A Simple Move And A New Project

Hi Everyone.

Sometimes just moving something from one place to another in your decor can make a difference.

A Simple Change.

I had put the Vintage Garden Sign back up at the top of the new re loved door.  I liked it but then thought maybe that is too much and not letting the door shine on it's own.  So I just took it down and moved it.  Easy Peasy!

Just moving the sign off the door lets this door keep her character. 

The vintage garden sign looks so much better in the entry way.

Now this beautiful door can shine on her own.

In Other Crazy........

Now that we have gotten the big stuff done since we moved in I am finding time to start to tweak things a little bit.  We have this stair case that has really tall walls.  I think about 12 feet up.  That makes the stairs feel open but very boring.

So Terry and I are embarking on a project to solve the tall boring wall problem.

Hope to have the post up soon on the changes to this stair case and the entry way.

Have a great Friday and beautiful week end.


  1. The door is so charming ♥


  2. Can't wait to see how you solved the tall boring wall problem! I'm sure the two of you will make it pretty in no time! So glad the beautiful door can shine on her own now. :)

  3. I would never have thought of it, but you are right, the door just didn't need the sign. Inspired!

  4. I would never have thought of it, but you are right, the door just didn't need the sign. Inspired!

  5. I always love seeing pics of your home!!!!! I can't wait to see what you do with the staircase....I know it will be fabulous :o) Have a great weekend!!!

  6. You are so right. I love moving things around from one one to another. I love what you did, looks really pretty there.

  7. Gosh you have been so busy fixing things up! I love all the magic you have done on the new furniture pieces. You are such an inspiration! The door is wonderful! It adds so much character. I always have to live with new changes for a bit to see if they are right or not. Sort of like letting the dough rise! Haha! I love your cheery style!

  8. Can't wait to see what you do!

  9. Good evening Kris, Yup I love the door naked to see its lovely patina. Well my dècor crazy (using your term) would either poke a huge opening in the wall and open it up OR add interest with Texture like hanging a large tapestry. Truly curious what Terry and you come up with. My solution for Interest in our home as you know was exposing the brick all the way up the stair wall. Kris I hope your temps are cooling down, today was 93 in Philadelphia and I want some sweater weather! I have a feeling this weekend you will be busy with this project.

  10. o, yes...i like the door better, too.
    you are so so good at this decorating thing..and Terry is awesome to do it all for you....
    my choice for a large wall like that is to have large LARGE, like 16x20 black and white photos of my kids and grands, mounted in large white mats..really large...and simple black frames...anxious to see what you come up with

  11. With your style and all your décor props being of either similar thyme and or color, I imagine you could change things up on a daily basis. I personally, loved the door in both of it's forms. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the stair case. Careful now, 14 foot walls and stairs can take a feat of engineering to decorate safely. But I know the fireman in Terry, will have safety in mind!

  12. It is amazing what moving something that you/we thought looked good, to another spot really makes things much better. The door really is lovely and that whole vignette needs no words, it speaks for itself. The little sign looks great in the entry.

    I look forward to seeing what you do with the stair walls. Have fun.

    Have a great weekend ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  13. This is one of many reasons why I love the changing seasons. I get to move things, small things that make a huge impact on the design. Now that summer is fading, my summer décor will be put away and FUN fall will take the stage. And just with the change of positioning! Your new and easy move is PERFECT, Kris! AND...you are keeping us in great suspense! I WANT TO SEE ! I can't wait. I know it will be lovely.

    OK, have a great weekend!

  14. Love the door plain and the new home for the sign, such a simple change but a big impact. Can't wait to see what you do with the stairs, I wonder will it involve a mirror, that would be a part of my solution.

  15. It's looking like your home! Can wait to see what you do with the wall.

  16. Love your door! I am sure once you and Terry get whatever project you have going on the staircase will be far from boring! Love everything you do...can't wait to see it

  17. Good Morning Kris
    I adore the way you decorate* Love the sign in the entry way but I would probably love it anywhere you put it. Its a great sign
    Can't wait to see the new stairs project. It will be amazing I am sure of it
    have a great weekend

  18. Love the change...you're right, the door didn't need the sign. Can't wait to see what you do with those very tall walls. Have a lovely weekend. Stormy weather here...

  19. As always, your taste is impeccable. Holding my breath awaiting the stair wall design.

  20. Like the door better with the sign moved. I like where you put the sign - looks really good there.

    I can hardly wait to see what you and Terry come up with, I am sure it will look great.

    Hope you have not experienced an ill effects from the terrible weather in Illinois. So many terrible things all over the world.

    Have a great weekend....


  21. A great display of "Less is More" Love that you repositioned the sign :-) The door is great by itself.

  22. Ahhhhh. You've got great moves, Kris. He he he.
    Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the stairs.

  23. Kris your entry is so soft and lovely yet it has all of that chippiness and vintage that we love. Your hall way is huge it's about as big as my little nest! lol Can't wait to see what you do with it. I really love the chandy from above and the the contrast on the stairs and railing. Have a lovely weekend. xx Jo

  24. You had me wanting to see the stairway redo but I guess that will have to be another day. LOL I agree the move for the sign makes the door perfect now.

  25. I can't wait to see what your creative genius mind comes up with for that stairway!!!

  26. You're right. The door didn't need the sign. It makes a statement all on its own.

    Now what inspiring idea do you have for the stairway?? Can't wait to see it :)

  27. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your stairwell. I bet you're enjoying being able to tweak details around your house now.

  28. Everything is looking lost, Kris~! Can't wait to see what you do with the stairs!


  29. Can't wait to see what you have planned for that staircase! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Leena

  30. That looks fabulous too! Looking forward to the next change :)

  31. I love it when a simple tweak makes a major difference - definitely worth celebrating and sharing!

  32. I like it. I am like you, I like to tweak my decor too. I just switched up my outside decor on the deck, feels all new and inviting.
    Looking forward to the next project.

  33. Kris, love that little sign anyplace, but the door does show herself better now and I cannot imagine what you are planning for the staircase but I do know it will be fantastic and can't wait to see. Have a wonderful week..Judy

  34. Oh you certainly have me wondering what you will be adding to your staircase...
    Your decorating style is gorgeous, so naturally whatever you choose will be too!

  35. Kris, looking forward to another creative design. The staircase will look amazing ♥
    Hugs, Jody

  36. Everything is looking great Kris. I love your stairs! Ours will be one of the first things we hope to tackle within the first year. We had the builder quote us on doing them for us but it was crazy expensive and we knew we could do it ourselves for way less.

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