Most Magical Christmas

Wishing all of you a Beautiful Christmas.
May you enjoy all the blessings in your life and find peace and joy being with family and friends.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for sharing your hearts and cherish friendship with me this past year.
It is truly a gift and a blessing to me.

Hoping we can continue to inspire and grow together in friendship in the coming year.

Merry Christmas
Joy, Happiness and Health in the New Year.


  1. Merry Christmas dear Kris and may peace, love, joy and good health be yours in the new year. ~ FlowerLady

  2. Merry Christmas. I hope this coming year is your best ever.

  3. Merry Christmas Kris and wishing you health, peace, and joy, in 2020! xo

  4. Merry Christmas, Kris. Wishing you a calma and bright new year.

  5. Merry Christmas Kris! I can't believe this year is almost over - how quickly time is flying by. I wish you and Terry every good thing in the new year. xoxox

  6. A merry, merry Christmas to you and your entire family dear friend. You have been a huge blessing to me in support, friendship, laughter and HOPE of all things. HUGS!

  7. Merry Christmas Kris. I wish you and great health and happiness. Merry Christmas to Buddy too.


  8. Same to you, Kris! Looking forward to seeing spring planting and landscaping in your new-to-you cottage yard!

  9. Right back at you, dear Kris - and Terry.

    Peace and joy be with you, and good health and happiness in the coming new year.

    Huge hugs. ♥

  10. Thank you Kris, for the beautiful blog post and heartfelt message. I would like to wish exactly that to you and your family too. Thanks for letting us all into your world and sharing it with us so freely. Hugs, Gilly

  11. Kris, wishing you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!

  12. Merry Christmas Kris! I love your blogspot! Blessings Karen

  13. I wish all that and more to you my friend. Hope you have a wondrous Christmas with your family..xxoJudy

  14. Kris,
    Thank you for inspiring filled posts!
    Merry Christmas!
    Looking forward to 2020 and more filled to the brim with inspiration posts!

  15. I enjoy your friendship from afar! Merry Christmas to you and your family.. and to your sweet little cottage! xoxo Marilyn

  16. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family!

  17. Merry, Merry Christmas, Kris, to you and your sweet family! All the best in 2020!! Big hugs. xo

  18. Wishing you and your family the Merriest Christmas!

  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I love the hope ornament and the angel wings.

  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Can't wait to see what new projects you'll have in 2020!

  21. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year Kris.

  22. Merry Christmas. I look forward to seeing your new beautiful blog posts, and even though I do not have one..its so nice you and others are willing to share your beautiful talent, thoughts and blessings to others. Enjoy the Reason for the Season. Blessings to you and yours.

  23. Wishing you all the peace and joy of the holiday season, Kris! xoxo

  24. And a very Merry Christmas to you, sweet friend. May you and Terry enjoy all the beauty of this season with your lovely family and fur baby, and may 2020 bring much joy, peace and happiness. Love and hugs, Nancy

  25. Merry Christmas Kris! Hoping to do more visits and blogging soon.

  26. Merry Christmas Kris,
    You are very special to me. I thank you for the support during the time with my co worker. She resigned yesterday! I am so thankful I hung in, my supervisor thanked me for hanging in as well. She said she knows it was not easy for me. A heavy weight has been lifted from Daybreak, the volunteers all were so happy to hear the news.
    At the same time I hope my co worker can find JOY, it is so sad to be so angry. I feel something at home is not right for her.
    Her last day is 1/10/20.
    Thank you again for the friendship my friend. I appreciate you.
    Love, Carla

  27. Dearest friend, good morning and happy Christmas Eve!!!! I saw that you came to my blog; if not for a break in my day yesterday, I wouldn't have had time to post but I had to because I wanted to say a proper "THANK YOU" for your generous soul. Your friendship over the years has made my days when I open my email to see you there. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

  28. Merry Christmas kris. may the new year bring you happiness, peace and good health. xoxo

  29. Merry Christmas Kris! May 2020 be filled with good health, love and many blessings.

