait to see how you work your magic with your new home. May this be the beginning of a happy and fulfilling journey for you both,

  51. That's wonderful news! I can't wait to see pics of your new place once you move in. It's a good idea to do as much as you can before you move in too.

  52. Happy to hear this! I have missed out on visiting yours and "my" other blogs again.. for quite a while, but I knew you would be moving. Can't wait to see everything.. you just have the special touch, for sure! Send some motivation and creativity my way, please ;) Will be thinking good thoughts for you and yours. -Tammy

  53. Looking forward to watching the transformation, Kris!

  54. Can't wait to see your new home.

  55. Congratulations, can't wait to follow along!

  56. I'm finally taking time to get caught up on blogs and I am SO SO SO excited for you and Terry! I know this is what you have needed and are looking forward to a new and fresh start! Still sending prayers your way for other things, but happy that this area of your lives is coming together! Blessings to you, Cindy xo

  57. That's so exciting, Kris! Congratulations, and wishing you many years of happiness in your new home! Can't wait to see how you put your design stamp on your your home!

  58. I'm very glad you'll be getting in your new home. What a year you've had! I can't wait to see what you do in your's exciting to start all over!

  59. I'm very glad you'll be getting in your new home. What a year you've had! I can't wait to see what you do in your's exciting to start all over!

  60. Dear Kris
    It's Sunday morning on my side of the world as I'm reading your post on my iPad!
    Today's the day for your big move yeeha!!!
    Wishing you a great day and a first sleep in your new home!
    Love to Cooper!
    Shane x

  61. Just thinking of you, sweet Kris!! Hope your time is filled with exciting times moving in!
    Happy weekend,

  62. Such an exciting time! I agree, getting it all painted first will save so much time later on. Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful new decor.

  63. You know how happy and excited I am for the two of you! Have a great time and yes post when you can! Hugs, Leena

  64. I can't wait to see what you do. I hope you show us before pics because you and Terry work such wonders it will be fun to see all the steps.

    And, congrats on your soon to be new granddaughter.

  65. You two deserve some happiness!....I am so over the moon excited for the two of you!....Looking forward to the magic you two will work on the new house!

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