New Chandelier

Hi Everyone.
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes.  So far so good as I am now 60 years old!  Nothing fell off my body on my birthday so it is all good lol!!!

I am hoping turning the page from a decade in my 50's to now entering my 60's will be as wonderful.

I am getting ready to head out tomorrow on our trip to Michigan.  The forecast is looking great.  High 60's next week.  

For all you southern girls I know that sounds cold but to us in the Midwest that feels very warm.  You put on sweaters when it is in the 60's we fling open windows lol!

As some of you know I am working on a new living room project.  One of the new things I wanted to do in the living room was add a chandelier.

The hunt has been on for sometime to find just the right one and stay on a budget.

That has been a challenge.  The chandeliers I loved were very very expensive.  Every time I would find one I would look at the price tag and it would be $400 dollars and up.  I cannot believe how much chandeliers have gone up in price.

After striking out at a great antique shops and markets I was getting weary I would never find a sweet chandelier for my new living room decor.

Last Weekend after striking out at a very nice antique market with lots of chandeliers,   Terry and I stopped into a resale shop on the way home.

When we walked in the door right away there was this chandelier that grabbed my attention.

Here is the chandelier.  It was gold!  So of course it got painted white.  No surprise there!

The great part of this find was the price. 

I was almost afraid to look at the tag knowing what the cost of the chandeliers have been priced in our area.  

 Terry looked at the price.  He had this look on his face.  I said oh probably expensive right?!!  

He looked at me and said the tag says $46.  I said no way you must have read it wrong and it says $460.  

So I took a look.  Nope it was marked $46.  I even had the sales girl come over to verify the price.  She said it is $46.

It was one of those "Start the car moments!"

We could not get that chandelier into the car fast enough.  I said lets go before they figure out they made a mistake!!!!

The new $46 chandelier is hanging over my island in the kitchen.  The chandelier I had over the island is now hanging in the living room.  We did a little switch a roo!

Here is the chandelier that was over the island.  I now have it hanging in the living room.
I had found this chunky vintage frame and thought the chunky chandelier would look better.

So this one is now in the living room and I am almost done with this room to have a reveal.  Just waiting on some slipcovers to come in.

I wanted to show you this angel.  I found her at Tuesday Morning for $20.  She was gray and not too pretty.  I brought her home and gave her a new coat of white paint.   Great score on the price and all it took was a little white paint and here she is all pretty and serene.

Have a beautiful week ahead.  I hope to find some new fun treasures on our trip to Michigan.


  1. Kris, I am laughing as I could see you and Terry flying down the road in your hurry to get that chandy home. LOL You have a great sense of humor. I like the chucky one with the frame. Good deal on the chandy and the angel. Way to go birthday girl. Blessings for a fun filled time away . xoxo, Susie

  2. Kris I love your new chandelier and it looks pretty in your kitchen. You really got it for a great price!
    Have fun on your trip and I sure hope you have warmer weather. Oh and just let me say that 60 isn't too bad, believe me because my 69th is coming up next month!!!!


  3. Kris!!!!! OMG!!! What a buy!! I would have made a run for it too!!! And LOVE how you created a medalion using a picture frame on the ceiling!!! Stunning!!! Love the whole look!! Simply gorgeous!!

  4. Wow what a great buy. It is very beautiful.
    I wish you a good Night


  5. What an amazing steal! Now that it is white I am sure it would sell for $460. Happy treasure hunting in MI.

  6. Happy birthday to you..Glad you found some treasures to celebrate!

  7. Wow, so looks so amazing!!! There is nothing more exhilarating than a start the car kind of find :o)
    Have a great week!!!!!

  8. I love your chandy...and the one you now have in your lr looks fantastic.
    We live in West Texas...dry and H.O.T. in summer so I have ceiling fans chandys...bah humbug

  9. WOW! What a great find. It looks amazing. I really like the frame you added to go with the other.
    Thank you for sharing the funny too, I could see you doing just that. LOL ;-)
    Have a great Birthday week get away.

  10. Love the chandelier and it is definitely a steal. Have fun in Michigan.

  11. That commercial always made me laugh! Congrats on finding a great deal! It looks lovely. I also like what you did with the picture frame. -Jenn

  12. I'm so glad that nothing fell off your body on your birthday, lol. The chandelier was a great find at an amazing price and it looks wonderful above your island. What a cool idea to frame the chandalier in your living room! That's a real eye-catcher!
    Have a fabulous time in Michigan! I hope you'll have great weather all week long.
    xo Julia

  13. So beautiful. Happy birthday! Have a fun trip.

  14. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you did it! You switched it out and now you have a HUGE, welcoming statement in your kitchen with that chandy! And the other one looks marvelous in your sitting room with that frame! Kris, that is such a great transformation, and on a budget! Bravo to you. What a great birthday present for you!!!!! The cottage is brimming with change and I can't wait to see what's next.... I hope the birthday gift I'm sending you will find a spot in your décor, and don't be afraid to bring out our white paint for it!

    Sending you loving hugs as go off to Michigan!

  15. Love your sense of humor,Kris:) Belated happy birthday... We love you Kris! And I love the chandelier way more than I should ha ha!

    Varsha| Independent villas in OMR

  16. Thanks for the smile on this Monday morning, Kris. Love that commercial. What a great find! That chandelier was just waiting for you to come along and bring it home. We are enjoying temps in the 60s too....aaahhhh. Have a great trip!

  17. What a great price!!! My dear husband and I had a few times of 'quick, let's get in the car', with our treasures. :-)

    I love what you did with the frame on the ceiling for the chunky chandie. It's a great idea!!

    Have a wonderful week, delightful spring and a great 60th year celebration all year long.


  18. Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh!! Lovely chandelier - the perfect addition! Happy Monday xoxox

  19. Good morning Kris
    Have a great time in Michigan* that chandelier is absolutely gorgeous, only 46.00 wow what an amazing deal that was. It looks so pretty. How did you paint that? did you have to take all the crystals off? oh gosh I would forget where they go if you had to do it that way.
    the angel is beautiful Kris

  20. The treasures you find on your treasure hunting expeditions never cease to amaze me. What a deal! You go girl.

  21. Kris I was laughing at your run for with the chandelier clanging to the car. I remember the commercial. Prices are up there for chandeliers. French is expensive but I save for what I really want. No more buying for the moment. I want to wait for the perfect piece for us.

    As I said, have a blast.


  22. What a steal that chandy was! Looks fantastic!

  23. ROFL!As soon as I read "start the car, I busted out laughing! That's one of our favorite commercials and on many occasions, either Jim or I would yell, "start the car!" When they ran it here for their winter sale, I showed it to Shannon. She's now saying it too. Jim would be proud lol! Love the new chandelier and wowie, you can't beat the price! So glad you found it before you'd paid a higher price for another one! Both look great in their new locations - another successful switcheroo! I really hope that you and Terry have a wonderful time on your trip! Sounds like the weather will be perfect! Hugs! 💜

  24. What a great bargain and it is so beautiful. You are so funny! Sometimes a priced tag gives us sticker shock. Yours was shocking because it was so inexpensive. It looks beautiful in it's new home. happy travels. xo

  25. What a brilliant idea installing a picture frame around the chandelier! Oh my goodness, I would have been running out the store thinking the same thing. You must've been squealing with delight once you turned the corner!

  26. Your inner bargain hunter is spot on! What a great find! Oh yeah, I would have grabbed that baby and made for the car in a flash. Enjoy your trip. You know we all want to see what you bought. xoxo

  27. Wow! That's like the score of the century!!! It's beautiful! Have a safe and fun trip!!!

  28. Purseverance really pays off doesn't it! What a great buy on the chandelier. That frame you added around the other chandelier is brilliant. I'm laughing about flinging the windows open- we have the back sliding door open because it's around 60º and we still have snow outside! We had the windows partly down as we drove around yesterday. I doubt you'll see snow down in the southern region of Michigan though so that's a good thing! Have a great time- Michigan welcomes you!

  29. Fabulous deal on a fabulous chandelier! My husband and I love that commercial. We reference it often when we find great deals. LOL!

  30. I love your chandelier, it’s gorgeous! The price is amazing. Can you tell me where you found your checked curtains? Hugs, Sandi

  31. Happy Birthday, Kris. Don't forget to ask if places have senior discounts. Michael's has them for 55 and over.
    We look for them all the time.

  32. Unbelievable!!! I love that Ikea really captures the feeling doesn't it? And you made me laugh...nothing fell off my body. You are a riot!! Enjoy your trip and the warm weather. 60 feels downright tropical right now!!

  33. Wow what a find! I had to laugh too..... seeing you guys sneaking out and flying away from that store... with big smiles on your faces! they both look gorgeous where you've placed them... love that chunky one too.. I bet it just sparkles at night in there... would love to see it at night. Everything you and Terry touch turns to gold (uh... I mean... white)!!!!! Have a great trip for your birthday!!!! hugs.. Marilyn

  34. now that frame on the ceiling is so creative......loving it!!!!

  35. How awesome! Don't you love it when you find something you've been hunting for...and it's a steal!?
    Beautiful chandelier, Kris!

  36. Have a fabulous time!! Love your new chandelier!

  37. Love this story! I probably would have bought it even though I don't need one. What a buy! So pretty.

  38. wow!! what great treasure you found.. it is looking marvelous!

  39. I would have been running for the car too. It is beautiful and I love it painted white. I like the switch looks terrific.

    Enjoy your trip and hope your find lots of wonderful treasures.

    Can I please have your address - have the old one but not your new one.


  40. Awesome chandelier and hilarious reaction of "start the car"!

  41. The new chandelier looks fantastic

  42. What a beautiful chandelier - and a great deal! My mom got a brass chandelier last week when we were out antiquing for $50. Have a great time in Michigan!

  43. Kris, Beautiful with a capital B! And the price was fantastic. Looks like you got a lot of bling for the buck. Have fun on your trip.xxoJudy

  44. A great score...and chandeliers are so hard to find lately. I'm looking for 1 for our upstairs hallway and can;t find one small enough. You probably got the last chandelier for $46! So I won't trouble myself looking for one...but is you should stumble on one...

  45. Well, that chandelier was just waiting for you two!!....Looks like it was meant to be over the island and what a great idea (you two always have them) to do the switch-a-roo! Love, love, love the frame to serve as the medallion...genius! Have fun on your trip! I too love the temps in the 60's...the air just feels so fresh and crisp! Safe travels you two!!

  46. Oh my....your commercial was perfect, Kris!!! hahaha. The price on that chandelier was unbelievable! It looks perfect in the kitchen. And I love the chunky one in the living room...that looks incredible with the frame above it!! I can only imagine what you've found on your birthday trip. Enjoy your time away!
    Love to you.

  47. Wow are you guys really lucky to have found that beautiful chandelier for such a great price. They were practically giving it away! I looks so pretty and i can't wait to see what you did with the LR! Have a lovely week
    Julie xo

  48. That was quite the find, my friend - like a wonderful birthday present to yourself!! Looks lovely of course, but I wouldn't expect anything else from your amazing cottage! Have a great time in Michigan!

  49. Sorry I am late, but Happy Birthday. What a steal you got for the chandelier and I love how you painted it white.

  50. Your new chandelier is beautiful and what a great price! I love chandeliers but don't have one and don't no where I would put it but I think they are so pretty and elegant. Nancy

  51. That was a great price on the chandelier and do continue blogging, you'd be missed.

  52. Happy belated birthday. What a great price on the chandy. I'd be running out of there, too!

  53. Kris what a steal lady! I would have been running to the car as well. It looks perfect above your island.

  54. That commercial fits PERFECTLY with your chandelier find. Woohoo!!! What an amazing find! I love your use of the frame on the ceiling. How ingenious! And you make everything lovely with that white paint of yours! You have such a great eye for things!

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