Hello Everyone.
Happy Weekend.
Lots going on for us this weekend. It is the start of Fire Prevention Week so Terry is having a big open house at the Fire Department today. All the citizens that want flu shots will be able to get them for free at the open house. I love that they offer these up for anyone to come and get them.
They also will have food and games for the kids and tours of the fire house and fire trucks. My grand girls love to come to this. So it should be a fun family day for us too.
Meanwhile back at the blog I wanted to show you some pictures of how mixing wood with whites and chippy can make for an interesting change in decor.
Also want to talk about doors and the use of doors in my decor.
For a lot of you that have followed my blog you know how I love an old door. The history that is attached to old doors captures me every time!
I always think about where that door was and how many families went through that door when it was attached to their homes. Call me crazy but I love old pieces like doors with lots of history.
I love to re love them into my home in some way to give them new purpose.
Ok here we go. Look at how sweet just adding some white linens and a white pitcher of flowers on this nice old vintage wood chair looks. I love texture of natural wood with whites. |
This bathroom is another example of how adding the wood sink and wood bathroom door gives all the whites in the narrow bathroom a beautiful texture. |
Swooning over that brick wall on this porch but she also has mixed the butcher block counters with her whites. Just looks so amazing. |
This is one of my favorites I saw on Pinterest. These old doors made into a cabinet door for this medicine cabinet. Swooning on this one. |
I love the idea of an old door instead of a shower curtain in the bathroom. |
Yep! look at this chippy goodness. Ahhhh! |
Going back in time to our lake Zurich home and the old chippy doors and porch posts Terry made into a wall divider for my office area. |
Remember when Terry and I found these old cabinet doors at a flea market and he made them into doors for my china cabinet.
There is our sweet Libby girl. She died right before we moved. Miss her and loved her so much. We got Cooper shortly after Libby died when we moved into the new home. |
I have loved these old doors made into a headboard and have lugged those heavy things from the last two house to the one we are in now. I loved them that much. This was what they looked like in our Lake Zurich home. |
This is how they look today in our new cottage home. |
This door was a great fine and I loved it for a back drop in our last home behind the buffet. Just chippy goodness. That door is now hanging in my daughter's home. Hmmmm I wonder if I have a purse big enough to steal... I mean borrow that back!!!! |
This door gives so much character to this office area. |
Look at the creativity of using old doors to make a closet door. Oh love this so much. |
I was able to use this old door and have it become a slider for my closet. Gives me so much more room in this tiny master bedroom to not have the door swing open. |
Just another good use for an old door. |
If I had this great bathroom I would live in there! Seriously!!! Look at the roller feet on the doors. Love it! |
I used an old door and put a mirror in it to use as a back drop to my bathroom sink in the old house. |
This was in my old laundry room where I used old wash boards for cabinet doors. |
Here is my pretty mirror door that Terry used old salvage pieces to make. Remember I said I was trying to figure out how to decorate this. Well I am still at a loss for what to do with it. The simplicity of the wings is good for now. |
With that said, I still feel when I look at this door it needs something to give it more character in this room.
I have a plan and I am going to run it by Terry and see if it is possible. I will be back to show you the idea I have for this door. Maybe if I give this door more character I can then decorate it easier.
Not sure if that is why I am frozen on ideas to decorate this sweet door. Maybe with me changing it up some that will be all it needs in this room. Stay tuned I hope to work on this soon.
That is once things slow down for us! Seems like every weekend we have a million things going.
Have a good weekend. Just wanted to pop into your mail boxes and say Hi.
Hugs, Kris |