Moving Week and Heartfelt Thank You


I want to give a very grateful thank all of you for the prayers and good healing wishes for Terry.  
He is home from the hospital and doing well.  

Moving Week!!!  If you see us and the moving truck passing by just give us a wave!
We close on our Condo tomorrow and then on the new home Friday.
With no "bumps in the road" we should be in our new place next weekend.



  1. I'm so glad Terry is feeling all right again. Good luck with the moving.
    Love Elzie

  2. Terry was in the hospital?! I must've missed a post. Oh no, I'll go back and look. Hope all goes well with the closing. xoxo

  3. I'm so glad Terry is home from the hospital and feeling better!!! Good luck with the move. I will be praying for you!!!

  4. So happy to hear that Terry is home! Woohoo! Glad he's feeling better. I hope this week's move goes off without a hitch. I can't wait to see the new place and watch you give it the Junk Chic Cottage touch!! Xo

  5. Grateful for Terry's restored health. Praying it continues!
    So what do you do for the homeless three days in between closing tomorrow and Friday?!

  6. That's such good news! Thanks for the update - happy moving.

  7. I’m so glad Terry is better! Hope moving goes smoothly!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  8. Good news. Hugs, Judy Clark

  9. Great news and good luck with the closings and the move. I can't wait to see it all!

  10. Such wonderful news Kris. I hope the move goes smoothly. Take care. xoxo

  11. Hey! slow and steady for Terry! As an olden RN myself, I do not want to see any back steps. And YOU too. Take it slow. I hope to go by your example in 6 months.
    Just stuff everything in the house and garage. You did not have a garage before, right? So a lot of things can go in there if you just be mindful about those choices.
    (I do not want the ants in the linens or books) I am praying for both of you.

  12. All hood news! Great news that Terry is home. Don't let him do much with the move! Fingers crossed that all goes well!

    1. Liz@ Home and Gardening With Liz

  13. Happy to hear the news about Terry!

  14. I am so thankful that Terry is better! I hope everything went well with your closing, too. You have a big week ahead of you! I am so excited for y'all because this sounds like a great move, and I'm sure you will make your new home darling!

  15. Great News..and Best of Wishes on the move. Take it easy as you can..both of you.

  16. Best wishes for a flawless move, Kris. I am so thankful that Terry is greatly improved. You will make your new home beautiful in your chic style!

  17. Thinking of you and Terry as you navigate this week! Hope all goes smoothly! Judy Clark

  18. YAY.... GOOD NEWS!!!! Continued prayers, Carla

  19. Very exciting! You were really prepared this time! So glad Terry is OK and hope he's on his way to a complete recovery. Looking forward to seeing your new JCC#4? or #5? Not sure now! Marilyn

  20. I am so happy Terry is home and doing okay. I hope the move isn't too stressful. I am so happy that you have found a sweet new home to love and are out of the condo. Hopefully, you will find peace and pure enjoyment in your new sweet cottage. I can't WAIT to see it!!!

    Much love to you during the move and for continued health for Terry and for YOU! xo xo xo xo Diana

  21. Kris, so happy that Terry is on the mend and home. Here's to a smooth move and can't wait to see all about it..xxoJudy

  22. I am glad to hear that Terry is out of the hospital and doing well. Good luck with the move and everything Kris.

  23. Sending you big hugs brave girl. Hold your sweet man tight. If I were there, I would gladly help you move stuff. Blessings to you and Terry. xoxo, Susie

  24. Hi Kris, Hoping all went well with your move and yall aren't too worn out and that Terry is still doing well. Look forward to hearing about it once yall recoup from everything.
    Blessings, Nellie

