Lost My Mind

Hello Everyone.  Hope the weekend is going great for all of you.

Well I have lost my mind!  Yep! I made a big decision based on my heart and not my mind.  My mind lost and my heart won.

As many of you know that follow my blog we lost  our beautiful rescue Cooper a few years ago to cancer.  Oh how we loved that guy.  He blessed us in so many ways.

Then we took the plunge again and adopted Peggy another rescue basset hound.  Her story was a little different than Coopers.  

We got her and found out she was starving with having so many bad teeth and infections in her mouth.  So we did the surgeries to correct her bad teeth and heavy antibiotics followed to clear up the massive infection. 

Peggy began to eat again and gain some weight.  Shortly after all her surgeries we began to see she was exhibiting a lot of anxiety and separation issues from me.  We tried everything with her and nothing worked for months.  It was heart wrenching to come home from just going to the grocery store for an hour to find her worn out from pacing and throwing up and panting from anxiety attacks.  So the next step would have been to drug her and I did not want to do that to her. 

  So what to do?!!!

My smart and wonderful Vet said since she came from only knowing  being in a pack of dogs she probably was missing being with a pack to feel secure.  She made me her pack leader and since there were no other pack animals beside me home with her she would freak out with anxiety.

So the Vet suggested finding her a home where there were more kids and family members so she could find a pack again.

I thought long and hard on this and finally thought as hard as it was going to be to give her up and how heart broken I was over this I wanted her to have a good life.

So we found through divine intervention a wonderful home where there were three kids and a mom and dad home with her.  She is thriving now.  No anxiety and she loves this family especially the kids.  Her new pack.  

With all of this said Terry and I still missed her and having a dog.  We have had dogs all our married life.  So it just did not feel right in our home about not having a dog.

We told ourselves we would take a break with all the other things going on in our lives to maybe again some day dream of having another sweet fur angel in our lives.

  We would see people walking their dogs and just sigh and say someday, someday soon.  For now we need to be strong and be patient.

Then I get an email from Coop's rescue saying they were in desperate need of fosters.  They wanted me to take on a foster or two!!!!

I said I will have to think about it.  I knew if I fostered I could never give up the dog when they found a home.

Ok finally after that long read this is where I have lost my mind.  Gone off the rails and over the edge!!!

 I would like to introduce you to Buddy our newest little family member.

This is Buddy when we got him on Friday from the breeder fostering him.

He is a 6 month old dachshund pup.  Isn't he beautiful.  I have never seen a cream dachshund before.

This is my daughters little doxie Snickers.  She is a mini and what is called a reverse dapple.  Her markings are rare in the dachshund world. She is so tiny compared to the regular size doxie like Buddy.

So now Buddy will have a new playmate with Snickers already in our family.

He is giving you a profile shot here.  Did you notice that someone is taking over my lounge chair!!!  Hmmmm just sayin!!!!

So far he has been a great little boy.  It is a training session for both him and us with him being a puppy.  Patience is the name of the game.  Patience is not my best suit,  but I am trying!
Ok get this fun fact!  Beauty Rest make dog beds.  We got this one from Home Goods for Buddy.  He loves it. 

I have to say I laid in it in the Home Goods to check it out and it is pretty comfy. 

Yep! I laid right down in this in the middle of the doggie section of Home Goods.  I figured if I love it he would too!

So our new little man will be training Terry and I !!! and becoming a great little addition to our family.

I wanted to wait to do something like this again but is there really ever a good time to add a new member to your family?  We are always busy with our lives and he is just going to help us to slow life down some.

So you might see  Buddy showing up in some future posts.

Terry is almost done with the Murphy Bed.  It is not a hard project just time consuming.  We have had a lot of interruptions too.

Hoping to have that post up this week for you.


  1. A Dachsie! Congratulations!!! They are the greatest dogs in the world; and you will find the standard size is much less "yappy" than the minis.
    How I wish we could have a play date with your new baby and our our 2 Doxie's!
    I'll be looking forward to many more pix of him!

  2. Good for you, guys! He's a very handsome boy, looks like a little man for sure. One thing I've learned is that sometimes our timing is not God's timing. haha. You needed to be nudged by the foster call! I wasn't ready for this move, but, hey I'm believing it's The Plan. So with little Buddy. What a good mom you are to lay down in the middle of Home Goods to approve the little bed. Have fun!

  3. Hi Kris! I'm so happy for you and Buddy! Your heart is too big BOY to have a dog in your life. Puppies are a challenge, but that's why God made them so dang cute. I can just imagine the wonderful posts you will have of him in the future. One of my favorite things to do with Palmer when he was a pup, was holding him in my arms while we both took a nap. So sweet. Didn't last long, but it was a precious memory. He's 92 pounds three years later! Congrats again. Jane

  4. Oh my word, he is adorable I can see why you had to say yes.

  5. Oh how adorable!!! I'm so happy for you! but is he a foster or are you keeping him? Either way, enjoy the love!


  6. OMG he is soooooooooo cute....and such a pretty boy too! I am so glad you found another love. Sometimes God's timing isn't the same as ours but it always works out in the end. Have a great week!!!!

  7. LOL- I KNEW you wouldn't last....as many buckets as you cried when Peggy(Sue) went down the road I knew you would need a pup to fill that hole in your heart. At least you know Peggy is settled and doing beautifully and you will always know where she is and how she is doing.

    I am glad you have Buddy. I hope he will be the perfect fit for you and Terry. Can't wait to see the Murphy bed. xo Diana

  8. Yay for Buddy and for you and Terry, Kris! He is so beautiful/handsome! His fur looks so silky and I'm in love with those paws. I showed him to RH and he was so glad for y'all.

    So I guess he will be Snickers Uncle, right? You know how much I love Bassets too but I really think you will love being dachshund parents. And Kris, you were wonderful to Cooper and Peggy and now you will be with darling Buddy. It will be so sweet to once again see a beloved dog in your posts again.

    So happy for you,

  9. Oh, I can't stop laughing at you trying out the dog bed in HomeGoods!! He is so pretty! I have never seen one that color, too. I know he will be loved and spoiled.

  10. You got a puppy!! Buddy is so cute and I've never seen that color before. So glad he has a home now. :)

  11. Oh, yes...he is mighty handsome and I can see why he loves your spot in the sun...it's adorable.

  12. Oh my, my daughter fosters and is a "foster-fail" with her last one too. They have quit fostering as they don't have anymore room to adopt anymore dogs!

  13. Haha! I knew it! You just have too much love in your heart, you need to give it to someone. Congratulations! Adorable and I am laughing out loud at the thought of you in HomeGoods. In a dog bed. 😂😂😂 You’re the best doggie mama ever!! Love it.

  14. That's wonderful, Kris and I'm so happy for you two. Buddy is a cute little guy and you'll be having so much fun with him. Hahaha, you cracked me up with trying out the dog bed. Congratulations on your new family member! :)
    xo Julia

  15. HE IS A CRACK-UP!!!!!!! I love him, I just love his coloring and his profile reminds me of the Peanuts SNOOPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He exudes this personality, Kris....he looks as if he is right at home in his little Beauty Rest bed! LOL!

    I wish you nothing but sheer joy and laughter with this little character. Oh how I love his color!

  16. Oh Kris, Buddy is a handsome boy sporting his fawn coat. He’s perfect for you guys and a beautiful blend in all your paleness. Enjoy Your new fur baby, he is going to love his mom and dad.

  17. So happy for you and Terry. Buddy is adorable and you're so right, there's never a perfect time to add another family member to love!

  18. Buddy is SO handsome! Congratulations on your new furbaby! Best wishes through the training. Take your vitamins, you're gonna need them. ;)

  19. He is so handsome. He will fill your heart and life with joy. Having Peanut and Reeses brother and sister tween doxies is the best.

    Doxies are funny, incredibly smart and loves. Every morning they chase each other like nuts around the house. Amazing they never hit one piece of furniture.


  20. I am so happy for you! You are both so blessed to have each other. (Misty / jozywails@gmail.com)

  21. Oh I love your Buddy! (One of my border collies is named Buddy). I've never seen a cream doxie either! Can I say he matches your decor? 😉 Meant to be! He looks so sweet. There's never the perfect time - but when opportunity knocks, you need to take it. I can't imagine a life without a fur baby or two. They make life richer! Congratulations!

  22. Congrats on the newest family member! Buddy is adorable and I know he will add so much joy to your life. What a relief it must be to know Peggy is happy in her new home too. Things just have a way of working out sometimes.

  23. Oh, my goodness, Kris, I laughed right out loud when I read that you tried out the bed in Home Goods. That is so cute! You are the ultimate furbaby mommy. Buddy has such a sweet face. I'm sure he's loving it at your nest. Take care, have fun, and thank you for opening your heart and home to these lovable pets. Hugs.

  24. He's SO cute!!! Oh my goodness, he's just adorable! Love his name and love his cream color too...he already matches your decor! Lol!

  25. Oh Kris,
    you are such a kind and caring soul. Oh course you said yes You are you and you are such a kind and caring soul and you need a dog in your home. That is just the way it is. So ... are you going to keep him? He is just so lovely and sweet!
    Karen B.

  26. Kris, Buddy is so cute and he color is remarkable. I can see why you took him in. Enjoy the love he is giving you and vice versa. Looking forward to your lovely Murphy bed. xo

  27. Oh Kris, I almost spit my coffee across the room with the image of you curled up in a doggy bed in the middle of Home Goods. Too funny!!! Congratulations - Buddy is a handsome fellow! I totally understand when you speak of the void in your home. I'm feeling that since we lost our feline child, Rexy. Wishing you many wonderful moments with Buddy. xo

  28. OMG!!!! I love this! So happy for you Kris as I know you are definitely a dog person and Buddy is so lucky to have you as his new mommy.

    I’m dying here picturing you laying on this bed lol. Wish I had been there to take a pic :).


  29. Oh, Kris. If only we could practice what we preach!! I surmised it wouldn't be too long before another fur baby came into your life. He is the cutest. Doxie's are one of my favorite breeds and I have never seen a cream colored one. I think Kai must have a bit of doxie in him. He will teach you patience and you will give him much love and that is how it should be. Besides, how did you find the perfect coloring to match your decor? I'm so happy for you, Terry and Buddy and can't wait to see the Murphy bed..xxoJudy

  30. This is also my problem with Charlie. Here's what has helped a lot. Composure chewables. I have a link for you: https://www.vetriscience.com/composurefordogs.
    When I go out, I give one to Charlie and it seems to be working! Yea! And good for you. Buddy is simply adorable!

  31. Hi Kris
    Oh my goodness*********He is the cutest puppy. Love his coloring, I have never seen that on that type of dog either. How exciting for you and Terry. I love his name also, how adorable. I am sure he will train super fast * Congratulations * have a great week with him Kris.

  32. He is darling.and he matches your color scheme. Wonderful for you to take him in.

  33. What a gorgeous little dog!! I just love his face! Now I want one and we said we wouldn't get anymore doggies!

    1. Ha I said that too and look where my heart got me lol! Do it join the crazy dog society like me.

  34. Hi Kris, oh wow Buddy is just adorable! Do you foster him or are you keeping him? I would fall in love and want to keep him. Good luck with him and I too love the story of buying him the dog bed.

  35. Well, it looks like it all turned out perfectly! The new pup is so pretty and looks like she feels right at home!

  36. You have NOT lost your mind... you are meant to do this! You are meant to have puppies and doggies and give them your love and hearts.... now am I correct that Buddy is YOURS and you are not just fostering him? I hope he's yours! He's such a darling.. I can tell already, especially since he loves your lounge chair! I've never seen that color either. I've always wanted a dachshund as my friends had one years ago and he was the sweetest little guy and so so smart. So watch out, they are VERY smart! Hugs to you in this new fun adventure! xoxoxo Marilyn

  37. I have never seen a cream doxie, did not even know they exist! Have fun and look forward to more adventures!

  38. I' m so glad for you and Buddy. He' s adorable

  39. HE'S SO ADORABLE, KRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sweetie, he looks like he's settling right in, awwww your new little furbaby, welcome home Baby Buddy!!! xoxo

  40. Oh Kris how exciting! Welcome Buddy!! You are one handsome fella. Creams are stunning Kris. We almost got one but she sold before we could get her which is a good thing because we never would have found our Savannah Jane. Too bad we aren't neighbors and all three pups could play. Congrats!!

  41. WE lost our mind together. After our little 7 year old Cocker died suddenly in April I thought I couldn't get another. Our little black Cocker Spaniel Hudson will be coming to live with us in about a month :) Sure sounds like you made the right choice in finding Peggy a new home AND bringing Buddy in. I keep reminding my husband that after Hudson comes home, we will have no social life for at least 6 months.

  42. Oh my goodness he is so cute! I love him! Is he a permanent family member, or are you fostering him? Please forgive me but I've had the day from Hades and I can't think right now....

  43. I understand completely why you had to get another dog. We made it 3 weeks after we lost our dog before we go Lulu.

    I love Buddy. My sister and I bought my parents a dachshund for their anniversary the year I left for college. We thought they would appreciate a little noise after moving me out. That dog became their life.

  44. He’s adorable! Puppy training is no fun but I’m sure he’ll learn quickly. Enjoy!

  45. You have a good heart! How unselfish of you to give your dog to a home with children where she is doing so well. I wish you good luck with your newest family members.

  46. Hi Kris,
    So is Buddy your dog or are you foster care for him?

    I must say he is the sweetest thing! I LOVE his face, his smile, oh my what a sweetie.

    Best to you all!
    Love, Carla

  47. Oh, Buddy is beautiful!! I have never seen a cream colored dachsund before either. So are you fostering him or are you adopting him?

  48. Once an animal lover always an animal lover. It’s hard when they leave the house feels so empty. I know evrey single time I loose a fur baby I say never again but then usually around the one year mark I always bring a new one home. They make a house a home for sure. Buddy is such a handsome boy. My cousin has had Dachshunds for over 25 years and I’ve never seen one with Buddy’s coloring. He’s a one of a kind for sure. Glad you decided to adopt him. Thanks for sharing pictures of your sweet boy.

  49. Ahh, welcome Buddy. He is so cute. I didn't realize that dachshunds came in such a light coloring. He is just so adorable. I am happy for you to have another furbaby to shower with attention. I would be lost without my Missy.

  50. Just catching up a bit on your blog, Kris, and wow, a new dog! Buddy looks adorable! Congrats! I understand the empty feeling when you're used to dogs. I've been around dogs most of my life. They add so much!


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