Hi sweet blogging friends.
Guess who turned 1 year old today. Yep! Buddy.
As you can see by the look on his face he was just thrilled to wear the birthday party hat!!!! |
I had birthday hats for all of them but no one wanted to wear the party hats.
However they were all very interested in the Cheeseburger Birthday Cake!
The big guy is Bruce my daughter's Great Dane and in front is Frank their yellow lab and my youngest daughter's mini dachshund Snickers to the left. They all joined in to sing Happy Birthday to Buddy. |
The candles were lit on the special cheeseburger birthday cake and we all began to sing. |
Then with the help of Terry, Buddy made a wish and blew out his candles. They all could not wait for their special piece of the Cheeseburger Birthday Cake!!!!
Now for a Special Surprise. |
This was our grand dog Charlie.
He was a Boston Terrier and brother too Bruce and Frank. We lost our sweet Char Char in December.
He was 13 years old and began having issues with Congestive Heart Failure. Charlie's doctor did everything he could to make him comfortable but we finally had to say our goodbyes to this sweet angel back in December.
Oh how we miss him so. |
My granddaughter Abby is turning 9 on May 18th. Abby has been missing her sweet Charlie so much that Terry and I decided to surprise her with a sweet new Boston Terrier Pup for her birthday.
This is a picture I captured of her face as she found out she was going to pick out a brand new puppy.
We told her we were going to a near by house to pick up a trampoline we bought for the back yard.
Abby has been asking for one for her birthday.
We told Abby we were going to take her to look at the trampoline to make sure she liked it.
As we pulled up to the house she said oh look MiMi they have Boston Terrier's like Charlie!
I said oh my gosh you are right. How fun is this they have Boston's like Charlie.
Then to her surprise when we got to the back of the house she saw all the puppies and we said sorry no trampoline but you get to pick out a puppy instead!!!!
As you can see by her face above she was so surprised and excited. |
This is the sweet little one she picked out. She is just 4 weeks old today and will not be ready for her forever home until May 6th. |
Abby is beyond excited to be getting this sweet new addition to their family. |
Abby of course wanted to take her home today but we explained how she still needed to be with mommy for another month. |
Here she is with my SIL who loves big dogs.
This is why they have Bruce the Great Dane and Frank the Yellow Lab.
Well these two boys are going to be getting a little sister in about a month.
I think this sweet little girl is going to keep those big boys in line!!! Plus I think she already has my SIL wrapped around her little finger! |
She is just too adorable for words.
Boston Terriers are such smart and loyal dogs.
Charlie was one of the best doggies and we all miss him.
Hoping this sweet girl will fill that void in our hearts from missing Charlie so much.
I think Abby agrees this a much better birthday present than any trampoline could be.
Have a wonderful rest of the week and great weekend. Hugs, Kris