Kitchen Cabinets

Happy New Week Everyone.

Things are moving along with the sale of Junk Chic Cottage II.  In negotiations with our buyers  we agreed to put the kitchen cabinets back up for them.  

I loved the open concept of the shelves but it is not everyone's taste and storage was their main priority.  Thankfully we had the shelves still.  Terry had hung them in the garage for storage.

So here is my kitchen the way I had it.

I liked the open feel of the shelves in this galley kitchen.  Not everyone embraces the open concept of shelves.

So back up went the cabinets for the new buyers.  They said they would paint them white so we are thankful with all we have going on they will do that.  They just asked us to rehang them.

My open shelf on the coffee bar side of the kitchen.

They wanted a cabinet put back up.  So we did that for them.  Terry had added crown molding to all the cabinets when we moved in.  I am not sure if they will do that to these cabinets that we rehung.  I think it would look better and make the cabinets look more like the others but it is their choice.

Taking down my shelves and starting the packing process is helping me to detach from this home.

Nothing has come on the market for us but I am staying hopeful we will not be homeless come May when we close on this one!

Have a wonderful week.  Hope to have some news to share on finding the new Junk Chic Cottage III soon.



  1. I am so thrilled this one is sold and hope your new home is right around the corner.

  2. Well, that was an easy fix, huh? I would've kept it the way you have it, but to each their own. Fingers crossed that a new week will bring new homes to market!

  3. I prefer it open, but it was an easy fix, and it is good that you kept the cabinets. Hope all continues to go smoothly. xoxo Su

  4. Congrats on a very quick sale!!! My inlaws house has been for sale much longer and no offers have been made yet. 😩

  5. Looks like things are moving right along, Kris! Glad you didn't have to paint the cabinets, too! Hope you find your new home soon!

  6. Kris, So glad you saved the cabinets. :) Nice that the buyers will paint them. You are an amazing woman. Your love of decorating will show in your new home. I pray something just right comes along soon. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. So happy this sold quickly for you both. Now the adventure quickens.... here's to Junk Chic Cottage 111 coming along in a timely manner.
    Hugs, Gee

  8. Good that you have saved those cabinets! I and sending you good house buying vibes!

  9. I wondered when you took them down, I loved all your decor and shelves, but those of us who are a tad weird--speaking of myself only--are out of the mainstream of 'boring', LOL. But for function, I understand. We are wall to wall cabinets in the kitchen, but I don't have a pantry or a huge closet to store all the cooking/serving/ and dishes we have. I hope the rest goes smooth, and selling it quick, has to be a load off your mind. Grins, and onward, Sandi

  10. I loved your kitchen look, but to each their own. People think they must have so much storage. When I don't even use the storage in my kitchen at all. Hope you find a new home soon! Fingers crossed!

  11. Thank God you saved those cabinets. I liked how open and wide your kitchen felt without the cabinets in place but, you are right, that is an individual choice and everyone is different. Wasn't the cabinet above the fridge part of a family heirloom or am I dreaming that? Maybe that was something else.....
    I can't wait for you to find JCCIII....can you believe you are moving again? Just hope you can find the most perfect place for you!!!
    Happy Packing-ha! xo Diana

  12. I bet you are thankful that you kept the cabinets. Hoping you have a nice Easter and will find a home soon!

  13. Hi Kris, So glad you kept those cabinets for the new owners. I loved it without, but like you said, everyone has a different taste and they needed the storage. Wishing you a beautiful Easter week and I pray you find the perfect home to create your gorgeous Junk Chic Cottage III. I know it will be amazing. Sending hugs to you my friend.

  14. I love that you not only hung the cabinets but put back some décor as well. We are not seeing much come on the market where we want to move either. Homes do come up but I'm not in the market for $500K to $1M homes! Congrats on the home sale and good luck in your home search.

  15. So glad that you sold your cottage and now to find another one. I am sure one will come on the market soon.

    Soon I will be on the hunt for something to live in. I am leaning towards an apartment. Something goes wrong, just call up the manager to have it fixed.

    Hope your mom is doing well.

    Take care.


  16. storage is over rated...did I really say that. When hubby came home from hospital with a van full of supplies I had no room for and numerous boxes arriving daily, I set to empting my pantry and linen closet. I couldn't believe all the stuff I was storing and not using, just cause I had the space. I am now on a roll of purging things that I don't either see or touch daily. Who needs things hidden behind doors that they never use. I loved all your open shelving. You certainly will be able to duplicate the look in your new home.

  17. Oh, Kris. None of this can be easy.

    Praying you find something you ADORE soon.

    Havde a blessed week. Big hugs. ♥

  18. Kris,
    I am so happy you have caught us up to date! I really miss you and pray for you each day. I honestly have never seen a post from you where I like the before better than the after 😂 I guess we like what we like just happy poor Terry didn't pack the tool belt yet! Hang in there sweet friend the light is nearing at the end of this long tunnel. I hope we get some pics of the grands soon is Charlotte crawling around yet? Take care. Kindest Regards, Rachelle

  19. I hope the buyers never see this, but UGH. It looks so much better the way you did it. Oh well... to each his own and at lest it sold so you can get into your new cottage.

    I'm so sorry you're having a rough time, but I'm glad you finally have your mom up there by you and things are moving along.

    hugs to you,

  20. I am so glad that you sold your house and with all the positives lately, I know you will find something soon. Cooper needs a new nest.

  21. Glad it's all working out! You will make a cozy nest wherever you go. Hope you find a place you love soon! (And those cabinets look pretty good with the counter tops in your beautiful kitchen.)

  22. Theh amount of work you've's amazing. You will find a home, I know it.

  23. Different taste for different folks. I like open shelves. Congrats on the sale!

  24. As you know, I loved your open shelves, but if taking them down helps you say goodbye to this home, it's all good. Thank goodness you don't have to paint them! I know you're going to find an amazing home- at least it'll be amazing when the two of you are done with it!

  25. Good Morning Kris
    I like the way you had it much better, looked so pretty. I am sure the cabinets will look better once they are painted white. You will find a new home soon, I Just know it*** look at sweet Cooper in that picture!

  26. It looks better the way you had it but to each their own. At least you can the cabinets to rehang. They look odd without paint and crown molding. It would be interesting to see what they end up doing.
    Praying for the right "cottage" to pop up soon.

  27. I love open shelving too. I know cabinets offer more storage, but I just love the open look of shelving. I'm looking forward to seeing what your new home will be!

  28. I love the way you had it, but you have to do what you have to do...I hope you find a home soon, can't wait to see what you do to it, I am sure it will be just as amazing and beautiful when add your touch to it.

  29. I love the open shelving. Your kitchen looked so beautiful that way! But to each his own and it's no longer yours so I can see why you had to put them back up. It's nice to see glimpses of your new cottage. I'm sure you've been very busy feathering your new Nest! Hope all is well.

  30. Whew, good thing you kept the cabinets! I do hope the new owners add the crown molding and paint the cabinets white because they stick out like a sore thumb. Otherwise all your hard work in updating the kitchen will go to waste. Oh well, that's there choice. Finger's crossed you find the perfect Cottage III soon.

  31. If re-installing the cabinets was all you had to concede for the sale, that's great. Sure glad you kept them. I love how you still staged the cabinets after reinstalling, lol.

  32. I really want to take down some of our cabinets and just have shelving but I struggle with the whole resale thing. I don't think we'll stay in this house for very many more years and I don't want to hold onto the old cabinets and have to put them back up again. This is what keeps going 'round and 'round in my head. Seeing your post makes me think I should probably just leave them up. My other idea is to just paint them. Did you paint yours yourself? With a brush or sprayer? Or did you have them professionally painted?

  33. I liked the open shelves, but how fortunate that you kept the cabinets and could reinstall them to close the deal. That's the important thing, huh? I know you're going to find another cottage to love and decorate. Things are looking up, my friend. Hugs, Nancy

  34. It was fortunate you still had the other cabinets! I like the way you had it.

  35. Different strokes for different folks. That's what keeps life interesting.

    Wishing all the best for you both during this trying time.


  36. I too prefer your open shelves, but as you say - everyone has different likes and dislikes. So very fortunate that you kept the cabinets and that your husband is so very handy! I feel sure that everything will fall into place for you - just stay open and positive. Hugs, Gilly xx

  37. Hi Kris, I liked the open shelving, especially in your coffee bar area. It just doesn't seem right with the one odd cabinet there on its own. Who knows, they may choose to take them down when they move in. Good luck in your search for a "new" home. All the best, Milena.

  38. Good thing you kept the cabinets and this was an easy fix for the buyers! Best wishes to you on all of this and for a nice upcoming Easter weekend.

  39. I like the changes you guys made much better! The open shelving worked beautifully, but you are right...people like different things. I do hope you are able to find something soon! Love and hugs!!

  40. Yu are very smart!! you kept the back up.. so happy to know that you sold the cottage.. XOXO..

  41. Kris the enhancements you and Terry did were amazing and the open shelves looked so pretty... hope you find a new place very soon to once again work your magic. Oh and I love the crown molding you topped the cabinets with to elevate builders grade to a custom look.

  42. Hey Kris, I'm so excited for you! Once again, our lives seem to be taking parallel paths as we have a buyer for our house too, as of April 3. We also will close in May and haven't found a house yet either! I just read your previous posts and I will be praying for your mother and for all of you during this process. I seem to have stopped getting your posts and I'm playing catch up. I might just need to subscribe again so I'll check on that. I'll be thinking of you as I'm packing and purging. :)

  43. Congratulations on the quick sold!
    Hugs Alessandra

  44. Ya'll were so smart to keep those cabinets! You just never know. Although, I am surprised that Terry hadn't repurposed them already into some fantastic piece of furniture that would have made us all green with envy. LOL
    Hope something pops onto the market this week...hang in there!
    xoxo T.

  45. I liked the open layout the way you had it, but to each his own, right?

  46. Ohhhhhh, Kris. All I can say is I miss your pretty shelves, BUT everybody has to do what they like and luckily, you had saved the old cupboards. It will look so much better when they paint them. Not your problem anymore. Good luck in your house hunt..Happy Easter, xxoJudy

  47. I want to take mine down!! Lol. Prayers as you continue to look for your new cottage!
    Happy Easter!!

  48. So glad that you kept those cabinets as I am sure the new buyers are thrilled that Terry took the time to rehang them! Looking forward to the update on the move!

  49. So glad you have a buyer, Kris! Hope everything goes smoothly and you find a wonderful place of your own.

  50. At least because of all the other work you did in the kitchen, the old cabinets will look great for them, especially painted white. And seeing them, as well as packing, probably does help you "detach" from the house. I just know you will find a darling house, Kris. And what it may lack in darling, you will both add.

  51. I prefer the more open look you had, but I do understand the need for storage. And anyway, you'll put your pretty open shelves back up on some new walls soon!

  52. Hi Kris,
    I like the look you had with the open shelving. I am glad this helps you detach, so that is the important thing!

    Well, my week changed very quickly. My dad had a heart attack on Tuesday. He had open heart surgery with four bypasses. He is slowly recovering.

    It is a 2 1/2 hour drive to the hospital that my dad is at. I did spend the night Tuesday - Friday.

    I tell you, things can change in ones life so quick, it is a reminder to love each other every day.


  53. Not a big fan of open cabinets for all my cabinets, I have to hide things!!! haha....but I would love to have a couple of open ones for the nice stuff to be put in and show of some cute stuff.

  54. Hi Kris! I am so happy that you still had those cabinets and didn't have to buy replacements! I preferred your kitchen the way you and Terry changed it, but I guess that everybody is entitled to their opinion :) I do think that I would have left the open area over the coffee bar counter. I lone cabinet just doesn't belong - it looks like a medicine cabinet. Again, I guess it's their choice. I'm just glad that your home sold so quickly and I know that you will find the perfect Cottage III soon! Hugs, Leena

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