Begin Each Day With A Grateful Heart

Life can change on a dime.  Terry and I were going to be on our vacation on the beach in Michigan this week.  

Unfortunately life for me is taking a short pause.  I was in the ER with my first bout of Kidney Stones.  I have to say to all of you that suffer from this I feel your pain.  

I mean I have never had pain like the movement of kidney stones.  

Our plans have to be cancelled for this coming week.  I am so sad and disappointed that we looked so forward to this trip and now at the last minute have to cancel.  

After weeks of hard work on the condo we really needed this break.

Cancelling at the last minute means we will lose a lot of the money paid for this trip but I really am glad if this was going to happen it happened here at home and not on vacation.  

While I am sad and disappointed and really not feeling well,  I am  grateful for so many other things to come.

Even though I will not being sitting on the beach and soaking up some sunshine this coming week I will be grateful to get into the doctors and get help with my medical issues. 

Prayers and good thoughts please as I try to feel better.

I am concentrating on the things to be grateful that happen each day and try not to dwell on the disappointment of canceling our trip.

I hope when I start to feel better I will have some more pics of things we have done to the condo.
Take care and have a wonderful week ahead.



  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I pray for your quick recovery. Things happen for a reason. You are where you’re supposed to be. God Bless. Margie in CA

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your kidney stones! It is a shame the rental won't refund your money due to illness! Feel better soon.

  3. Ye ikes!! Better at home than while away ~ Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. Hope things get better for you soon.

  5. Oh I am so sorry to hear about you getting sick with the kidney stones. I've been through that many years ago myself and it's painful and not fun. I do hope that they got all of the kidney stones out. Please take care and try to get some rest. Fell better Kris.

  6. I also had kidney stones day after celebrating Mother's day-- terrible pain but it does get better -- ER as well then off to the dr.Take time to relax and feel better soon!!!

  7. I also had kidney stones day after celebrating Mother's day-- terrible pain but it does get better -- ER as well then off to the dr.Take time to relax and feel better soon!!!

  8. May you get to feeling so much better soon.

  9. Kris,
    I was so hoping that you were not going to have to cancel your trip but since you were not able to pass that last stone it is better that you stay home and get it taken care of rather than end up in an unfamiliar hospital ER and a place that you do not know. As a nurse, you know that would be a nightmare.... Let us know how you are doing...Email me if you like....Prayers!!

  10. Oh Kris, I am The Lord surely has a plan that we many times do not understand. Will surely pray Kris. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. I’m so sorry that you didn’t get your much deserved trip in, but being a survivor or both gallstones and kidney stones believe me you missed the bullet by not taking the trip. If you’re going to be sick and miserable, there is truly no place like home and the comforts it provided. Even down to knowing your local doctor and hospital. Nothing is worse than being stuck in a strange city, miserable, and thinking you are going to die there. Enjoy the labor of your hard work, You and Terry have transformed the condo into a dream cottage in record time. You are amazing and will get through this.

  12. Yes- better here at home than in a strange town with care that might not be as good as you get in Chicago! I hope this passes (literally) quickly and that you can get though it without too much more pain. Much love to you- xo Diana

  13. Oh Kris, I'm so sorry. My dad had kidney stones. The pain he had was excruciating. I remember him waking up screaming on top his lungs in pain.

    Sorry about your trip. I know you were looking forward to it too.



  14. Bummer, so sorry about that. But for whatever reason, God didn't want you to go. Everything happens for a reason as they say. When the time is right, I hope you're able to get away. In the meantime please feel better.

  15. I am so sorry. Prayers to a speedy recovery.

  16. Kris - You and Terry have been through so much for the last few months. I can only imagine the deep disappointment in not being to spend a wonderful vacation soaking up the sun. I have avidly following your journey of the condo renovation. As you have been on this journey, we have also been on the journey of selling our home in southern California, moving to Indiana and buying a new home. Soon we will start renovating our new home here. Reading your posts about the changes and challenges has been a real beacon of support for me. Sending prayers and good thoughts for healing and comfort.

  17. Dearest friend,

    I will be praying for a swift treatment/solution to this. I just hate knowing that you are in such pain.

  18. I'm so very sorry that this has happened to you Kris. Life certainly can be very cruel at times and it's hard to accept. We had a very similar thing happen to my hubby almost 3 years ago, when we were all packed up to head off to Spain to get our residency sorted before the Brexit deadline. Alas it was not to be, hubby collapsed in the garden just minutes before we were due to get into the car to travel down to catch the ferry. I was so grateful that it had happened before we had set off, whilst we had our good neighbours to help.
    At least you will be in your own bed and be able to appreciate all of the amazing changes that you have made to your condo. Sending healing hugs and prayers, Gilly

  19. Dear Kris, so sorry to read about this health issue & your vacation being cancelled. May you soon be well & may you enjoy a ‘staycation’ in your lovely new home. Love, hugs & prayers, FlowerLady

  20. I've always thought this sounds so incredibly painful. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Kris.

  21. Your spirit, especially your gratefulness in all situations, is an inspiration, My Friend! I hope you're better this week, and you get plenty of rest.

    Sending you prayers and (((((hugs))))) from Alabama!


  22. So disappointing, I know, Kris. However, I love your attitude of gratitude! What an inspiration you are to all of us. You, my friend, are beautiful inside and out. I'm praying for you. Hugs, Nancy

  23. I am so sorry to hear this, Kris. Like you said, thank goodness it happened while you were still at home! Sad you had to cancel your trip but you have such a positive attitude. Gosh, I hope you get some relief. I had to do first aid on someone during a kidney stone attack once and I'll never forget the pain he went through while getting him to the hospital. Sending hugs from Canada xo

  24. Your positive attitude and grateful spirit are an inspiration. I pray that you just soak up the peace your lovely home offers and know that your vacation will still happen in the future. So glad you are OK. Sandra

  25. So sorry to hear that you and Terry are not able to take your much-needed break. I totally agree with your readers: better to stay around the medical facility that you are familiar with than an unknown. Praying that this is soon over for you. xoxo

  26. Oh Kris, I am sad to read this. It is better it happened at home so you could get the care you need. So sorry about losing the money and the time away. Life happens and we have to always know those are just bumps in the road. Feel better soon. xoxo

  27. I'm so sorry that you're still dealing with those horrible kidney stones and that you had to cancel your trip! The important thing is for you to get better! Prayers continuing! Hugs!

  28. So sorry to hear this Kris! Keeping you in my prayers!

  29. Dear kris, take a breath and heal, we will all still be here later, enjoy that new condo for a bit and be well, hugs, Sandi

  30. I hope you feel better soon! I have had kidney stones and it is awful. It’s good your at home. I love watching you guys redo your new home, it’s so beautiful! Hugs,

  31. You truly are a special person, Kris, thinking about all that you have to be grateful for instead of what you've lost this week. I hope you can see the doctor super soon and get to feeling better. xxoo

  32. I had kidney stones once so know the pain. I was told to pee through a strainer! Also told to use a Brita water filter pitcher as water here is high in minerals. Never had them since.

  33. So sorry to hear this happened and you had to cancel the vacation. But... you have a LOVELY beautiful bedroom you can "staycation" in.. take this time this week to just relax totally.. do nothing around the condo, but relax and enjoy the bed and bedroom.. and pamper yourself. The trip will come when the time is right! We were going to the beach this week for a much wanted/needed time away, but had to cancel due to our huge heat wave (is 112 today) as could not leave our cats alone outside in this heat! I was very disappointed, but glad we didn't go. I would have worried the entire time! Take care... feel better.. get rid of those stones! xoxo Marilyn

  34. Oh, so sorry Kris, I have heard that kidney stones are excruciating. Am so sorry yall had to cancell your trip, so disappointing, but your attitude is right on....and you will be blessed for it. Yes, thank God it happened while you were at home and knew where an ER was....
    Praying for you and hoping you feel better real soon hon.
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  35. Oh no Kris, so sorry to hear you are down and out - I know how much you were looking forward to your trip. Hopefully you will say goodbye to those kidney stones soon.Sending prayers for healing, Jane

  36. Lots of love to you Kris! I am sorry about the pain, I know my sister was in awful pain last summer. Praying for healing and refunds.
    Love, Carla

  37. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  38. So sorry you are in this predicament. Stones can be so very painful. Glad you were home tho. Take it easy and take good care of yourself.

  39. Praying for comfort and resolution of your stones. Have witnessed my husband's past episodes with the stone..and know you have really been through it.!! So sorry about your vacation and hope there will be a future more big celebration for yall. Hugs and prayers.

  40. I'm so sorry this happened! Both my brother and my brother-in-law had kidney stones and both said that it was absolutely the worst pain ever.

  41. I hope this passes quickly for you, literally. You amaze me my friend, your energy for life, love, family and friends has always been a gift everyday. I have a feeling it's harder for you to give this gift to yourself. Take the energy, prayers and comfort from others right now as you heal and recover. You deserve to receive what you so freely give away everyday. Consider this a "Staycation", in a beautiful condo with your best friend (Terry)...and faithful companion (of the fur variety). Feel better soon. Hugs as always!

  42. Kris, you are so right. We can never know when everything can change. I hope you are feeling better, my friend..xxoJudy

  43. Dang! So sorry, Kris! Not fair!

    My hubby had kidney stones once (while we were doing low carb). Someone at work told him he drinks lemon water or lemonade to dissolve the stones and keep them away. Ever since Hubby took his advice he hasn't had another one since (it's been years since this happened to him). Of course, it matters which kind you have, so it might not help if they're of a different kind. Magnesium might help, too. Praying for you, my friend! Hope your suffering is over soon!

  44. Oh Kris! I’m so sorry this happened. I know it hurts horribly. Praying for you to feel better soon. Take care.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  45. I am so sorry you had to cancel your beach trip due to health issues. I hope you feel better SOON!!!

  46. Thinking of you, Kris, and sending healing thoughts your way. So sorry you had to cancel your vacation, but as you said, thankfully it didn't happen while you were away. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  47. I hope you feel better soon . You will be in my prayers.
    Take good care

  48. I have been off grid a bit..but hoping you are doing ok and prayers for a resolution with less pain for your remaining stone issues. So sorry about your vacation plan(s)..

  49. you should've texted me! I have a sure fire way to pass the stones

