Bedroom Wallpaper


Here is a video of the wallpaper hung up in the bedroom along with the new wainscoting.  I ventured into some color for the bedroom.  We love all the cottages we have stayed in by the lake and I wanted to bring a little of that into our bedroom decor.

It's bright, soft and pretty.  Terry did a great job hanging the wallpaper and wainscoting.

Gotta love a man that does not care about decor  theme and is very comfortable sleeping in my pretty lake bedroom decor.

The video will abruptly end.  It was a little too long for the post so it cut off the end of the video.  You will be able to see how the wallpaper turned out.

Promised counter tops coming in today to the counter top maker.  I hope they are right.  I am skeptical because we have heard this for the last three Thursday's.  Hoping they are correct and by next week we might have the counters in and the bathroom vanity done.

Have a great rest of the week.




  1. I am sooooo in love with your bedroom!!! I absolutley love the wallpaper and the wainscotting!!!! Such a beautiful room.....

