Crafty Snowman Copy


I bought this Snowman from a vendor place that I like to frequent.  It was so cute and I was with a friend and she said I would really love one of those for myself and for her sister for Christmas.

Now I am not Mrs. Crafty by any stretch of the imagination but I looked at it and said I think I can make these.

Off to Hobby Lobby I headed.

This was what they used for their snowman base.  A candle votive.

Before my trip to Hobby Lobby I thought I need to get some bases.  I found two of the above at Goodwill and the other one the clear candlestick at Home Goods.

Picked up ribbon and bling pieces from Hobby Lobby.  Everything was 1/2 off SCORE!!!

Here is where I ran into a snag in the crafting project.  I looked everyone on line and in Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Walmart to find the snowman hats.  Could not find anything that would work.  

Like in the Three Bears story they were either too small or too big or not made of felt.
I had a delima.  I did not let it stop me.  While in Walmart I came across these snowman tree toppers for $10.  The hat was perfect and I would have the noses too.
Score again.

They worked out perfect and since they were tree toppers they had reinforcement inside the hat to keep them tall and full.

This was theirs and below you will see what I came up with.

The one on the very far right is the one I bought to copy.  Of course I could not leave it alone so I blinged it up a little more than it was.
The other three are the 
ones I made.  I had a vintage snowman hat and it worked out perfect to do the little rustic snowman.

I like the way they came out.  My friend took the two taller ones I made and I have the little primitive rustic guy for my daughter Jen and the other taller snowman I bought and fixed up for my other daughter Kimmie.

These were pretty easy to make.  The heads I originally thought were white plastic pumpkins but nope they are big white ornaments I found at Hobby Lobby.  They are exactly the same as the sample.

I think they came out pretty cute.  I am not as crafty as some of you are.  I do not sew but I am mighty with my glue gun!!!

I used buttons for the eyes the noses came from the tree toppers and all the other ribbon and bling pieces I found at Hobby Lobby.

I used blush for their cheeks.
Have a good week.


  1. Oh Kris I'm loving these so much! You say you aren't crafty? This proves you are wrong. These are the cutest, EVER!

  2. Kris, you did a fabulous job! The snowmen you made are adorable and they would make wonderful Christmas presents. I would say you are definitely crafty! Wishing you lovely week!

  3. Ya done good, Kris!

  4. OMG they are soooo stinkin cute!!!! Your friend is so lucky you are crafty and could make her a couple.

  5. Super, super cute, Kris! Don't say you aren't crafty because I know better! You & Terry are a dynamic duo in big projects, and you are just as good designing and figuring out everything from the small stuff to big. Great job!

  6. OMGOSH, Kris-Those are ADORABLE! You always say you are NOT crafty but you really ARE---more than you know. Just the way you wrap packages is a gift itself! Love these and you did a great job (as good as the original)---or better with the bling factor added! Have a wonderful rest of the week- xo Diana

  7. Kris, these are so darn cute. Great job! You are crafty my friend. Like Diana said, the way you decorate and design your gift packages is amazing. The snowmen are so adorable. They are great gifts.

  8. These turned out beautifully! That was a very adventurous project and you pulled it off perfectly!!

  9. I am impressed. Have you been absent from blog land or have I just totally missed your post. Whatever, glad to see we are back together

  10. Kris - these are adorable!! How can you say you are not crafty? Everything you touch is gorgeous and so lovely. Hope you are enjoying that new baby and getting ready for Thanksgiving. We need a good long visit after Thanksgiving. Hopefully soon. Great job! Judy Clark

  11. WOW Kris, you are talented and crafty! I love the way your snowmen came out and everyone will LOVE them! I think I like yours better than the original. Enjoy the rest of the week Kris.

  12. The snowmen are so very cute, love them!! -Pam from CA

  13. Adorable Kris, you did a great job creating your own!! So fun for Christmas and January. LOVE them!!

  14. Kris, totally adorable! See you are craftier than you think. I made something similar a few years back and always forget to put them out. You have reminded me. I love picking up little old candlesticks at thrift stores for bases for little trees. You did a wonderful job and I bet the girls were over the moon to get them..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  15. Ok, so first of all, you are definitely crafty! Your DIYs are always top notch...and!! I love these snowmen. Now I want to make a few of my own!! SO sweet. xo

  16. I love them!!! You did a great job. Happy Christmas Crafting!!! :-)

  17. Well, look at you go, girl! I love these. They're adorable. Great job, Miss Crafty Pants LOL! Love you!♥ Hugs.

  18. These snowmen are SO cute!! You say you aren't crafty...ha! I think you just disproved that theory. <3

  19. Oh my goodness! Those are so cute! I love how yours turned out. I’d say you are very crafty!
    Funny, I’ve been looking for a top hat too but there are none to be found. I don’t think my Walmart has the snowman toppers you found. I’ll just have to come up with my own, I guess. Your snowmen are adorable!
    ☺️ Cecilia

  20. I am the lucky recipient of the two Kris made. Don't believe her when she says she is not crafty!! These are so much cuter than the one that she bought. She did an amazing to see if my sister really gets on or not. ;)

  21. Those Snowfolks are just adorable..You did a fabulous all of them. I may see if I can come up with something in all my clutter and make one later..You always come up with good stuff. Enjoy the Season and thanks for the lesson and the show and tell. Enjoy..They will be cute for a long time in the Winter. Bling love love.

  22. Kris. I haven’t seen you in quit awhile. Last post was renovating your 4th (?) home. I was worried something might have happened. So glad your post show up. Love your snowmen. Great job. Tfs cheers

  23. Oh My Goodness, all your snowmen are so cute!! Love them. What a great idea someone came up with.................and nice that it was fairly easy to duplicate. Yea, glue guns are awesome for things like that. Haven't had mine out in a long time. If I get some extra time I might want to try making one of these cute snowmen.
    Love how you embellished yours, beautiful as always.
    Have a lovely Christmas Season!! Can't believe Friday is Dec. 1st already.
    My Fall stuff is down and packed away, and my nativity set is up, gotta get
    the rest of the Christmas things out today, so hoping for a creative day. lol
    Blessings hon,

  24. KRIS!!
    OMG! I absolutely LOVE these!! They are just darling!! I just may have to borrow this wonderful idea from you!!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Happy New year!!

