Good Friday everyone. The work on the new nest is coming along. Our hard work is paying off. This house is beginning to feel like a home.
Here is the dining room before's and after's.
This room is flooded all day by natural light. Hard to get a great picture at least for me not being a professional with the camera but trust me this room is full of sunshine. It really makes my chippy's and whites shine. |
My China Cabinet fit perfectly on this wall. |
I got this cute chicken feeder at a market show I went to recently with a friend. I think it works for my table center piece. |
Terry had to cut down my large square table to have it fit in this smaller dining room space. I was happy he could keep the drawer fronts he originally put on the sides and ends of this table. They give character to this table. |
Dining room and Living room are done. I will show you more of the living room soon. |
The kitchen is coming along. Still a work in progress. I cannot wait to show you how I have some of family heirlooms in place in this kitchen. It is starting to look like a vintage french kitchen.
Hope to have more to share soon. Lots of work but so worth it. I am in love with my new nest.
Like Dorothy said "There's no place like Home".
Have a great week end. Hugs, Kris |
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