Michigan Cottage Lake Beach Trip and French Market Show


We had our vacation this past week.  The weather in Michigan on the beach was fabulous.  
On our way to Michigan we stopped in Tipton Indiana where Horton's French Market was happening.
It was fabulous as always.  They are a garden and gift shop in this sweet little town.  Love this French Market Show each summer.

You can scroll through and enjoy seeing some of the fun shopping.

Then we made it to Michigan and the cute little cottage house we rented for the week.  Out the back of the house is Lake Michigan with its own private beach.  It was amazing.  I did not want to come home.

This is the pool we so enjoyed.  The owner had butterfly and hummingbird gardens all around the property.  It was so nice to see all the beautiful butterflies and hummingbirds enjoying the nectar of the garden flowers.

This was our own private part of the beach.  You can see how beautiful and private the beach was for just Terry and I.

These were the steps down from the cottage to the beach.

I cannot believe this little guy is 9 months old.  We took him to the zoo and they had a big carousel and he loved it.

Our grand girl Charlotte turned 8 and she loved the zoo too.  

This is our oldest granddaughter that just turned 14.  She is going into high school this fall.  OMG where does the time go?  She is such a sweet and smart girl.  Loves her church and youth group and does so much for her community.  I know this girl is going to do great things in this crazy world we live.

Little Edmund loved all the animals at the zoo.  He was fascinated by the water animals the most.

Terry and I had booked this Michigan beach vacation a year ago not knowing at the time we would be in the middle of buying and selling properties!!
Yikes it was a stressful week with all of that going on while we were trying to be on a relaxing vacation!!!

We got a contract on our condo and we have had our home inspection on the new house and everything is going good.
We have to pass the home inspection on our condo this week and then we all will move forward to closing in August.

I have lots of fun and cute things planned for our new place.
I think we are going to love being back in a home rather than a condo. 
We will be in a gated golf course community.  We will have our own ranch town home with our own individual yard, garage etc.
It will be nice to have more space too.

Prayers our inspection goes well and we are all on our way to moving into our new homes.

Have a great week.

PS:  Some of you might not be getting my posts in your email.  If this is true please re sign up and then you should begin to get the posts again.


  1. Wow. I am so behind. Didn't know you were moving again. How exciting and for us, too. :0) I love this post..love all of the great things on the shopping trip, the fun things yall did and your beautiful Family. I signed up again to make sure I get your future new posts. Glad you had a great vacation and best wishes on the new home adventure. :0) x0x0x

  2. Yay, Kris!!! A contract, a good inspection, a great vacation, and good memories made with family. Life is good! I can't wait to see what inspired you from the market for your NEW HOME!!
    I'm helping my gf in the final stretch before her move tomorrow. She'll close on her home sale Fri. The stress and excitement are off the chart. Be good to yourself. XO

  3. Glad you had a great time. Congratulations on selling the condo. Sounds like it is all working out…meant to be!
    xoxo’s….Shirley/Housepitality Designs

  4. Congrats Kris and Terry on the sale and purchase of your new home. It all sounds fabulous and I am so happy for you. Your Michigan beach cottage with a pool and your own private beach looks lovely. I know you are planning some fun and exciting decor for your new home. Happy planning. Xoxo

  5. So glad you got a contract on the condo! Sounds like you had a nice relaxing vacation too. Can't wait to see you work your magic on the new townhouse.

  6. Your grands are just so adorable. So glad you had a wonderful getaway! (even tho life gets crazy and hectic)

  7. So glad you are getting a house. Praying everything goes perfect. Glad you had this trip to relax because I'm sure things will get hectic once you get home. Judy Clark

  8. Kris, I'm so happy you enjoyed your visit to the Fresh Coast! I knew you'd get a contract fast on your darling condo. It was probably good timing for you to be out of the house for showings! I'm also happy for you and Terry that everything went well with the inspections on your new house. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures of you and your sweet family. I know y'all had a blast! The market looks like so much fun. I saw so many treasures I'd love for my home! I hope you found a few treasures for your new house! :D

  9. Kris, I am so happy that you got away for a nice vacation with your family. That market looks so nice and I know you picked out some awesome items for the house. Good luck with everything and enjoy the week.

  10. Hi, oh I loved seeing all the photos today!!! I love the little cottage you stayed at. :-) The market looks like it would be a fantastic time looking for treasures.
    Praying for you and your family.

  11. Looks like the perfect vacation spot! Wow, so pretty! I’m so happy to hear you’ve gotten a contract on the condo. Prying all moves forward without a hitch!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  12. Hi Kris. Looks like a fun vacation even though a lot is going on. I can't wait until you start decorating. The grands are sure growing like weeds and all cute as bug's ears, as are you and your handsome man..xxoJudy

  13. Beautiful family! SO jealous of both the shopping and the cottage:) Glad it all worked out. We love Lake Michigan! xo Kathleen

  14. What a gorgeous setting for a vacation. So glad you are going to be moving, the condo was lovely but must have been restrictive for your creative pursuits. Your markets there are amazing, so wish we had something similar around here, so far, Elkhorn seems to be the best, but then I need nothing and should probably set up my own booth..LOL.Sandi

  15. What a great vacation, Kris! I'm so glad you had beautiful weather. It looks like such an idyllic vacation cottage. You know how much I love the beach and a pool. You always know how to pick the best places! I'm so glad to hear that you found a buyer for the condo. Hooray!! I hope all the inspections and contracts go well and you can close on schedule! Ps...what a lovely family you have. You are truly blessed!! xo

  16. I am so excited for you with this move - its always fun to start over and you will certainly enjoy all the decorating! The cottage is so sweet - what a lovely place! And those adorable young'ins - lucky you to have them in your life! Have a smooth month ahead packing up for your new adventure!

  17. A great vacation Kris and a beautiful place. You book great cottages for your trips. I can't believe how bit the baby is already, time flies. I can't wait for you to have a yard again; it's going to be fun and exciting. Great that you are under contract too so good luck with the inspection.

  18. I am SOOO happy that you were able to take the vacation even with everything going on around you. What a wonderful place you found!!! I can't believe Little Eddie is that old already. He is really a BEAUTIFUL baby boy and gonna be a heartbreaker when he is older! Look how big the girls are! Charlotte was just a baby in a carrier the first time I met you in person! A freshman~ Holy Cow!

    Have a wonderful week- I know it is crazy busy for you but you will LOVE that new home and I can't wait to see it sometime! xo Diana

  19. Kris, I am sorry I am late in commenting. I am so happy for you and Terry, seems as if everything is falling into place. It will be exciting to follow your journey into decorating your new home. You needed the vacation I am sure because you are going to be so busy. Beautiful photos of the grands, they grow up so quickly. I hope everything will go great with your condo inspection. Happy Wednesday!

  20. Glad you had a great time here in Michigan! You do find some interesting places to check out! How exciting that you’re under contract on both houses. Fingers crossed on the inspection on your current place! Liz @ http://homeandgardeningwithliz.com

  21. I bet you are itching to get to the condo and decorate. So many changes, I hope this can be the last one, at least for awhile. The market looks fabulous...will have to try it sometime! Sandi

