DIY Baby Shower Diaper Cakes


I am throwing a baby shower for my youngest daughter.  My SIL and daughter do not want to know the sex of the baby until he/she is born.  

Soooo.  We are doing a Woodland theme baby shower.  Keeping it gender neutral.

I had some help from a sweet lady on Etsy that made up the two layers of diapers into a cake.  
I added my own Woodland items to decorate these.

I added to each cake stuffed woodland creatures and a book about each one.  
My daughter is going to do Woodland theme in the baby's room.  
These diaper cakes will be the centerpieces and then after the shower she will have these cute animals and books for the baby's room and lots of diapers for the baby.

This is probably my fave out of all the centerpieces I made.

Of course I had to throw in a grandma book here and there.

I decided to make a caterpillar diaper cake for the book table at the shower.  I am sure most of you know that for baby showers you ask each guest to bring a book instead of a card to the shower.  We will ask each guest to write something in the cover of the book to remember them when we read the book to the baby.

I bought this caterpillar toy/rattle.

Then I took 6 pampers and rolled them and wrapped them with woodland creature ribbon.  I put these around each of the sections of the caterpillar's body.

Then I put soft baby books in-between each of the diaper sections.
Made for a cute book worm/caterpillar for the book table.

I am getting excited for this new arrival to our family.

I am hoping for a boy since we only have the two girls from my oldest daughter.

My SIL's mom wants a girl since it is all boys on her side of the family.

We will see which of us gets our wish.
Most of all we just want this sweet baby to be healthy and happy.

The ultra sound pictures they have now are amazing.  You can actually see this sweet baby already sucking his/her thumb.

Have a wonderful new week.  
Gosh I love summer.  
The weather has been so great.
I will have my newest treasure to show you hopefully soon.  Decorating it is the hold up.  
Looking for the right decor.  
The hunt is on.



  1. exciting!!!! The diaper cakes are so cute and the bookworm table decoration is sooooooo adorable..... and very clever.

  2. Congratulations my dear friend. How exciting!!!! I love the idea of the woodland theme, right up my alley. I love the theme and what you have planned. Thank you for sharing the ultra sound photo... so amazing to see that little miracle.

  3. Oh congratulations Kris!! This is such exciting news!! Babies are wonderful. You must be thrilled and of course you decorate in style. The present fairy is at it again. I love the theme, it's a classic and I love that they want to be surprised. We went that route, too. There are so very few true surprises in life!! xo

  4. Kris, how exciting. The diaper cakes are adorable and practical. I love that books are brought to baby showers now rather than cards. The woodland theme is perfect and I love the caterpillar! Every baby is a miracle, thank you for including the ultrasound.

  5. KRIS!!! Is this not the most clever and fun shower idea! WOW! Well,your daughter is not going to be short of diapers, that's for sure! And the books; the baby's little library will be well-stocked for years to come. May the baby be healthy, happy and a joy for all!!!!

  6. Once again- You are outdoing yourself to make something special for your daughter. Amazing, Kris. I love the bring-a-book idea and have done that at the last few showers. I hope you get a sweet boy, too, but boy or girl you will love it to the moon and back. xo Diana

  7. Kris, what an adorable idea for a gender neutral shower. Love the cakes with individual animals and books. I need to check out some of the book titles. So sweet. Congrats and blessings to you all!!!

  8. Kris - CONGRATULATIONS!! I K N OW YOU ARE SO EXCITED. Your decorations are so precious. When is baby due?

  9. Awe, such precious sonogram pictures. Isn't it just amazing! The sweet diaper cakes and decor are just adorable. I know you all are getting excited. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. Your centerpieces are just adorable, Kris! I love the idea of a woodland theme for both the shower and the baby's room. I'm sure you are getting very excited!
    PS - I'm still not getting email notifications about your blog posts even though I tried re-subscribing.

  11. Kris, Congrats! I love the theme for the bedroom and the baby shower. Those diaper cakes are adorable. You did a great job adding the extras. I love that sonogram photo!

  12. The sweetest, funniest décor, it will be a fab party. Congrats on another grandbaby-on-the-way.

  13. What a darling theme for a baby shower! I love the diaper cakes. Everything looks so cute! You are very blessed, My Friend!

  14. Just catching up (always behind, lol)..and wow..congratulations on that new Family Baby. So exciting. Thats so fun yall will find out and besurprised. What a great theme..have not seen this it and also the book idea rather than cards. You always have the most unique and perfect ideas. Enjoy and keep us posted. Best wishes for a safe and fun stork arrival drop off. :0)

  15. Wow what a baby shower. Everything looks fantastic!!

  16. Congratulations Kris on another precious grandchild on the way wishes to your daughter for a safe and healthy delivery .. wonderful babyshower with beautiful woodland theme .. best wishes all the way from Adelaide South Australia

    1. OMG all the way in Australia welcome. How fun to have you come to my blog. Hope you come back to read this since I do not have a way to contact you back. My daughter having the baby has a very good friend from Australia that now lives here in the USA. Beautiful part of the world you live. Have a great rest of the week. Hugs. Kris

